Hey there Friday!!! This week went by so stinking fast that I am pretty sure I have whiplash! I cleaned out a little of the garage this week, and chipped away a little more in the spare room. I also have binged more of Gilmore Girls and read more kid books to Zoe than I can count. She loves to look at the pictures in books!
Favorite Moments: Of course they all revolve around this little girl! She has been smiling up a storm and “talking” to me every day.
Favorite Recipe: This Whole 30 compliant Sloppy Joe recipe has been my jam!
Favorite Lust: Have you guys seen the new Too Faced Peach palette?! I am pretty sure this is going on the need list. It is gorgeous and I heard it smells amazing.
The highlighting palette looks awesome too and I heard that it looks great on lighter skin tones like myself.
Favorite Funnies:
Soft, obviously…
Linking up with Amanda. I hope you all have a great weekend!
Oh hey, Friday!! This week sort of got away from me! I realized that when you don’t have somewhere to be every day, you begin to have no sense of what day it is. I am speaking the actual day (Monday, Tuesday, etc) and the date. This week I have made great progress in the spare room!!! I am so proud of myself for committing to it during Zoe’s morning naps instead of sitting and watching TV. I was 5 weeks postpartum on Sunday and it was like a switch flipped and I feel much more human that I did before! I really have my mobility back too!! I still cant climb in our bed, but I started sleeping on the couch laying on my side instead of sleeping in the recliner. That coupled with the fact that Zoe has been sleeping in 3-5 hour stretches over night means I am getting the best sleep I have had since even before having her!!!
I need all my friends to stop getting sick! A few weeks ago, a girlfriend was supposed to come by one afternoon to visit for awhile but she and her daughter were sick. This week I was supposed to go to lunch with my lunch club and introduce them to Zoe…but illness strikes again. I miss my friends, yo! Plus they need to see Zoe before she is a teenager, because that is how she is growing these days!
Favorite Moment: The doctor telling me that Zoe is perfect at her one month check up on Tuesday!!! I already knew that, but nice to have medical confirmation. wink wink
You guys, this smile. I can’t handle how she melts my heart with this smile!!! She already knows how to turn on the charm. Chris and I are in serious trouble!
She is 9.2 pounds and 21 inches long. When I told that to my sister, she laughed. Both her sons were born larger than that and here Z is at five weeks.
Favorite Product: My trusty Body Shop Vitamin E moisturizer is the only thing that is giving my dry dry dry skin any relief this winter. I order at least 2 tubs of this every year during one of their 40-50% off sales. Never pay full price for their stuff, they always run sales.
Favorite Lust: I need to get some new shoes before I start working out again. Mine were killing me and are super worn out. What are you favorites?? I sort of get overwhelmed when I look. I am liking the way these look…
Favorite Funnies:
Glad I finally understand how men feel….
When you are out and don’t want to run in to anyone.
Linking up with Amanda, I will be catching up on blog reading, staring at Zoe, and hopefully making more headway in the spare room. I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!!!
This week totally got away from me! I meant to post about Christmas, 2016 things and a few other things but none of that happened. What did happen? My mom and I took Zoe out for her first girl’s day shopping with us. We went to Nordstrom Rack, Homegoods, a local boutique and out to lunch at Purple Onion. We had such a good time and Zoe was amazing. She didn’t fuss or cry at all and she was awake pretty much the entire two hours we were at Nordstrom Rack. She just took in the scenery. My sister asked us to go to Target and out to lunch with her Wednesday. Again, Zoe does outings like a real trouper and was amazing once again. It is really nice being off and getting to spend all the time with Zoe, and getting to spend extra time with my sister and nephews. I am actually watching my nephews today so my sister can work.
Anyways, the first order of business is to talk about the link up!!! Since I was pregnant for most of 2016, my clean eating and strict work out regiment went out the window at times. Ok, towards the end most of the time!!! I want to get back on track and back to basics, as most people tend to do in January anyways….so Amy and I thought that we would host a Back on Track link up to hold ourselves accountable! For us, this means doing another round of Whole 30. The link up isn’t just for Whole 30, it is for getting back on track in any aspect of your life. Whether you want to start eating clean, working out, getting your house back in order after the holiday chaos…you chose what you want to work on and link up with us for some accountability!
If your decide that you do want to do Whole 30, Amy wrote a great post about how to be successful. So many people have made comments to me last year about how they always wanted to try it but don’t think they can. I am here to tell you, I completed a successful no cheat Whole 30 January of 2016 and if I can do it, anyone can do it!!! It is all about willpower and some prep work to keep yourself on track and be successful. ” alt=”” />
I will be back on January 2 with my specific goals and plan during Back on Track, and we hope that you link up with us and tell us what you plan to work on. If you need a cheerleader or someone to vent to during the month, I am here for you! I am all about encouragement and if I need to email you, text you, stalk your instagram to see that you follow through…I can do that for you! We will be hosting a link up every Tuesday in the month of January for a check in, after the initial link up on Monday, January 2.
Now, on to a few other fun things!
Favorite Mail: Andrea is so sweet and sent us a special package with a few goodies for me and the most adorable outfit for Zoe!
Favorite Christmas Surprise: We were getting ready to leave to go shopping a few days before Christmas and Chris looked at me while I was putting Zoe into her car seat and said are you fully dressed and ready to go? I was all “Ummmm do I not look fully dressed??” And Chris said, “You are missing this!” I looked up and he was holding out a ring box with this gorgeous ring in it!!! It is Zoe’s birthstone and he chose one with three stones to represent the three of us. Is he the sweetest or what?!?!
Favorite Haul: My mom spoiled me with gifts from Sephora this year for Christmas. Look at all this new makeup I get to play with!!! This Estee Edit liner is literally the best and easiest to apply liner I have ever used. Ever. Loving the colors in the new UD palette!!! I need some suggestions on your favorite lip stuff for healing super chapped lips. Mine have been peeling ever since they got super chapped during labor and I cant seem to get them back to normal.
Favorite Funnies:
Linking up with Amanda. I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!
I am going to start easing my way back to normal with a Friday Favorites post!! I cant believe that this is the last weekend before Christmas. Like, what?!?! It doesn’t even feel like Christmas to me right now because of the whirlwind of the last few weeks for me. I am hoping that I can get some Christmas spirit in this weekend because it is my favorite holiday and I want to soak it up. We are thinking about venturing out for our first baby outing to do some shopping this weekend. I would also like to squeeze in a Christmas movie or two. What are you plans?
Favorite Moments:
–So many! Becoming a mom has been the most amazing experience. While the late night cluster feedings are rough with the lack of sleep, there is something so special about the bonding time I am getting with Zoe. She is the sweetest little girl!!
–I received some serious love in the mail the week before I delivered. Kristen sent Zoe an adorable outfit and the best burp clothes ever!! Seriously, these things are sitting all over my house and sure do come in handy.
Emily sent me some super cute little bootie socks that are literally the only ones that stay on Zoe’s tiny feet and a few other goodies for Zoe and a few things for me too!!! So sweet and thoughtful and very much appreciated.
–My sister and MIL have been amazing the last two weeks. My sister has come over several times to just let me shower or pump or nap for a few hours. She has brought food, cleaned my house, and been an amazing support system. My MIL has come up to our house every day the first week we were home and several times this week too. She has brought more bottles and clothes that actually fit. (Newborn sized items were too big!) She has been a great support these last few weeks as we adjust too and I am so thankful for both of them.
Favorite Lust: I really want to get my office area right before I start back to work. I am thinking something simple and chic would do. I love this gray washed desk, and the price isn’t too bad!
I saw a chair similar to this at TJ Maxx for less than $100. I doubt it is still there, you know…Marshall’s Law and all..but I would love to find something similar.
Favorite Funnies:
Linking up with Amanda. Hope you all have a great weekend!
I sat down last night after work and thought, “Wow, one week until Thanksgiving?!?!?!” Anyone else feel in utter disbelief? I had three people text me yesterday to ask if I was in labor. Three. No, I am not in labor! My due date is two weeks away, my doctor told me this Tuesday that she is pretty positive I will be in next Tuesday for my appointment still pregnant. Baby Watch 2016 still goes on.
This weekend we are going to get everything hung on the walls in the nursery, clean out the garage a little and I most certainly need to get our Christmas stuff up! What do you have going on?
Favorite Moments:
–Yesterday was a fun mail day! The curtains for the nursery came in and so did my VIB haul! Well, the one for myself. This doesn’t include the gifts I got because prying eyes and all.
–I have treated myself to some Dunkin Donuts coffee pretty much after every doctor appointment this entire pregnancy, this Tuesday I added a blueberry donut to it. Why not?
On the drive to the Dunkin Donuts I passed this place and felt like I was transported back in time. I had to take a double look. Glad to know if I had a typewriter, it could still be repaired?
–Grabbed lunch at Tazikis with a few friends yesterday. Had no time to grab a picture of my salad because I dove right in, but here is the hummus we shared. They have the BEST hummus out of anyone. I am at that point in my pregnancy where every time someone sees me, they think it might be the last time before baby.
–This guy is a mess. Grooming appointment set for ASAP.
Favorite Song: I think it is that time of year where I can start sharing some Christmas tunes each week!!! Have you heard the Pentatonix version of Hallelujah? If not, you seriously need to get on this. It is incredible.
Favorite Recipe: These BBQ Pork Taquitos look and sound so amazing! A nice switch up from the usual beef or chicken, right???
Favorite Lust: I am dreaming of the day when my fat, swollen pregnant hooves go back to looking like actual feet and fit in normal shoes!!!! I want to be able to wear some booties like these.
I would even be happy to fit in some shoes I could walk in like these…
I literally have two pairs of flip flops and one pair of MK flats that I have stretched to ruins this past month that I can wear. That is it. It is a sad day getting dressed.