Reading: I am a little more than half way through Magnolia Story. I really love Fixer Upper and have been enjoying getting to know about Chip and Jo a little more. I am easing back in to my reading game. I haven’t read a book since the end of November!
Watching: After I finished Gilmore Girls, I watched the first season of One Day at a Time on Netflix. It was cute. Nothing amazing or mind blowing, but it passed the time just fine. Now I am watching Last Man Standing. I had never seen it before and I like that it reminds me a little of Home Improvement with Tim Allen only there are three girls instead of three boys. The show is light and has its funny moments. Sometimes I just like light, fluffy sitcoms that don’t make me think or keep me in suspense.
Oh, and it didn’t hurt to have a surprise appearance from JTT!!! Middle school me squealed when he came on my screen!
Eating: Now that Whole 30 is over, I am going to be practicing 90/10 as well as I can. This weeks dinners are taco bowls, korean beef with stir fry veggies, braised pork chops and roasted potatoes, bbq chicken over sweet potatoes and kung pao chicken with stir fry veggies.
Working Out: So yeah, I have all the want to work out and none of the will to actually make it happen yet. Since I am easing back into work this week, I decided to give myself a few days to get a routine going. As much of a routine as one can have with an 8 week old! Am I right?
Enjoying: The fact that it is a little lighter a little longer in the evenings, and a little brighter a little earlier in the mornings! I love winter, it is my favorite season….but I hate how short the days are! Now that they are shifting to be longer again, it makes me feel like I have a little more time. Anything I need to tell myself, right?
Excited: For the weekend!!! I hate that I am back to the weekend mentality now that I am working again. It is just really exhausting during the week to work, get all the things done, care for a human, care for a dog and have five minutes maybe every other day to shower. I am not sure what our plans are yet, but there is just something great about Saturdays and Sundays knowing that you don’t really have to do anything. Well, other than grocery shopping!