Hey there! I thought I would do a little What’s Up Wednesday this month. Steph shared a really good post the other day about not having a lot to say, and our moods from all the shit we have survived through this past year. I felt it deep in my soul. I have started many posts on here, and abandoned them because I am like…what do I even have to say anymore? I have been living life Groundhog’s Day style for almost a year now. Lots of the same old same old. But blogging is one of my only adult interactions I have throughout the day, and my only creative outlet right now, so I cling to it like a life preserver.
What We are Eating – I have been on a kick to try new recipes again lately. I get stuck in food ruts pretty easily, I am just tired of cooking 3 meals a day forever and ever, you know?? Anyways, I have been really focusing on my nutrition lately, as it is a constant struggle for me. The effort it takes to keep it just right in order to lose weight is exhausting. No matter how much I work out and go hard in the mornings, it can all be undone with just a few bad food choices. The good news is that finally. FINALLY. I am seeing the scale move again.
This week we have had some fun new additions. We tried a taco casserole on Sunday. I made a chicken fajita pan meal Monday night, secret sauce kielbasa for lunch yesterday and coconut chicken tenders for dinner last night. The secret sauce kielbasa is an oldie but goodie, everything else was new recipes. We liked all of them and will be adding them in to the rotation.
I usually do acai bowls for breakfast, but switched it up Monday with this oatmeal from Purely Elizabeth. It was really good, and I loved the addition of the nut butter it came with.
What We’ve Been Up To – Honestly, much of the same. Work has been insane the last two weeks. So many new jobs came in, and I am thankful for them…but damn! Last night we had virtual book club, and I listened to everyone while I worked and contributed none.
What has been bringing my spirits up, is the amazing weather we had this weekend and early this week. Today the high is 72. What?! So we did manage to sneak in some walks outside yesterday, and I hope to get some outside play in today too. Maybe I will even make a batch of chalk paint for Zoe. One of our favorite past times last spring/summer.
What I’m Loving – Target has 20% off on dresses right now. While I don’t always have luck with the fit/quality of some of their items…I am tempted to pick up a few dresses during the sale. I basically live in dresses from March – October.
I really like this short sleeve dress from Wild Fable, and this tank dress that is similar style to my favorite from A New Day last year. I also like the look of this tiered dress.
I am still really loving these sandals from Walmart. Really comfortable and supportive for my bad foot.
I also have my eye on this top. I ordered a tshirt from the Free Assembly line, and it is high quality for the price. I was pleasantly surprised.
What I’m Reminiscing About – Basically just life pre-covid. A memory from February 23, 2020 popped up on my phone last night, it was of Zoe eating pancakes at Metro Diner. I thought to myself…that was the last time we had gone out for breakfast there before all this happened.
What I’m Doing This Weekend – Probably working in the mornings for sure. Hopefully hopping into another good book too! I am reading Just Last Night by Mhairi McFarlane right now, and it is so good! It is an ARC copy, the book comes out in May.

What I Am Excited About – I am excited for the nicer weather and Easter. I have been decorating around the house for Spring/Easter already. Excited to see the pops of pastel. Hopefully we can do some fun outdoor activities soon.
What I Am Listening To – I have been listening to a little of an audiobook on the treadmill this last week. My library was offering a virtual book club and immediate download of Love Lettering. I missed the discussion since it is during my working hours, but I have enjoyed the book so far.

What I Am Watching – We have been catching up on The Resident this week. Wow, what a ride!

What I Am Working On – I signed up for an Instagram class that is actually happening this morning. I am hoping I can tune in for a bit and see if I learn anything. One of my local friends is hosting through a local non-profit.
I have also been working on things around the house. I ordered a shelf for the master bathroom that will hopefully be here in the next week. I am going to hang it over our bathtub and put some products on it and a few decor items. I really liked the look of it, and it was on sale for a great price! I had seen a similar one at Target for $104. So I feel like I got a really good deal.
I hope you all are doing well. Let me know what you are up to. What you are loving lately.