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I normally have a new book post started the minute after I publish the last one, and keep up with it through the month with each book I read. There was none of that prepping this month and I am relying strictly on memory. Scary!!! Linking up with Steph and Jana, let’s do this!

November 9 by Colleen Hoover

November 9

This is my first read from Colleen Hoover, and I have to say, I am a fan. I really liked the whole premise of the book, with Ben and Fallon meeting on the same day every year. There were a few times I wanted to scream out NOOOOO and there were a few cringe-worthy lines that Ben said to Fallon when they were intimate that made me roll my eyes. But overall, I really enjoyed this book and can’t wait to dig in to another of hers!

Bottom Line: Read it! The premise was great, there is a plot twist that I didn’t quite see coming.

Make Me Bad by RS Grey

Make Me Bad

You guys know, I am a huge RS Grey fan. This is your typical good girl wants to bad guy book, and completely predictable. But I laughed out loud multiple times and just really love RS Grey’s writing. I will say, I liked some of her earlier books more than this one….but I still couldn’t put this one down. I really liked Madison and Ben, and even some of the side characters in this one. Usually her books are focused more on the main two, but we get to know Andy (Ben’s best friend) and a few others a little more. So for me, that is a good read. If you are in to romantic comedy, check her out!

**Thanks RS Grey for an ARC copy!!!**

Bottom Line: Fun romcom, cute read!

How to Hack a Heartbreak by Kristin Rockaway

How to Hack a Heartbreak

This book!!!! I absolutely adored this book. I read it in like two sittings, which says a lot for me these days! Mel is a girl who works in the tech world, and it is definitely “the boys club” at her company. I mean…how many of us have been there??? I don’t think I have ever worked somewhere that it wasn’t “boys club.” And she is also fed up with her co-workers and the online dating world, so she develops an app to expose the gross pervs and cheaters that are flooding the swipe right world. Her co-workers have no clue how talented she is, because she is stuck at the help desk. I loved Mel’s character and the whole story line. I definitely laughed several times throughout this book, and found the characters totally relateable.

Bottom Line: Totally cute romcom with a bad-ass female lead, read it!

** I received a copy of How to Hack a Heartbreak from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.**

My Own Miraculous by Joshilyn Jackson

My Own Miraculous

This is a prequel to Someone Else’s Love story. I don’t think that I have ever read a prequel before. I really loved Someone Else’s Love Story and Shandi and Walcott, so I loved getting to see more of them. This book was focused around Shandi’s son Natty, who Shandi realizes isn’t a “normal kid.” Shandi sort of discovers her place a mother in this book, and it was really fun to see. If you are a Joshilyn Jackson fan, definitely check this one out. It is a short read, maybe about two hours, but it had a lot of depth!

Bottom Line: If you have read Someone Else’s Love Story, or are a fan of Joshilyn Jackson, read it!

The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory

The Wedding Date

I liked this one! I thought that the relationship between Alexa and Drew was totally realistic as they went from fake date through to a real relationship. The issues that they had with long distance, commitment, race, circumstances, etc were all relateable. I really liked the side stories between Alexa and her sister, and the conversations between Drew and his friend Carlos. Also, we get a lot of depth in Alexa and Drew characters through their commitments to their careers. I really enjoyed reading about Alexa’s community involvement. I would certainly pick up another book from this author!

Bottom Line: I really liked this one, it has a little more depth to it than your usual romcom, I couldn’t decide if it was a romcom or chick-lit.

Roomies by Christina Lauren


This is my first book by this author, and I know I have several more on my TBR. This was a super fun read that had me laughing out loud many times. I am rating this book high, but I had a few issues with how quickly things get fleshed out with immigration and how other issues are glossed over. Like, if I were pushed off a platform at the subway, I sure as shit wouldn’t be hopping right back on it again! I like how we aren’t sure if Calvin is playing Holland or not, it made for a more interesting read. I loved Holland’s uncles, and that we get some depth to their characters also. One of the things I really appreciated, was the side plot between Holland and her BFF. It was totally relateable to me, because in my twenties….my BFF did a complete 180 and we had a falling out. It was completely realistic and relatable to me.

Bottom Line: Fun read!!

Currently Reading:

Royally Screwed by Emma Chase

Royally Screwed (Royally, #1)

Friday Favorites – Loving Lately

This week has completely gotten away from me! I had every intention of linking up with Kristen yesterday for a good old currently post, and that so did not go down. Work has been crazy busy, which in commercial real estate, that can only be a good thing. And while I am not at work, keeping up with a toddler and getting stuff down around the house makes me realize there simply just aren’t enough hours in the day!

Anyways, I just finished reading Make Me Bad by R.S. Grey and a few other books this month and can’t wait to link up Tuesday and share all the goodness. Today, I wanted to share a few new things that I am lovely lately and absolutely recommend.

Chirp – I have been a member/subscriber of Book Bub for years. Super discounted and free books? SIGN ME UP! Well, a month or so ago, they emailed me to tell me about Chirp. Basically it is the same thing, only for audiobooks!!! I have downloaded several really great audio books for $1.99 – $3.99. A really good deal for audio books, if you ask me!

Ninja Coffee Bar Glass Carafe Coffee System (CF091)

Ninja Coffee Bar – I know I have talked about it before when we purchased it, but the Ninja Coffee Bar has been a game changer in our house. Buying freshly ground beans and having different types of barista style coffees in our own home has been amazing! We have this kitchenaid coffee grinder that we purchased the same day and love it!

AK KYC 2 Pack Car Pocket Organizer Seat Side Drop Caddy Catcher Gap Filler Premium PU Full Leather Seat Console Organizer Interior Accessories - Black Color

Car Seat Pockets – I can not tell you the number of times Chris and I have lost our phones in my car. And not just my phone, change, food, debit card, pens. Everything falls through the cracks between the front seat and console. I don’t know why I waited so long to purchase these, they are amazing! A 2-pack for under $15 that makes life easier? SOLD!!!!

it's a 10 Miracle Leave-In product 10 oz

It’s a 10 Miracle Leave-In – Lindsay and several other people have mentioned this stuff, and my hair has been total garbage lately. I have got to take better care of it! I instantly noticed a difference after buying this! Good bye bad hair days!

What have you been loving lately??


Weekend Shenanigans

Heading into the last week of February at 100 MPH! I swear January lasted a good three months, but this month was about a week. And here I am Tuesday *hopefully* getting my weekend post up!

We had so much fun this weekend! Laura and her crew came over Saturday and we celebrated Mardi Gras with hurricanes and sugar cookies. And lots and lots of BBQ.

Sunday morning, we headed out to the grocery store early. When we got home and were feeding Zoe lunch, Chris’s parents called to say they were on the way to see her. They stayed over for awhile, and we decided to take Zoe’s new kite for a spin since it was the first day it wasn’t raining in FOREVER. Unfortunately, the minute we got it up and flying…the wind stopped! We still had a good time.

Zoe loves trying my shoes on when I am getting ready. She walks in them better than I do!

Zoe never got her nap in, because shortly after they left…we were off again to meet up with my mom and sister at Logan’s for an early dinner. The oldest niece and youngest nephew came…so it was good to see all of them. Zoe thoroughly enjoyed their rolls and her fries and decided to bring her burger home for later. Good family time!

It is always heartbreaking when we part ways, Zoe cries for my sister every single time.

And just like that, our weekend was coming to an end! We had lots of good food, got to see lots of our favorite people, and finally enjoyed a little sun!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!


Long Weekend Shenanigans

I cant remember the last time I was off for President’s Day. I don’t think I ever have been! What a nice long weekend to hold me over until Good Friday. As the president of my company says, we celebrate MLK, the presidents and Jesus. Amen!

Zoe’s daycare was open yesterday, so we dropped her off so she could see her friends. She wasn’t sad to see me go and basically pushed me out the door when she realized her bestie was already there. So Chris and I made a day of it! We skipped breakfast and ran some errands, then headed over to 5 Points Public House for some delicious cheese curds and spring rolls…and of course I settled on the burger and fries as my main course.

We hit up Best Buy, World Market, Nordstrom Rack, Bargain Hunt and two thrift stores while we were out as well. Then we headed back and picked Zoe up early from school. It was such a fun day!!! And the weather was absolutely gorgeous!!! I thought it was supposed to rain all day, but turns out that starts today instead. For the unforeseeable future. Gross. I am so sick of the rain this year!

Backing up the weekend, Saturday we hung around the house in the morning and played. I created this dig box for Zoe with some Kinetic sand and animals. It was so much fun!

When Zoe woke up from her nap, we headed over to Homewood for some snacks from SOHO Social. My favorite!!! And for dinner we picked up some BBQ from R&R BBQ, which I think is our new favorite BBQ. We have another place close to our house that is pretty amazing too. So much delicious BBQ to chose from!

Sunday, Zoe and I knocked out our grocery shopping early. After her nap, we went out in the rain to Best Buy for the Ninja Coffee Bar. You guys, we made the best coffee I have ever had in my life with this thing!!! SO GOOD!!!!! Of course, now we are spoiled and I am side eyeing my Keurig like….do we really still need you??? Starbucks? Total garbage. Starbucks who? LOL

I totally participated in the Show Us Your Books readathon this weekend!!! I finished one audiobook (The Wedding Date) started another (November 9) and read an entire ebook(How to Hack a Heartbreak) and won one of the prizes!!! Shout out to Steph and Jana for being awesome hosts!!! By the way, How to Hack a Heartbreak is on Netgalley right now and is super super cute!!!!!

And in other scenes from the weekend….


Friday Favorites

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine’s Day! I don’t really care much about the holiday, to be honest. Of course, I am behind anything pink and glittery and full of hearts. But also, its sort of a lame holiday. It was the first holiday Chris and I ever celebrated together, and so that makes it a little more special for me. We always keep it low key and get each other cards, and I make homemade lasagna. But when you have a toddler, every holiday is an excuse to do something special to see the joy in their eyes!!!

Zoe had a party at school yesterday. She took time to pick out Vamparina cards for her friends, and we got some heart bracelets, bubble wands and a little treat (fruit snacks and rice crispy treats) and placed them all in heart bags. When we got home last night, Chris surprised her with a balloon, and we had each gotten her a little present. She looked so cute in her little heart dress and jean jacket yesterday too!

Favorite Moments: Zoe is doing really well at school. She seems to have hit a growth spurt lately, both physically and developmentally. She has become a great help to her teachers, always scoring high on her listening skills and helping them pick up the classroom. She hasn’t been fighting her naps as hard as she used to, and she mostly follows instructions now. Well, selectively. LOL! One of her teachers was walking out to the car with us this week, and was updating me on all that. And then she was like, I just love Zoe. She cracks me up every single day and she really is a joy to have in class. And then she hugs me and says, I love you too! It is so nice to know that this is who Zoe is with when I can’t be there.

Favorite Purchase: You guys!!!! I bought this make-up brush cleanser last week and it is a miracle worker!! It was so quick and easy to use, I just sat on the edge of the bathtub with it all one night when Zoe was playing…and cleaned every single brush of mine. They all look brand new, and some of them are 10+ years old. It says it kills like 99% of bacteria, so I am hoping that will help contribute to clearing up my skin. It has a little bit of a vanilla smell and chemicals when you use it…and then all your brushes dry basically instantly, and have the slightest hint of vanilla scent to them after.

Makeup Brush Cleaner Pro Starter Kit, 8 fl oz (with tin)

Favorite Funnies:

Sing it and it's funnier!!!!

May your htop stats be low and your beard grow long

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!! Linking up with Amanda.