
Books – December 2021

I am still on a Christmas kick this month. I can’t get enough. I decided to post this a little early, in case you want to jump on any of these holiday reads! I got the Kindle version of Window Shopping on Amazon for super cheap this past week, I think it is still on sale. There are a few non-Christmas reads on here too if that isn’t your thing. I want to get up a top reads of 2021 post, but I am not sure if I can make it happen in the next week. We shall see. Might be an Instagram post instead.

A Season for Second Chances by Jenny Bayliss

A Season for Second Chances

I really loved The Twelve Dates of Christmas last year, so I was excited to hop into this one. I thought this one was so cute!! I loved all the characters, the entire town of Willow Bay and the whole storyline. I really loved that our leading lady was in her 40’s. Most of the romance I read is 20s to young thirty somethings, and I like to see someone closer to my age with more life experience. I thought that Annie’s book club was perfection and I want to join! What a fabulous group of ladies. Jenny Bayliss is going to be known as the queen of Christmas reads. I just know it!

Bottom Line: Read it!!! Such a good Christmas read.

Eight Perfect Hours by Lia Louis

Eight Perfect Hours

Such a great read. I absolutely adored all the characters in this book. It sort of reminded me of Always, in December but less heavy. When I say less heavy, Always, in December was VERY heavy. This book still deals with loss, grief and anxiety….but there is a lot of fun and lighter moments in the book as well. I pulled for Sam and Noelle from the very beginning, and there were times I wasn’t quite sure if they were going to end up together or not. I loved the way the book flowed, it felt so natural and real. I think there was nothing more than a kiss, so those of you that aren’t big fans of romance should appreciate that. I usually tend to like a little more than that in my romcom books, but didn’t mind it at all in this one.

Bottom Line: Overall, a delightful read. I really enjoyed this and it was done so right. Read it!

Window Shopping by Tessa Bailey

Window Shopping

Wooooeeee if you like steamy romance, Tessa Bailey is your girl. If you aren’t used to steam in your books, Tessa’s can be a little shocking. Just throwing that out there. I really enjoyed Window Shopping. Our main girl just got out of prison and is trying to readjust to normal life. It really sheds a light on how hard it is for people who get out to start fresh. I did like that aspect of the book. Aiden is totally swoon worthy, from his Christmas cheer down to his adorable bow ties and Aunt Edna stories. I read this book in about a day, couldn’t put it down.

Bottom Line: If you like steamy romance and Tessa Bailey’s style of writing, this one was cute.

Studmuffin Santa by Tawna Fenske

Studmuffin Santa (Ponderosa Resort Romantic Comedies, #1)

This was such a cute Christmas read. I loved the reindeer rescue farm setting. Both Jade and Brandon have things that haunt them from the past. Plus, the mystery of the strange things happening around the reindeer farm was interesting. I read this in a day and loved all the characters. I definitely want to pick up the next in the series.

Bottom line: Read it.

Blue Christmas by Mary Kay Andrews

Blue Christmas (Weezie and Bebe Mysteries, #3)

Bottom Line: I only got a little into the book and decided I wasn’t feeling it. I didn’t realize it was in a series, so I may come back to it after I read Savannah Breeze. Time will tell.

When Sparks Fly by Helena Hunting

When Sparks Fly (Spark House #1)

This is a friends to lovers book. There are some heavier topics covered in the book, with Avery’s car accident, Declan’s past with his family, and the fact that Avery lost her parents in a car accident when she was younger. I like that we get both  Avery’s and Declan’s point of view. The event that takes these two from friends to more was a little ridiculous to me. But you could definitely feel the connection between them. The scene that causes a rift (because you know there is always going to be one), I felt was a situation blown entirely out of proportion. But isn’t that how it always happens? I had received an audio copy of the book with two narrators and they did a great job at keeping me engaged in the story.

Bottom Line: If you like romance, this one was a decent read.

**I received a copy of When Sparks Fly from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are of my own.**

99 Percent Mine by Sally Thorne

99 Percent Mine

I absolutely loved The Hating Game, and I was slightly disappointed in Second Impressions (the book Sally Thorne wrote after this one.) So I tried to go into this book with no expectations. I have to say I am delighted. This is a friends to lovers romance with some home improvement thrown in. I adored all the characters. Darcy was extra sassy, Tom was so perfect, and I loved the relationship between Darcy and her brother Jamie. It seemed so realistic. Did I mention they are twins? Even better! I just loved everything, was hooked quickly, and flew right through this book. Reminds me why I love Sally Thorne.

Bottom Line: Read it!

Currently Reading

Golden Girl by Elin Hilderbrand

Golden Girl

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  • Reply Laura December 27, 2021 at 10:07 am

    All my library books for Christmas reading are just now coming off hold. It’s ok to read them through New Years, right?!?

  • Reply Rebecca Jo Vincent January 3, 2022 at 8:18 am

    So I was so mad… I totally was excited to join in with the book club to talk about the book & I dont know if I got the wrong date or what – I didnt have the link for it. DANG ITTTT

  • Reply Danielle Butler January 3, 2022 at 11:04 am

    I love that you read all the Christmassy books. I haven’t read much lately and I need to finish my book!

  • Reply ShootingStarsMag January 6, 2022 at 7:51 pm

    I will definitely have to check out The Season of Second Chances then, since I did enjoy her first book. I’m sure I’ll be reading holiday books through the Winter so I’m a bit behind haha

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