Favorite Christmas Song – For those of you who are short on Christmas cheer, Faith Hill’s Where Are You Christmas should be just right! Plus, it is from one of my must watch Christmas movies, The Grinch!!!
Favorite Pictures -You guys, I am not going to lie when I say I have had so much fun with the Instagram challenge that Jana and I have going on. I will share my pictures here on the blog each Friday through the 25th!
Several people have asked me if they could use a doll or something other than a Barbie, and I say of course…the more the merrier! We would love for you to join in on the fun.
Theme – Beer/wine
Theme – Money – “They told her not to blow all of her money. They said nothing about blowing on her money.”
Theme – PJ’s – Barbie taking PJ selfies for Ken!
Theme – Party – Like OMG, is that Donnie from NKOTB at our party?!?!?!
Favorite Mail – I received some Arbonne samples in the mail this week all the way from Melissa in Canada! I was so excited to try these out. She posted about their products here. So far, I have used the Calm set for a few days and have really liked it. I would like to note that Melissa did not ask me to plug any of this, I just thought it was sweet that she sent me some after reading about some of the problems I had with my skin and I want to spread the word!
Favorite Funnies
How I look when I wake up and realize it is Friday
Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!