Short work weeks are always the best work weeks. Three day weekends definitely need to be a thing every week. Where can we sign up for that? This week has flown right on by. Today my mom is supposed to come over and we are going to hit up some of the local stores in my area and maybe do some lunch. Zoe is super excited to spend some time with Grandma.
Speaking of Zoe, she had a big day yesterday, it was her first day of gymnastics! I am so proud of her. She walked right into that class, introduced herself to the coaches and took a seat next to two girls she never met. When we signed up for the class, Zoe said she was afraid of the bars and wasn’t sure she was going to be able to do them. Girlfriend was hanging from them by her legs and said it was her favorite part. I think she will be fine!
We had gone to the library to take back her first set of books and get new ones. This time she picked out 12! I just quickly walked down two of the adult fiction aisles and happened to see Big Summer sitting there, so I scooped it up and hope to fit it in before it is due back. I have a zillion ebooks right now and some BOTM books sitting here. Yet here I am, grabbing even more.
Favorite Purchase: I found a Bogg Bag at a local store yesterday. I figured there was no way they would have them, since everyone is sold out and we just had one of the biggest beach/pool/lake weekends of the year. But there they were!!!! We hope to squeeze in a beach trip later this summer and I want to be prepared. I got the large pineapple one. They do ship, so if you are needing one…check them out! I know the small bags are online, and I think if you call them or message them, they will ship the large bags too.
This dress is on clearance for under $20 and has super cute details. I am always a big fan of puff sleeves.
Favorite Aldi Finds: I had some boring trips the last few weeks, but we did grab some new stuff this week! The purple shoes for Zoe were $3.99, the large ice cube trays were $2.99 each, and the giant tic tac toe was $5 or $6? I can’t remember. I was really excited to share dunkaroos with Zoe! They were just like I remember.
I also found this cheese! I am not sure what I am doing with it yet, but it sounded fun! Any suggestions, throw them my way! They also had a garlic and a bacon flavored version.
I also had a small Thrive haul. I needed more hemp seeds and Zoe and I crave those Plantain Chips. I like this particular brand because they don’t have any garbage oils in them. Canola, vegetable, soy bean….all that stuff is actually really bad for your health. You are better with olive, avocado or coconut oil. Of course when you eat out, you can’t control what oils they cook with. But at home, I try to stick to most products that don’t contain that crap. Zoe was a really big fan of the Mavericks pizza crackers, and the Simple Mills brand is a staple in our house. I like their farmhouse ceddar crackers better than the cheez its and such when you need a crunchy snack.
Favorite Workout: Heather always kills me in a good way, and this one was excellent. The perfect combo of strength and cardio supersets.
Favorite Funnies:
Linking up for Friday Favorites, have a great weekend!