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friday favorites

friday favorites

Friday Favorites

Favorite Christmas Song – For those of you who are short on Christmas cheer, Faith Hill’s Where Are You Christmas should be just right! Plus, it is from one of my must watch Christmas movies, The Grinch!!!

Favorite Pictures -You guys, I am not going to lie when I say I have had so much fun with the Instagram challenge that Jana and I have going on. I will share my pictures here on the blog each Friday through the 25th!

Several people have asked me if they could use a doll or something other than a Barbie, and I say of course…the more the merrier! We would love for you to join in on the fun.



Theme – Beer/wine


Theme – Money – “They told her not to blow all of her money. They said nothing about blowing on her money.”


Theme – PJ’s – Barbie taking PJ selfies for Ken!


Theme – Party – Like OMG, is that Donnie from NKOTB at our party?!?!?!

Favorite Mail – I received some Arbonne samples in the mail this week all the way from Melissa in Canada! I was so excited to try these out. She posted about their products here. So far, I have used the Calm set for a few days and have really liked it. I would like to note that Melissa did not ask me to plug any of this, I just thought it was sweet that she sent me some  after reading about some of the problems I had with my skin and I want to spread the word!


Favorite Funnies

How I look when I wake up and realize it is Friday

But seriously.

So. True.

Way funny!

The Funny Beaver Funny Daily Pictures - August 4, 2014

I have to admit, I've used this look a few times for the answer to that same question. LOL

Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!


friday favorites, holiday

Friday Favorites

Are you totally stuffed from eating all day yesterday? As you are reading this, my mom and I are out shopping and have been over night. Lots of walking everywhere, so holiday calories totally don’t count for me, right?  If you are planning to go out today, you can read my tips from last year. Don’t be a noob.

Favorite Christmas Song: Sarah McLachlan’s version of  O Little Town of Bethlehem is absolutely beautiful.

Favorite Float in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade: Obviously there are a ton of fancier ones, but I love seeing Snoopy every year! As long as I see him, I am happy!



Favorite Decor in my House: Our Christmas stuff is up!!! I worked hard on Monday to get it all out. Here are a few areas….IMG_4213-0.JPG




Favorite Pictures of Gracie and Mac:IMG_4227.JPG




Favorite Moment: Going to my dad’s Wednesday night to see some family that came in town from Pittsburgh. Both of my parents were only children, so my dad’s cousins are our closest cousins. Charlie and Terri came through Alabama on their way to a dog show and we got to play with their award winning Papillons! He had five that were puppies, the picture below is Victory. I really want one! They always have the most beautiful Papillons I have ever seen! One of the ones with them is 18 years old and I remembered when she was a puppy. It was so good seeing them, as it has probably been about 10 years since I have!

Charlie and Victory. Want to come home with me Victory? His sister Calista was SUPER sweet too. Ahhh puppies!!!



Also, my dad had all his Christmas decor up. He plays Santa every year around Christmas time and visits hospitals and other non-profit children homes to bring gifts and give a little hope. Of course his house looks like the North Pole. I loved all the elves that looked like they were decorating the tree!IMG_4228.JPGTallest tree ever.

Friday Funnies Holiday Style:


friday favorites, Uncategorized

Friday Favorites

Hey hey everybody! It is Friday!!!! Chances are that I am somewhere between Birmingham and Houston on the road right now. Houston, we have a problem! Haha! Fun fact, when AIM instant messenger was the shit, my friends and I would go in to the Houston Chat room, say “Houston we have a problem!!!!” then leave. People called us lame, it was funny as hell I don’t care!

Favorite (Christmas) Song – Christmas Canon Rock by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra – I just love this song!! It has mostly instrumentals, as you would expect…but there is also beautiful vocals in this song and when the guitar solo drops…..chills.

Favorite Inspirational Quote

Favorite Blog Posts – There were two blog posts this week that I read that I just have to share!!!

Brooks posted DIY gift ideas that are so awesome and unique!!! So pinned it for later! I think these gift ideas are perfect for any time of year, not just Christmas!

Lindsay shared some barre works outs for the home. I don’t know about you guys, but dang barre classes are expensive!!! (Sorry Amanda!) I love that she found some great at home ones to try!

Favorite Recipe to Try – This cranberry cheese ball looks amazing!!! Can you imagine how colorful and festive your table will look by just having this at your holiday party.

Cranberry Pecan and White Cheddar Cheese Ball. Cranberries, Pecans, cream cheese and sharp white cheddar. Perfect Thanksgiving appetizer!

Favorite Funnies

Happens to me all the time…

This: | 25 Awkward Moments Every Girl Understands HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

First take a picture, then help!


There is the I in team

LOLOLOL basically….

Here is my exclusively dedicated Youtube Channel TheCarcrashesvideos on Car Crashes videos for more visit and subscribe, click on below  For More Videos visit and subscribe my YouTube Channel

My entire life…

Have you found your name yet? Dam you coke!!!!

My life goals on a shirt!

i just want to drink coffee, save animals, and sleep

Speaking of shirts, why do I think this is so funny?

I have to make this room a permanent part of my vocabulary.

Awwwww I imagine this is how Mac has felt all his life…

Attack Of The Funny Animals - 24 Pics

Basically anywhere I go….

"The party don't start 'til I walk in." | Toy Story/ I'm doing this next time I go to a party

I hope you guys have a fabulous weekend!!!

friday favorites

Friday Favorites

Favorite Song – The first installment of my favorite Christmas songs! Merry Christmas Baby featuring Colbie Caillat and Brad Paisley. I love the rock/blues feeling this song has! It is upbeat and super fun to sing along to!

Favorite Workout – Popsugar’s Ultimate 30-Minute Cardio Pilates – An instructor from Burn does this one, and ladies….burn indeed. Seriously, if you need a new full body quick work out you need to check this out. The abs portions are hard core burn in areas of my abs I didn’t know existed.

Favorite Surprise– Chris surprised me with roses, Godiva chocolate and a sweet card on our anniversary! Five days later, and they are still beautiful and perfect!


Favorite coffee time – I love when the holiday themed magazines start rolling in!


Favorite Recipe – I found this baked fried rice recipe on Pinterest. It is quite different than mine and uses siracha, pineapple and cashews. I think next time I will change it up with this! (click picture for link)

This baked fried rice recipe uses brown rice instead of white. With added pineapple, cashews, edamame, and sriracha, it makes a great, easy meal!

Favorite Find – You know that Rosy Vaseline lip product I am constantly raving about, and got several people to buy? (Still waiting on my royalties…) Wellllllll I found a Creme Brulee one at Target for $1,79. You’re welcome!

Side note – The Rosy one is usually found with the lotions NOT the chapsticks. This one I found up front in the cosmetic section where the holiday gift sets are.

Favorite Funnies

Funny Pictures Of The Day - 63 Pics

pinterest boards

This look speaks for itself..

How I feel in my closet getting dressed some days…

When you and your girlfriends get together…

How you look when your skinny jeans fit….

When you’re sitting at your desk and someone pops a diet coke can…

Go link up with Amanda and share your favorites!



friday favorites

Friday Favorites

Favorite Song – Calvin Harris – Dollar Signs – Calvin Harris released his new album on 10/31. I can’t get enough of it on Spotify. Also, please note this is may be my last regular favorite song until after Christmas probably. I just love Christmas music!

Favorite Delivery – I received my Julep box last Friday or Saturday…the days run together sometimes. I am in love with all three colors that I received. I was pleasantly surprised when I opened the box to see two caramel cremes in there too. Damn it Julep! My mom and I used to LOVE snacking on these when I was in high school. Getting all nostalgic and shit. Moving on….

I think this might be my last Julep box. I have REALLY enjoyed them and have been happy with every single product that I have received from them. The price of the box ($24.99) it totally worth it for the products, it’s just that…finding time to paint my nails every week has become daunting. And basically that is what you have to do to keep up with all the new colors you get each month. Chris hates the smell so I can’t paint them when we are watching TV, and really…that is my only down time where I wont mess them up. I still highly recommend this box to anyone looking to expand their polish collection, and who knows…in a few months I might be back!


Favorite Mail: You guys!!!!! The retailers are killing me this week. Killing me. All these damn coupons are flooding in. Ones you loose money by not shopping with!!!! 60% off at the Loft Outlet?!?!? Yes, please!!!! A free $10 to spend at Charming Charlie? Don’t mind if I do! $50 off $100 at Tommy Bahama….Christmas presents for Chris have never been so easy. Maybe I need to break up with my mail box for awhile. It is too tempting!


Favorite Work Out – Today I did two Popsugar work outs and loved them both!

Five minute arms

Ten Minute Cardio – I dont mind it as much in ten minute increments!

Favorite Recipe – I made my black bean soup for the first time this season. Delicious!



Favorite Snack- You guys. You guys….Have you tried the brownie brittle? Seriously? AMAZING. Ah-mazzzzing. Just go get some and thank me later, k? My favorite so far has been the toffee. Just a little piece after dinner at night cures the sweet tooth like no ones business. I dont even think one piece is an entire serving size, and if you look at the calories and fat…it really isn’t too terrible. Sometimes a girl needs a little sumpin’ sumpin.’ You dig?

Friday Funnies

The internal struggle is real guys


Because sometimes I am five…

The funniest animal puns Ewe will ever see hahah

Amazing Creatures: 30 funny animal captions - part 2 (30 pics)

Probably a text between Chris and I….

This person who knows how to quantify the unquantifiable: | 18 People Who Clearly Have Their Priorities In Order

Here is my exclusively dedicated Youtube Channel TheCarcrashesvideos on Car Crashes videos for more visit and subscribe, click on below For More Videos visit and subscribe my YouTube Channel

I mean….for real!

For real!?!?


Any of you doing this?



I mean, sometimes it happens…right?

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!