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about me, currently

Currently – Nearing the Third and Final Stretch

Linking up with Kristen and Gretch with what’s new with me, currently style. Also giving a little update as I close in on my third and final stretch of pregnancy! I have one week left in my second trimester. Crazy, right? Anyways, let’s get to it!

Reading: Results May Vary This is an interesting read so far. When I read the premise, I thought maybe it would be a little like the show Grace and Frankie that I really enjoy.

Results May Vary

Listening: Fangirl on audio book. This has been on my TBR ever since I read Attachments. I adored Attachments so much, and while this is a decent listen so far, I don’t love it as much.


Watching: I have mentioned before that we have been binging on One Tree Hill. Laugh if you want, but this show is awesome. Also, I really just love Sophia Bush!

Image result for one tree hill

We have also been keeping up with Pretty Little Liars all summer. We still need to watch the last two episodes though, so no spoilers! I am sure it is crazy as the rest of the season has been! I heard that last year will be the end of it all. Can’t wait to see how it all goes down.

Image result for pretty little liars

Planning: A few weeks ago, my china cabinet finally made it’s way in to our kitchen. I have a few things in there, but I hope to really re-organize the entire kitchen in the next month or so. I want to make space for a baby cabinet in the main area for bottles and what not and then I just want everything else better organized now that we have more storage. And don’t get me started on the pantry!

We also need to clean out our garage. There is some stuff in there that we will never use and it just takes up space. Thankfully we aren’t those people who have an entire garage packed full of shit. We do keep our cars in there so it isn’t that bad. But still! And I need to paint the nursery, organize the other spare room, probably purge more things. Basically I am in full blown nesting mode. Cant stop. Wont stop.

Pinning: All kinds of things! Baby stuff, hair cuts/colors, kitchen organization, food, funnies.

A winning combination - Gray, gold and blush pink in this girl's nursery.:


25+ Latest Long Bobs Hairstyles | Bob Hairstyles 2015 - Short Hairstyles for…:


15 New Layered Long Bob Hairstyles | Bob Hairstyles 2015 - Short Hairstyles for Women:


Cookbook Storage:


Kitchen Items That Store More:



Pregnancy: As I mentioned, tomorrow I will hit week 27 of my pregnancy, my last of the second trimester!!! It is seriously crazy how fast this time is going. I swear I just took the test yesterday and now my belly is large and in charge and baby girl is in there just bopping around. She totally gets bored when I sit at work all day, and she let’s me know it. I have been experiencing some pretty intense hip pain and my lower back will hurt from time to time. Last week I discovered that I will be one of the “lucky ones” who gets to experience Braxton Hicks for the remainder of my pregnancy. Fun times. I guess I will be all practiced up for the big event.

bumpdatesI share weekly bumpdates on Mommy Babbles if you are interested in all the details. I usually post them on Fridays, which means the posts are a week behind where I actually am.

Excited: For football season to start on Saturday!!! And the three day weekend. I wish every weekend was a three day weekend. Also, I am getting my hair cut tonight, so that is always fun!


about me, currently

What’s New Currently

Whenever I link up with Kristen and Gretchen I always feel weird because most people use this as a way to sum up their previous month. For me, I share most of that stuff in my Weekend Shenanigans posts and you don’t really want to see all of that again! So I like to use this post in a currently format to share what I am up to now!

Reading: I started Sunset in Central Park on Tuesday. I hope to have this done by the book link up next week!

Sunset in Central Park (From Manhattan with Love, #2)

Listening: Other than listening to Truly Madly Guilty via audio book, I have been catching up with the Pregnancy Podcast. If you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, this is a great resource for you!!! Especially as a first time mom. The host basically does all the research for you on everything you want to know about pregnancy, labor and delivery, breastfeeding, different complications and procedures and everything else you can think of. She also has a podcast called 40 Weeks that goes over each week of pregnancy in five minutes or less. I can not be more grateful to have this!

Planning: Other than nursery and baby related things, I really just want to organize our whole house. Nesting has taken full swing over here. Some of our kitchen cabinets are driving me crazy and there are more clothes that I haven’t worn in years I know I can purge. I want to re-organize my make up, lotions and potions and jewelry which in my head requires a new piece of furniture for our bathroom in this awkward empty space we have. And the spare room where Mac stays when we aren’t home? Don’t even get me started  with that space! Let’s just say it has become clutter central since clearing out space for the baby!

Watching: I have seen five or six seasons of Weeds when it aired way back when. Chris had started watching some of it but I don’t think he ever got out of the first season? Either way, we started watching it Wednesday night from the beginning. Also still squeezing in some One Tree Hill.

Funny story, we watched like half the first episode of Stranger Things and I am too chicken shit for it and Chris shut it off. Scary/thriller type stuff just isn’t my jam.

Pinning: Baby stuff, duh!!! The closet below with the cube shelf along the bottom?? Freaking brilliant idea and I am totally stealing that!!! And the gold glitter dipped feathers??? Stop!

Like spindal bookshelve. Headboard also available. Could repaint to look more high-end. Reviews say heavy and sturdy for the $$.:


Baby Pink Gold Glitter Dipped Feathers Boho Decorations Photo prop Wedding Decor Nursery Baby Shower Backdrop Banner:


Dwelling & Telling: Sadie Ann's Pink and Gold Nursery:


Excited: A new hot dog place, Hot Diggity Dog, has opened this week and I can’t wait to try it for lunch! Also, a friend of mine is getting us in to a restaurant tasting this weekend with another new place in town! I love trying out new places!

What have you been up to lately?

about me, currently


I haven’t done a currently post in awhile and I always like to see what other people are up to. You know, because I am nosy and all. I mean, aren’t we all as bloggers?

Listening: I started listening to Liane Moriarty’s new book yesterday though Audible. My request was rejected through Netgalley. So rude. But she’s one of my favorite author’s so I must! I have to say, it usually takes me about 5 or 6 chapters to get in to her books. I think I am at chapter 4 or 5 right now so I will weight in later on my real thoughts. Hard to say.

Reading: I am about 70% through The Restaurant Critics Wife. I have mixed feelings about the book so far but I am excited to see where it all goes. I am sure I will finish it this weekend. Once I get to 70% in a book I can usually finish it really fast!

Watching:Chris and I only have a few episodes left of Breaking Bad. Yes, this is the first time we are watching the whole series. No we don’t live under a rock. We just had too much to watch before and wanted to dedicate a summer of slow time to it!

I also started watching One Tree Hill from the beginning when Chris is out or doing other things because I have never seen it before.

Eating: Everything. Ha! I try to stay as healthy as I can during the week. I eat cheerios and a piece of fruit for breakfast most mornings, pack my lunches for work Monday-Thursday and for dinners we do salads two nights every week and then another healthy option the other three nights. Usually one of those three nights is grilled meat of some kind and we have been having a lot of taco bowls lately sans shell. My lunch this week is Spicy Thai Noodles, I think I will share the recipe next Tuesday!

Working Out: Last week I had a bad week. I was in some major pain and I had a lot of other things going on, so my workouts were basically non-existent. I haven’t not worked out for more than a few days in years. It was weird. I was back at it this Monday and have renewed energy. While my work outs look very different from pre-pregnancy….I am still getting them in! I walk on the treadmill 2 to 3 days per week, still keep up with my arm routine with less weight and I have incorporated 6 or 7 different pregnancy workouts in between.

Crafting: Pinterest and Etsy are dangerous places when you are pregnant. VERY DANGEROUS!!! I have found a few craft projects that I want to tackle for the nursery because I am cheap and refuse to overpay on Etsy. These are a few of the things I am looking at…

Lets celebrate with this Blush Gold tassel garland!  This tassel garland is great for: weddings bridal showers birthday parties baby showers gender:


Definitely going to make baby a feather mobile! <3:


Large Letter E Pink Nursery Decor Baby Girl by SeaLoveAndSalt:


Excited:To make some more progress in the nursery. I have some most stuff cleared out and plans for someone in need to pick up the bed that we have in there. Laura has so graciously offered to come over and have a paint party with me when we get it cleared out!

Also, August is my birthday month! I haven’t even really thought about it until I realized that this is the last week of July. While I don’t really celebrate the whole month, it is fun to think about! August also brings us that much closer to football season!!! I am so ready to fill my Saturdays with football and food. Plus just another month or two of this unbearable heat before it finally starts to cool down around here!!!

What are you up to?

about me, currently

Hey There, June

Another month of 2016 is in the books. I don’t even know where the last month went, really. We celebrated Chris’s birthday, started looking for a new car, I picked certain areas of the house to start cleaning, organizing and purging, I planted a bucket garden, and we enjoyed a few weekends with amazing weather before the Alabama heat kicks in to full gear. Spoiler alert, it came last week.

Currently I have been…

Reading: I just finished bawling my eyes out to Lily and the Octopus yesterday and started reading Fooling Around this morning on the treadmill.

Listening: Silver Bay by Jojo Moyes via audiobook.

Watching: Bloodline season 2 and Grace and Frankie season 2. We finished pretty much all of our shows for the season over the last two weeks. I think we might have one or two left. Anyone have any binge suggestions for the summer?

Wishing: For some positive people and  compassion. I feel like I have seen so much negativity the last few weeks in so many different areas. It would be a breath of fresh air to see someone supporting what someone else is doing, walking through a store without seeing people giving the workers a hard time over stupid shit, eating at a restaurant without over hearing ridiculousness, and I have basically been staying away from most social media that is a cesspool of rage and anger.

Excited: About trying out a new restaurant for lunch tomorrow with Laura!!! I have been wanting to spend some time getting our food blog back up and running and I hope that tomorrow inspires me to do just that! We have so many places to write about! I need to pour my creativity in to something.

What’s new with you?

Linking up with my girl Kristen and Gretch.

What's New With You


I had another post planned for today but then I remembered that it was Kristen’s link up day and how could I not link up with Kristen?! Duh!
Listening: I have been heavily relying on my rock playlist on Spotify. Some of my most favorite songs ever are on this list, songs like Far Behind from Candlebox. This is a roll your windows down on a chill day and turn it up on repeat kind of song.

Reading: The Girl from Summer Hill – It is basically retelling of Pride and Prejudice. I don’t hate it, but it isn’t mind blowing either. I am about 40% through and hoping to finish it up this weekend so I can have the review for you during the book link up next week!
The Girl from Summer Hill (Summer Hill, #1)
Watching: Life in Pieces and Good Wife. Life in Pieces cracks me up and I really like how it is four short stories in each episode. The Good Wife is wrapping up and it makes me sad to see it go. I have really enjoyed that show!
Eating: All the bad things. Oops. Yesterday I might have left after I ate my healthyish lunch to go to Walgreens down the street from my office and pick up a bag of these because it was an emergency. Whatever, my day got more tolerable because of them.
Sour Punch Bites
Wearing: All of the dresses and sandals!!! The weather has decided to stay in the 70’s and 80’s down here now so I have been wearing the crap out of all my favorite dresses from last year. Can’t stop won’t stop.
Beach And Coastal Living Room Decor Ideas |
Funny Pictures Of The Day – 95 Pics:
Banana Bread Donuts with Browned Butter Caramel Glaze - Banana bread in the form of soft, fluffy baked donuts and donut holes!! No-mixer recipe that's as easy as making muffins! The glaze makes them IRRESISTIBLE!!:
Dreaming: About our beach vacation. Two more months!!! I think I can I think I can I think I can.
Picture from our trip in 2015 to Gulf Shores, Alabama
Excited: I am having a girls night tonight with Laura, Morgan and Erin! It just so happens to fall on Cinco De Mayo so guac it is!!!
Linking up with Kristen and Gretch.
What's New With You