It feels so good to be back to some normal routines, Friday Favorites included. This week has been a little hectic starting a new job and adjusting to working different hours than I was working before. Things are going good with the new gig. It feels weird starting a new job. I feel like the new kid at school, trying to figure out a good “work style” wardrobe, and where I am going to sit at lunch. I was invited to sit at “the cool kids” table at our Thanksgiving lunch yesterday….and for our monthly staff meeting on Wednesday. So that has to be a good thing, right? Apparently, monthly catered lunches for the whole company is a regular thing. How awesome is that?? Everyone has been so nice and welcoming.
Favorite Moments: Yesterday morning, I opened the door to let Mac out and was shocked to see snow covering our deck, with more falling!!! It was like a winter wonderland driving into work from the north side of town. Once I got into town, there was hardly anything. But still! Snow in Alabama in November is a rare, rare thing!
There is an Edgar’s Bakery in my building. Let’s just say I have eaten there three times this week. It is so delicious and so convenient!
Last Friday, I asked Laura if she wanted to meet for lunch. I hadn’t seen her since the weekend before I was let go from my job. It had been far too long, and we had something to celebrate!! Off to mo:mo: for this deliciousness!!! A fried potato on a stick with ranch? Yes, please!!!!
And since I have been gone awhile, I wanted to share a recent photo of Zoe for those of you who may not follow me on Instagram. She was Vamparina for Halloween and looked so cute! Girlfriend is full on toddler now. Seems like she is learning a new word every single day. Her personality is HUGE. She cracks me up. She has this little skip and wiggle that she does all the time when she gets excited. Her teachers named her little dance “The Zoe Dance” and has the whole class doing it now. She is going to be two in just a few weeks. I can’t even discuss it right now. I am in denial and maybe that is why I haven’t ordered party invitations yet. Need to get on that!
Favorite Purchases: Because my new work environment is a lot more professional than my old one, I basically needed a whole new work wardrobe. At my last job I could wear jeans and leggings. Here, not so much. When I was extended the offer last Thursday evening, knowing they wanted me to start Monday, I was like OMG I NEED NEW CLOTHES!!!! So Friday and Saturday I shopped til I dropped. Here are a few of my favorite pieces I picked up.
I grabbed this tweed jacket from Ann Taylor. It is actually more of a sweater material than true jacket, so I really liked that! YOu can’t really tell in this picture, but it has a sparkly sheen to it with some of the silver flecks throughout the jacket. I got so many compliments on this the day I wore it! It is on sale for 40% off, so holla!!!!
I also got these pants in black and navy. They are so comfortable, and a little thicker for winter. Perfect, since I now have to walk a block to my car.
This leopard dress is so flattering on!!! I absolutely love the muted, fun print. I plan to pair this with a black jacket or tailored sweater for the really cold days.
This textured open front cardigan is so perfect for dresses and nicer outfits. It has the look of being tailored like a jack, but the comfort of a sweater. Great price since Kohl’s is always running coupons and sales.
This boyfriend blazer is also from Kohls. I love the length of this one for all the longer shirts I can wear underneath.
Favorite Funnies:
Linking up with Amanda. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
I have crossed the horizon to find you I know your name They have stolen the heart from inside you But this does not define you This is not who you are You know who you are
Zoe has an addictive personality. When she finds a movie she likes, she’s ride or die with it. First it was Secret Life of Pets. I cannot tell you how many times I have watched “Pets.” When I hear Welcome to New York from Swifty, my eyes twitch a little. Well, right around the time I disappeared from this space, she became obsessed with Moana. And honestly you guys, this movie is the exact thing I needed.
Those words above are the lyrics to the song I Know Your Name. Moana sings them towards the end of the movie when we discover who Te Fiti is. You guys, it is me. I was that angry lava monster who lost who she was. When I watched that scene for the first time I bawled. Reality came crashing down on me so hard.
So let me back up and tell you what happened. On September 24th, my boss emailed me at 2:15 pm asking if we could talk at 2:30. I had a sinking feeling when I saw that email. One of the guys I worked with had just given a two week notice. I walked in there and sat down thinking we were going to go over my performance review. He started with, “I have some bad news.” And proceeded to tell me how I was great and this had nothing to do with my performance, but that the company is cutting budgets where it can and my position was being eliminated. That he had been sitting on that knowledge for two weeks fighting to keep me, but he lost out in the partner vote in the end. Everyone else in my position had been let go or moved on, and now it was my turn.
I sat there in complete disbelief for a moment. I have worked to some capacity since I was 16 years old. I have always been nothing but an excellent employee that people are sorry to see go when I move on to something else. I work hard and I give it my all. How was this happening to me???? After our little chat, I walked back out to my desk and completed what I was doing….because that is who I am. I couldn’t leave something unfinished. I packed up my desk, and walked out of there. Pulled into the alley away from that building, and cried and cried.
That first week was dark. I was dark. I cannot tell you how many times I broke down. How worthless I felt. I actually called myself a worthless piece of shit to my husband and my best friend. Of course, both of them were quick to tell me that I cannot talk about myself like that. But it was how I felt. It was crippling.
Then I sat down and watched Moana one night after Zoe got out of school. I saw that scene I shared above and it all clicked into place. I let that job eat at my soul for so long, it crushed me from the inside. I lost my inner spark, the whole core of me. I cared too much about stupid shit. If Zoe got sick, I would worry who would be upset that I wasn’t there in the office, even though I was working my ass off from home and getting everything done just the same. I was always worrying about hurting other peoples feelings and molding myself to someone’s needs or personality. I hated what I did for so long, I let that unhappiness drive my life.
I normally don’t get very religious or spiritual around these parts, but I was ignoring God and all the signs he was throwing at me. I had several signs that I needed to change my ways. I think this was his way of slapping me in the face and saying “wake up Nadine!!!! This isn’t my plan for you, you have gotten so far off path!” He had to do something drastic for me to listen. Once I realized that my faith was completely gone and I gave it back, I had immediate peace about the whole situation. My dark, depressive state was immediately lifted. Chris made a comment about how he saw things in me that he hasn’t seen in years coming back. I was unemployed, but I was happy. I was so damn happy.
Don’t get me wrong, it is stressful applying for jobs every day. Doing phone interviews, going in person, trying to sell yourself and act excited about anything that comes your way. You guys, I don’t even know how many phone and in person interviews I have had the last seven weeks. Finding a new job is a full time job. I was rejected over and over again. I was going after jobs for way less than I was making. I was going for jobs I was way over qualified for. I had a few interviews for jobs that were a step up. The rejections hurt, but I just had peace about it all. Something was going to happen, and it was out of my control. I just had to keep trying and doing what I was doing.
Last week, a lead I had been working with that I hadn’t heard from in awhile emailed me asking me to fill out an application online and complete a background form. It was with a company that I worked with indirectly at my last job and they are in the same building. If I took it, I would literally be sharing a cube wall with my old co-workers. The job is an incredible opportunity and a step up from where I was. More money, and I would be working along side someone I became friends with sharing a cube wall with her for four years. But it is also in an industry that I don’t care much about, or know much about. I almost feel like it might be a little over my head and I would be super overwhelmed at first. And then there is this…
I had several interviews last week. It was actually a pretty crazy week. Add in the fact that Zoe got sick and was home from school for two days as well. My sweet MIL watched her on Wednesday for me so I could go to an interview. Then Thursday I had another interview, and when I was in that one (for two hours) I had my phone shut off. When I turned it back on I had a text that I had some good news and to return the phone call. I was offered the job I had interviewed for on Wednesday!!!!
This is a job doing something very similar to what I used to do a long time ago. It was a job I truly enjoyed and looking back over my career, leaving that company was a mistake. There were things I didn’t like about the job, but it was all personal to do with a few people that worked there and nothing about the job itself. This takes all of what I did there and elevates it a little. It is with an amazing company that is affiliated with an international and very well known company in my industry around the world. It is less money that the other offer I know I have coming in, but I am trying to take all that I learned in the seven weeks that I was off and really try to make a decision based on where I think I will be happiest.
I accepted that job Friday morning, and they were like…so can you start Monday at 10:00am?! Ummmm sure?! OMG!
I slept for maybe 2 hours on Thursday night trying to mull over the decision of which to choose. I again worried about upsetting someone. This other company knows me and I am friends with someone there. They think they have me even though I haven’t received an official offer yet. But this other company knew immediately that they wanted me. They didn’t waste anytime offering me the job. It is something I actually enjoy doing!!!! OMG WHAT DO I DO??????? I needed a sign. I had talked to my sister Thursday after I got the offer and she said, “Your sign will come. Maybe it wont be obvious. Or maybe it will come in a dream. But it will come.” And immediately when she said dream I screamed, OMG IT ALREADY CAME! I had a dream Wednesday night that I had a job offer for the exact amount this company offered me. I said…..but it wasn’t specific that it was for that company. And my sister said, “Umm Nadine, that was your damn sign. Quit ignoring this!” I had also talked to Chris, Laura and Lindsay about my situation. The general consensus was to go with the job for less money where I think I would be happier.
It is funny, really. Here I was, praying for anything for seven weeks. And then all of a sudden this week, I get things thrown at me all at once. And a decision to make. And I am going to be real with you guys, being decisive is not my strong suit. I can barely chose where to go to lunch, yet alone a life changing decision like this!!!!! God had one more lesson for me.
In the end, deep down in my heart, I think I knew that this opportunity to go with the type of job that I know I would enjoy more was the right choice. But it is hard to pass up a lot more money and the knowledge that I already have a friend there, and know the culture of that group and what to expect. But I want to be happy. I spend 40+ hours a week at work. I leave my child in the hands of other people for my work. I need to make it worth it!!!
I want to take a moment to thank everyone who reached out to me wondering where I went. I was honest and real with all of you who asked. I took my blog down because I didn’t want employers googling me and using it against me in any way. I am not really professional in this space, it is my fun time. I say what is on my mind and I cuss sometimes.
I want to thank my family for being so supportive and positive. Chris has been SOOOOO incredible this whole time. Constantly trying to lift me up, saying what I need to hear, and not putting pressure on me to settle for just any old thing that came my way.
And Laura. You dealt with me in my darkest days. You dealt with all my self doubt and complaints. I could not be more thankful for our friendship!!! And Lindsay too! Your were texting me on the regular checking in with me and being encouraging.
If you are still reading this, sorry for the novel! I wanted to share where I went and about my experience. There are so many of you that I know are sitting in a job that is sucking your soul right out of you. And I want you to know that there is something better out there for you. Hang in there because you are awesome. And YOU are number one. You have to take care of yourself, stop worrying about hurting feelings in the work place, because in the end, even your loyalty cant really save you. You have to make decisions based on what is best for you, everyone else is doing it, and you deserve the best.
Guess who’s back, back again. Shady’s back, tell a friend.
What better way than to come back than on book day with Steph and Jana!!!! I have had this book post going for two months, so there is a lot of material here. I read lots of good books!!! I thought about splitting this into two posts, but I think you can handle it. As always, the blurb about the book is in bold and my thoughts below. I will be back tomorrow to talk about where I have been the last several weeks.
In 1979, Daisy Jones and The Six split up. Together, they had redefined the 70’s music scene, creating an iconic sound that rocked the world. Apart, they baffled a world that had hung on their every verse.This book is an attempt to piece together a clear portrait of the band’s rise to fame and their abrupt and infamous split.
I have so many feelings about this book! I devoured this book, as I do with all TJR books. She can do no wrong, really. This book was so different, in that it read like a VH1 Behind the Music special. It read like an interview between the different band members, and I just loved that! It is a question-less interview, which makes it much easier to read. You get a few surprises in the end that you don’t really see coming. TJR wrote this so well, that you feel like you grew up with this band and know all the members and their songs. I cant even say anymore about it, I just want you to read it!!!
Bottom Line: Read it!!!!!
**I received a copy of Daisy Jones and The Six from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are of my own.**
This is the third book in the series, so I dont want to share any of the blurb about it…it will spoil some things if you haven’t read the first two. While I love Elin Hilderbrand and this series, I felt like this book was a little rushed. Things came together pretty quickly and problems were easily solved. Even so, I just love these characters and this book made me smile.
This is the last book in the series. I absolutely loved how some of the characters from The Rumor made their way into this story. You don’t have to read The Rumor to enjoy this book though. I do feel like it would help you know these characters better, as this takes place after the events in The Rumor. And if you planned to read that book, definitely read it first as there are spoilers to what happened in this one.
Bottom Line: I just loved this series, perfect Christmas reading!
When Delaney Shaw returned home to Truly, Idaho, for the reading of her stepfather’s will, she planned on paying her respects and getting out of town. But it seems the will has some unexpected stipulations-like the one that says if Delaney wants her inheritance she needs to stay put and have nothing to do with sexy Nick Allegrezza. . .for an entire year!
This was written in the 90’s, and I appreciated that. It was a quick and fun read. There were a few LOL moments and I love the tension and the love/hate going on between DeLaney and Nick. It is hot hot hot. If you enjoy this genre, you would probably like this book.
Bottom Line: This was a fun little read if you like the romance genre.
Born in Alabama, Paula Vauss spent the first decade of her life on the road with her free-spirited young mother, Kai, an itinerant storyteller who blended Hindu mythology with Southern Oral Tradition to re-invent their history as they roved. Kai ended up in prison, and Paula has reincarnated herself as a tough-as-nails divorce attorney with a successful practice in Atlanta. While she hasn’t seen Kai in fifteen years, she’s still making payments on that Karmic debt – until the day her last check is returned in the mail, along with a cryptic letter. “I am going on a journey, Kali. I am going back to my beginning; death is not the end. You will be the end. We will meet again, and there will be new stories. You know how Karma works.”
If you want messed up southern families, Joshilyn Jackson is your girl!!! I wasn’t sure how I felt about the book when I first got in to it, but about 10 to 15% in, and I was hooked. By the end of the book, I loved all the characters and their flaws. I loved the Hindu stories that were placed throughout the book. If you pay attention to them, they totally make sense by the end. The book alternates between past and present, as we learn more about Paula’s time in a group home. Not only do you have the flawed relationship between Kai and Paula, but then we meet Birdwine. The detective with a drinking problem and sorted past with Paula. This book was just so interesting and different. I wasn’t sure what to expect going in, but I really loved this book by the end!
Bottom Line: If you are a fan of Joshilyn Jackson or complicated families and relationships…this is the read for you!
A Texas Ranger, relegated to deskwork due to past recklessness, petitions to regain custody of his five-year-old daughter, and his case is assigned to a family court judge who is as attractive as she is ambitious. When a masked gunman barges in during the custody hearing with his sights on the judge, the Ranger reacts instinctively and goes after him. But authorities apprehend the wrong man, and the real gunman remains unknown, at large, and a threat.
This book has everything you expect from Sandra Brown. I don’t want to say too much about it to give anything away. I loved the “friction” between Holly and Crawford. I loved Crawford’s soft spot for his daughter, Georgia. And the whole story was quite interesting. I figured out a lot of what happened, but not everything.
Bottom Line: Read it. You will definitely enjoy it if you are a fan of Sandra Brown.
A desperate young woman in Southern California sits down to write a letter to a man she’s never met—a choice that will forever change both their lives.
This was a free ebook I snagged with my Amazon Prime membership, after seeing TJR post about it on Instagram. I was so excited! This book was written in letter format and I read it in one sitting. It is a short story, and while I wished it were longer because I love TJR, it wasn’t rushed and I absolutely loved the little surprise at the ending. I highly recommend this for a short read!
Three super-rich, pedigreed Chinese families and the gossip, backbiting, and scheming that occurs when the heir to one of the most massive fortunes in Asia brings home his ABC (American-born Chinese) girlfriend to the wedding of the season.
I didn’t really know what to expect with this book, but I just loved it! It isn’t anything amazing, but just a good, enjoyable read to break up the heavier stuff. Obviously, I can not relate to any of the characters, as I am not a crazy rich Asian. But I loved reading about the culture and what is the norm for that life style. It sort of reminded me a tad bit of The Royal We, in that there is an underdog love story among the elite and people trying to tear it apart. I did this on audio book, and really loved the narrator.
Bottom Line: Read it! I immediately got on the long long wait list for the next one.
When Fiona Lawson comes home to find strangers moving into her house, she’s sure there’s been a mistake. She and her estranged husband, Bram, have a modern co-parenting arrangement: bird’s nest custody, where each parent spends a few nights a week with their two sons at the prized family home to maintain stability for their children. But the system built to protect their family ends up putting them in terrible jeopardy. In a domino effect of crimes and misdemeanors, the nest comes tumbling down.
The premise to this book was super interesting, but I felt like it just dragged on and on. I was all over it at first, and couldn’t wait to find out what happens….but all the middle parts just weren’t that enjoyable. Even with fraud, the Bird Nest approach to their relationship and a good old who done it, I was totally bored with this book quick. It was told mostly in the form of a podcast from Fi and a suicide word document from Bram. With some current day and past memory sprinkled in. Neither character was likable, and eventually I just quit caring about all of it.
Bottom Line: Meh. Interesting idea, but the book really dragged. I would skip.
**I received a copy of Our House from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are of my own.**
This is the 24th book in the Stephanie Plum series. I love this cozy mystery series. You have a quirky cast of characters, ridiculous crimes and a love triangle between Stephanie, Joe Morelli and Ranger. And we can forget Grandma Mazur and her shenanigans. I will say, I think I am ready for this series to wrap up. The love triangle has been dragged out long enough, I just want her to pick Morelli already! The zombie thing in this one was a little much. But I sure did LOL a lot throughout and flew through the book in just a few sittings.
Starting over at thirty-two is never fun, especially in a town the size of a postage stamp. Chasing that with having to beg for a job she’s wildly over-qualified for and Walker Wilder’s pride is really burned. But now that she’s the new events director for the historic Montana Graff Hotel, she’s tasked with creating buzz and traditions to fill rooms during the off-season. Halloween may not scream touristy, but hiring a spirit-hunting TV crew will definitely grab some headlines… But when the sexy spirit hunter shows up, he haunts more than her dreams.
Bottom Line: Meh. I picked this one up right before Halloween because I thought it would be fun. There were cute elements to the book, but honestly, the author kept repeating the inner dialog between the two main characters and certain facts over and over that I lost interest pretty quickly.
Shaye has little in common with Tanner. He’s a suspicious big city cop come home to the historic Davis family ranch to settle his uncle’s estate. She’s working for an environmental conservancy that acquires and protects old ranches-and she wants to preserve the Davis homestead. When the suspicious death of Tanner’s uncle at his ranch throws the two opposites together, tempers flare and sparks fly. While they have trouble seeing eye to eye, Shaye and Tanner agree on one thing: they need to uncover the truth.
This is a murder mystery with some romance thrown in. The whole premise was interesting, and it was a well written story. I got a little tired of all the references of the attraction between Tanner and Shaye throughout the book. We get it, they like each other. Let’s move on! Still, the actual story kept me interested the whole time. I really liked the way the book ended. Sometimes, the action and ending happen to quickly and feels rushed. I didn’t feel that way at all with this book.
Bottom Line: A good who done it if you are ok with some romance too.
These books are really quick, just a few hours each. This is a super cute cozy mystery series that takes place in a little town called Sweet Cover, just outside of Boston. The Roseland sisters are all really sweet, and seem to get caught up in solving murders around town. There are two cats and some supernatural elements to the books, so many sure you are ok with that. These books aren’t very deep, they tend to follow a formula of there being a crime, the sisters getting involved and speculating what happened and investing deeper. There is a story line behind the crime of the book though, and I find that enjoyable to follow along through these.
Bottom Line: Super cute cozy mystery series, if you are ok with a little supernatural twist and aren’t looking for anything deep.
Did Not Finish
Foul Play by Janet Evanovich
You guys know my love for Janet Evanovich is deep and I put up with some quirky things without batting an eye, but this book was terrible!!!! I think I made it about 20% in? Honestly, it was about 19% too long. This is an old book written in the 90’s and the main female characters is so ditzy and ridiculous, I just couldn’t with her. And I didn’t like the male lead either. Just go ahead and pass this one.
This weekend just flew right on by. I think we need a recount! The good news, is that most days this week it is only supposed to get to the mid to upper 80’s here. So basically a cold snap. I couldn’t be more thrilled!
I started this weekend off with Chris for a lunch date on Friday. We went to Glory Bound, where I enjoyed a buffalo grilled chicken gyro and some potato wedges. It was delicious! I love our little weekday lunch dates! It allows us some alone time, without take time away from Zoe…since she is already at daycare anyways.
We also stopped off at Bargain Hunt where I scored two pairs of shoes for $5 each!!! I had wanted both of these when Target had them, but never committed. I am so glad I waited to score this deal!
Saturday morning we were up and ready early to go meet up with Laura and her crew at Back Forty. I have been there a few times, and had yet to order their burger. It had to happen this weekend! The burger was good, but their fries….their fries are the best!!! Zoe had fun playing with her future husband and eating her fair share of fries.
After we had lunch, we headed back home for a little bit where Zoe did not nap…but played for awhile. And then we went over to Chris’s parents house for about an hour. We stopped at Publix on the way home to grab some food for dinner and did a late bedtime routine with Zoe. Once she was down. I got to work on a few little projects around the house.
Sunday morning I cooked chicken biscuits for breakfast, and we hung out for a little bit around the house. Chris had an appointment at Apple for noon to get the new iPhone. He asked me if I wanted one as well, but I decided I didn’t. But then we got to the store and I got caught up in the hype and decided I did want one, but they literally sold out between me saying yes I want it…and the girl trying to pull it out of inventory. You snooze, you lose. Chris is loving his though, and I just stare at it bitterly and wonder why I still have my garbage 7 plus. First world problems!
It didn’t take too long since he actually had an appointment. We quickly decided to get the heck out of The Summit area, and went over to Nordstrom Rack to find Zoe a pair of shoes. I got her some Natives and she LOVES them! Her bestie at daycare has a few pairs, and when Zoe saw them she screamed her friends name and was so excited. They are on sale at Zappos right now too. I highly recommend them! They are a glass green color and have this iridescent finish, that doesn’t quite do justice in this picture. So cute!
After that, we went to Bargain Hunt and HomeGoods. We were way past Zoe’s lunch time at that point, so we went to J Alexanders. They have my FAVORITE Thai salad there. Zoe really loved her chicken tenders and fries that she got too. No pictures were taken because we were all starving! After that, we hit up the Bargain Hunt in Hoover…and then did our grocery shopping at Target.
By the time we got home and got the groceries put away, it was time for Zoe to eat dinner and start the bedtime routine. Just like that, the weekend was coming to an end. Not before Chris and I devoured around episode of the new season of Ozark! We finished Blue Bloods last week, so glad we have something else to binge on!
Linking up with Biana. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
Friday!!!!!!!! Does it feel like an entire month went by this week? Because it does to me. Work has been crazy. I was up past 11:00pm on Monday night painting. Wednesday night we were out after I got Zoe from school, so the whole night routine happened later than usual. Thursday morning I spent an hour working on a project for Zoe for school BEFORE work at 5:00am. It’s been that kind of week.
Favorite Moments: On Monday I got to have lunch with a dear friend I haven’t seen in a few years. I hate that we fell out of touch, but it was so nice to catch up with her and meet her daughter! Her daughter is just a few months younger than Zoe.
Speaking of Zoe, she is just so fun right now!
I got on the scale yesterday morning and realized I hit a new, post-pregnancy low. I cannot tell you how happy and thankful I am that I pulled the trigger and signed up for Weight Watchers. This is really the only thing that has been working for me lately. I need something that keeps me “good” most of the time, but allows for a cheeseburger or macaron on a regular basis. Because life without cheeseburgers is no life at all, in my opinion. And to be perfectly honest, there are some days I don’t even really track my points. Just having that scanner when I am grocery shopping allows me to make better choices. If you are thinking about signing up, here is my link. We can both get a free month!
I did a Trader Joe’s run the other day to get said macarons. I of course had to get a few of my favorite fall staples (pumpkin ravioli, butternut squash macaroni, pumpkin crisps with goat cheese) annnnnd a new favorite!!! Candy Corn Popcorn. SO GOOD! And I grabbed a poke bowl for lunch, which is always delicious! You know what isn’t so delicious? 97 freaking degrees and it is almost October. I love the south for many things, but the ridiculously hellish temperatures this late in the game is not one of them.
I noticed the pumpkin donuts are back at Dunkin this week. I decided to go ahead and order my one for the season. It was well worth it!
Favorite Song: Have you heard Cry Pretty from Carrie Underwood? I just love Carrie. I would really love her legs, too. I know she worked hard for them! I had stumbled across an interview with her from earlier in the week, and had no clue how much she went through this last year. I think we have all been there before, where you just have to cry it out. I love the lyrics to this song!