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friday favorites

friday favorites, Halloween

Friday Favorites

Hey Friday, heeeeeyyyy! Happy Halloween! I am off to Disney on Ice this morning!

Duh! Christmas music is my favorite! I will be listening to Christmas music nonstop starting tomorrow morning! I have an awesome playlist on Spotify with over 100 songs from all different genres, if you want to follow it 🙂

Favorite Song: This song seems fitting for Halloween! Florence and the Machine – Seven Devils

Favorite Conversation: Last night my sister and I met half way between our houses so I could get my ticket from her. We were talking for a few minutes and she had Cooper(4 year old nephew) with her. Cooper started telling on her for honking at some guy in the car in front of her for driving too slow or something. Cracks me up! I asked him if his mommy had road rage and he laughed and shook his head yes. Tracy was like whatever!!! You should hear him in the back seat. The conversation went like this:

Cooper: “My mommy was hear first, move out of her way!”

Tracy: “Cooper, we are at a red light, we all have to stop.”

Cooper: “He still needs to get out of our way…”

Kids say the funniest stuff!

Favorite Meet-up: Laura, Ralph and I met up at Octane on Wednesday evening for our monthly meeting. Octane has the BEST vanilla lattes! Look how pretty! Chris was able to head downtown after work, so we left to go to World of Beer (go figure, right?) afterwards. I didn’t even order a drink at WOB when we got there. Who am I?


Favorite Recipe: I have been trying out new recipes in the kitchen again lately. You have to switch it up now and then, ya know? I really love Brunswick Stew but I have never made it for myself. I perused Pinterest and came across this one…

Southern Comfort Food Fave --> Brunswick Stew via add a pinch #slowcooker

Favorite Livvy Picture: This is Livvy judging me while I work out in the mornings. She sits herself in her little perch and watches me sweat it out. Sometimes she sits there all sassy giving herself a bath, and other times she will reach out at my weights as I am lifting just to taunt me.


Favorite Funnies:

How I felt this week:


These shirts cracks me up!

Story of my life! Ha

And you commit. | 17 Tees For When Your Workout Just Isn't Gonna Happen

I think we have all been here…

That's exactly how it happened. And the pillows worship me as their queen.

Oh Grumpy Cat, you’re my favorite!

Grumpy cat funny, grumpy cat humor, grumpy cat meme, sarcastic funny, grouchy cat …For more funny quotes and hilarious images visit

If Mac had a phone, this would totally be something he would say….

"Text From My Dog" Is The Best Tumblr About Text Messages From A Dog Ever

And this would be Gracie…

Simplicity is cruel

And just because I am feeling extra sassy…

forever going to be my insult. And I should of said this when I was the fairy godmother!

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!!!!!

Birmingham, favorites, friday favorites

Friday Favorites

Favorite Song – Hold On – Rusko featuring Amber Coffman – I have always loved this song. It is great for working out. Or dancing around in the bathroom while you are getting ready. Whatever your thing is.

Also, Chris still has his Halloween 2014 Mix free for download. He is dj’ing at a huge Halloween party tomorrow night and I am sure we will be listening to this during the day to get pumped up.

Favorite Recipe – Korean Beef – I can’t take credit for this one, I found it on Pinterest. This was so easy and delicious! Using extra lean ground beef and making my own “fried rice” kept it healthy too. See how yummy it turned out?!


Favorite News – I won a gift card to Centime from The Florkens! Yay! Now I just need to decide if I want a cool handwriting bracelet, or one of those super chic bar necklaces with my name on it. Hmmmmm thoughts?

Personal Handwriting Bracelet

Classic Nameplate Necklace

Favorite Livvy Pictures – Most days, Livvy usually walks to the edge of the stairs when I leave and acts like she might actually miss me. I love when she humors me this way. Some days, she even comes down the stairs some and sticks her little kitty body through the rails to reach out for me. It is pretty adorable. Leaving that face…or the faces of Gracie and Mac…is quite difficult.



Favorite Funnies


Ain’t this the truth…..

Here is my exclusively dedicated Youtube Channel TheCarcrashesvideos on Car Crashes videos for more visit and subscribe, click on below For More Videos visit and subscribe my YouTube Channel

You know what I like about people? ... Their pets.

My "I hate you" face must look very similar to my "tell me more" face.  I'll have to work on that.

Haha! I like my stickers! :) It's a nice reminder for all the mo's on the road that there is a family inside of the car, plus it helps me find my van in the sea of other mini vans.

Top 10 Funny Nursing ecards---

Oh you will be licking it soon! LIARS! Case Closed! LOL

Hmmmm I wonder if you would stay warmer like this in the winter?

17 Laziest Life Hacks Ever

Look….a bunch of douche canoes…..

The "My Dad Is A Lawyer": 25 outfits of people you will instantly recognize

Totally missed this joke when I was younger….

27 Jokes You Definitely Didn't Understand When You Were 10

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! I am going to pretend like I can hang late with the cool kids tomorrow. Let’s see how that goes!


friday favorites

Friday Favorites

Favorite Song:Truly Madly Deeply – Savage Garden – Do you really expect anything but a throw back song from me most days? I want to stand with you on a mountain….

Favorite Purchase: Michael Kors skinny black pants from TJ Maxx. I stopped last Friday on my way home from the airport. I needed some retail therapy after flying, duh! I scored these pants for $34.99, originally $99.95. I was super excited about it! They fit perfectly!



button detail

Favorite Delivery: I received this repairing hair care shampoo, conditioner and masque to try from Influenster. To say I am excited to see if it works in an understatement! I smelled the masque of course, and it smells wonderful! I will be trying it this weekend. Stay tuned for the results!


Favorite Food Find: While scouring the frozen section at Target last Sunday, I stumbled upon a new line of single serving items by Archer Farms. This quinoa was delicious! Like, hello feta, how could you not like this? Plus you know, it is healthy because quinoa. Perfect to pair with other items for lunch during the week!



Favorite Livvy Pictures: Amanda said she needed a dose of Livvy. She is harder to catch in picture these days…as she is full on crazy pants.


She is obsessed with the TV. If it is on, she is mesmerized by it and promptly jumps up and tries to touch what is on the screen. To which she gets yelled at and sent to her room because those kitty paws do not need to scratch our TV.


Watching TV yet again (from my lap) and undoubtedly plotting a way to get up on the entertainment center without us noticing. Not likely, Livvy. Not likely.


She is also obsessed with the dogs. From a distance. She sits in the window and stalks them when they are outside. We have to keep the blinds up and the curtain tied away from the window to keep her happy, or she meows until you fix it. Obviously.

Favorite Funnies:

I am not ok with drunk driving at all, yet I find this ecard hilarious….

Hmmm I can see the dogs pulling these shenanigans.

How Mac probably feels when he can’t find Livvy…..

funny meme app


foodie, friday favorites

Friday Favorites

Favorite Song:Fly Over States – Jason Aldean – I couldn’t help but be totally cheesy while in the air this week looking down at all the farms and sparse housing in certain areas. In all my years, I have driven through lots of states: Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Arkansas, Kansas, Kentucky, New York, and Canada. I am here to tell you that all those states had their fair share of little towns and spare housing areas. It truly is beautiful when you think about it.

Favorite Meal:Wednesday evening we ate at Bull & Bear at our hotel (Waldork Astoria on Disney Property.) It was a four course meal that spanned over three hours and it was delicious!!!! My first course was corn soup, second was Caesar salad, third was filet mignon with family style sides of macaroni and cheese with bacon, asparagus, creamed corn, and mashed potatoes. The forth course was creme brulee. It came out still flaming. Holy yum. Unfortunately, I have zero pictures because I was surrounded by people in my company and I didn’t want to be that girl. None of them know about my blog!

Favorite Moment: Thursday evening, after dinner at the Napa Room at Disney Contemporary Hotel, we got to watch the fireworks show and see the castle. This is the closest I have come to actually being at Disney so far, and I will take what I can get. The night was a special Halloween show, so it was supposed to be a little better than their normal show with 360 degree fireworks around the park. Basically, I really just want to come back down here with Chris and have the whole Disney experience!!!!!

Favorite Funnies:



ha true



NEVER Give Up on your DREAMS

Fuck School. I mean i'mma still go though. Funny, ecard, lmao, lol, humor, offensive








