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Shenanigans on a Wednesday

Sometimes you don’t have your life together for a Monday post, it happens! It has been a crazy week at work. Every time someone comes up to my desk, it is for a new project for me to work on. I love the pace and all that work just means job security and great things for my company, so bring it! Still though, I am worn the slap out at the end of the day when I finally arrive home and have to go through the nightly routine of cooking for Zoe, having a quick playtime, getting her bathed and clothed and ready for bed….then cooking our dinner and eating and doing dishes and trying to wind down for the day.

This past weekend was wonderful. I kicked it off Friday, trying out a new to be place for breakfast, Great Harvest Bread Company. I had the most delicious blueberry cream cheese scone and toffee latte!!!

I decided to take myself to lunch on a nice walk to Ono Poke for a Spicy Tuna Crunch Bowl at lunch. It was DELICIOUS!!!!

Saturday, Chris had plans to go to a LAN party at my BIL’s house to beta test a new video game that comes out in March. My mom called me last minute and asked me if I could meet for lunch, YES!!! Zoe and I met up with her and we did some shopping, ate a delicious lunch at Jim n’ Nicks and even took Zoe to get an American Cookie Company cookie. We had so much fun!!! Zoe was really sad when it was time to part ways, she cried “My Grandma!!!!!” the entire way home. It makes me so happy to see her so excited about her family though. Burgers and cookies make her happy too!

Sunday we did our grocery shopping, and after Zoe’s nap we headed over to Bargain Hunt and grabbed large diet cokes from Sonic for the drive home. I scored a major deal at Bargain Hunt on some shoes!!!! I got the black pair for $2 and the pink for $3. Brand new, never worn, tag still on shoes from earlier in the season from Target and JC Penney. SCORE!

In other news, I was sad to get a text from my dad on Saturday saying that America passed away.My sister and I got America for my dad for a fathers day present 11 years ago. She was a sweet sweet girl and we found out a few months ago she had a tumor and it took her a bit too soon. RIP sweet Miss America!



Book Day!!! Linking up with Steph and Jana.

How to Walk Away by Katherine Center

How to Walk Away

I absolutely loved everything about this book! I loved the cast of characters, the plot, and was just a very realistic book. Not everything was perfect, and you didn’t get everything wrapped up in a shiny bow in the end. I laughed more times than I thought I would, had tears a few times…basically all the feels. I am off to request everything else by this author.

Bottom Line: Read it!

Little Fires Everywhere by Celest NG

Little Fires Everywhere

I really enjoyed this book, even more than the last one I read of hers. There was a lot of depth to the story line, and I found myself having a hard time putting it down. It made me think of what I would do in these certain situations. At times the book was heartbreaking, and you just didn’t know who you wanted to pull for.

Bottom Line: Read it!

China Rich Girlfriend by Kevin Kwan

China Rich Girlfriend (Crazy Rich Asians, #2)

I really enjoyed Crazy Rich Asians, and couldn’t wait for the second book! This one focused on several different story lines, instead of having the main story line of just Rachel and Nick with little side stories. I enjoyed that more, but I think I liked the first book better overall. The whole culture is just super interesting to me, and I plan to read the next one and I want to watch the movie.

Bottom Line: Read it if you are in to this series.

Currently Reading:

The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory

The Wedding Date



Last Monday, I walked into my boss’s office and she says, “Did you have a good weekend?” And I said, “Yeah, it just went by too fast!” And she was staring at my face and says, “You look so well rested!!!!” Ummm what??? No one has ever said that to me. Ever. I suffer from chronic dark circles under my eyes, and as of late, I am a full time working mother in my 30s. There is no rest here. I said, “Huh, must be my new skincare?”

Skincare is something that is ever evolving for me. As soon as I figure out the perfect regime, my skin decides to freak out and need a change. Ever since high school, I have made it a mission to wash my face every night. Sure, some nights it might have been a makeup wipe and done…but that makeup came off! I still have that rule today. No matter how tired or sick or busy I am, I always have a few minutes to at least wash my face.

Image result for skincare meme

Over the past few years, I had a running list of pretty good staples that I used routinely and everything was just fine. For whatever reason, my skin started breaking out terribly a few months ago and still hasn’t cleared up. It’s a little painful, and just down right embarrassing. I am 35 years old, why is my skin breaking out like a teenager! Its not just one single area either, it is a bit all over. I decided to completely re-haul my skincare last month, as I have had enough!!!

I also wanted to get better about preventive products, since I do have some fine lines around my eyes and a WTF crease between my brows. Pretty much unavoidable, you know? I wanted products that actually work, and don’t cost a ridiculous amount of money. I just hate dropping mega bucks on a product that claims to make you look 10 years younger and get rid of those dark circles and blah blah blah….only to realize it doesn’t do a darn thing.

In the mornings this is my current routine:

  1. Corsx Low PH Good Morning Cleanser
  2. Klairs Supple Preparation Toner
  3. The Ordinary “Buffet”
  4. The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1 %
  5. The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% +B5
  6. Olay Total Effects Fragrance Free Anti-Aging Moisturizer

In the evenings I have a few different products, and a few of the same:

  1. Cerave Hydrating Face Cleanser
  2. Klairs Supple Preparation Toner
  3. The Ordinary “Buffet”
  4. The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1 %
  5. The Ordinary Granactive Retinoid 2% Emulsion
  6. The Ordinary 100% Organic Cold-Pressed Rose Hip Seed Oil
  7. Cerave PM Face Moisturizer

I took out my eye cream, and haven’t noticed a single difference. Clearly it wasn’t all that great. I may add one back in, but for right now…I just want to focus on getting my skin cleared up and taking care to prevent any more aging.

I have been using these products for a month without any new issues. Is my skin clear? No. But I strongly believe that it takes several months for you to really know what is working. I will be checking back in and give you before and after pictures then….if it works!

What are you using currently?



I haven’t had a chance to do a Friday favorites post in awhile. I really loved spending a few minutes thinking about all the happy things in my every day life when I shared favorite moments…and I want to get back to those.

Like the fact that Zoe has started potty training!!! I am so not ready for this, but apparently she is. When we came back to school from Christmas break, they had a note on her sheet to bring in pull ups, that they had already started potty training with her. I was like ummmm what?!?!?! I have to be honest, I haven’t been the best with it at home on the weekends. But we had a rough morning last Sunday. I had taken her to the store by myself and she had a huge meltdown over something ridiculous in the store. And I was that mom with the screaming kid that everyone was looking at. When we got home, I was just worn down and ready for her nap time, but I had to get her lunch ready first. All of a sudden, she comes running up to me and says, “Mommy I have to potty!!!” And she takes off to the bathroom. Now, I had put her in there a few times before and nothing happened. I was a little irritated because I thought this was just delaying lunch and nap time even more. But she told me to “go away” as she always does, so I was out in the hallway and she comes out and says “All done!!!” I go in there, and she had gone!!!!! She went again this past weekend too, and has been coming home with 2-3 times circled on her sheet at daycare this week.

I suppose it is time for potty boot camp weekend? I dont know. Why do they grow up so fast??? I am so ready to not have to buy diapers all the time, but also, so sad that my little baby is so not a baby anymore.

When I was at Target picking up a few weekend essentials, I came across some macarons in their bakery department, and this gnocchi in the frozen aisle!!! These are two things that we have to travel 45 minutes to Trader Joe’s for that I can now get on a regular basis locally. So excited!

I spent about an hour pinning air fryer recipes this weekend, since we finally pulled the trigger on this one!!!! If you have any great recipes, send them my way!

I have been trying to do more fun, healthy snacks at home. I do fine for lunch and dinner, but weekends are out of control…and so is snacking. And it is so hard to find an easy breakfast that isn’t a million WW points. I hate eggs, and that is really the only zero point easy thing. I found some smoothie bowls that I want to try. And how amazing do these look?

I met up with a friend last Friday for lunch at Pizitz. I wanted a poke bowl, but she was excited about Busy Corner Cheese & Provisions, and I decided I didn’t want food envy and followed her. I had the Vermonter which was Cabot clothbound cheese with granny smith apples on toasted sourdough and a cup of tomato soup. SOOOOO GOOOD!!!!

Plus, it is always good for the soul to lunch with a great friend! It had been a month since our last lunch, and we really have to get better about being more regular!

What have you been up to?


Weekend Shenanigans

Tuesday we had a chance of snow, that never happened. But it stayed cold. (Funny, because all of the schools shut down and most businesses too. Even my office decided to close late Monday. I bet they wish they could take it back! Free off day!!! ) Then all of a sudden it was in the 60’s again! So we decided to make the most of it this weekend!

We took Zoe to the Galleria, a mall about 45 minutes away that has a Carousel in the middle of it. She was so excited when we could start to see it in the distance, and she took her time picking out the perfect horse. When it started to go, she was a little unsure and was gripping the pole so hard her fingers turned white. But then she was smiling and having the best time saying “Again! Again” when our turn was over.

Pure Bliss.

We walked down the hall to Build a Bear for another fun surprise. She had a hard time deciding which bear to chose. She started with a unicorn, then a troll, then my little pony, then back to a unicorn and a troll and then a paw patrol dog…and somehow we ended up with pink sparkly barbie bear. I made her stay firm in that decision because while we were looking, more and more people were filing into the store and then there was a birthday party going on. We ended up waiting for about 45 minutes to actually build her bear. But it was worth it to see her so excited to pick out her heart, and take her bear to the bath and chose an outfit. She went with an Anna dress, obviously. Chris decided to do a Yoshi too to add to our ever growing basement game collection.

After that, we were all hungry and headed over to Firebirds for some delicious eats. We started off with some lobster queso, which was ah-mazing!!!!! Zoe ordered the chicken fingers and I landed on the Durango burger. Everything was so good!!! Zoe loves eating out and is always on her best behavior.

When we got home, there was still plenty of daylight left, so we headed outside for some bubbles, sidewalk chalk and walks! Zoe living her best life!

My sister and nephew came grocery shopping with us Sunday morning. Zoe absolutely adores both of them and is constantly asking about them through the week. Cooper plays really well with her, even though he is six years older. I think him being the youngest of four, with the next oldest in his family five years above him….he understands how you can feel left out a little bit. He is always so sweet with Zoe and never hesitates to play with “baby toys”. He is always bringing her his old books and stuff to keep too.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Linking up with Biana.