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Confessions and Scooby Snacks

–Sooooo I have finally come to terms with the fact that I am just really awkward. Like really REALLY awkward. I admitted this out loud in the car to Chris on our way to a get together at some guys house that we met at a bar a few weeks back. Totally normal. I told him that I was sort of not into going to said get together because I am just really awkward around people that I don’t know. Ok. I am awkward around people that I know very well too, but at least it is a comfortable awkward. For me, anyways. My family probably just thinks I am crazy.

Let me give you an example of this. The hallway in our office is really long. When someone else is walking down it, I smile nervously at them and then start messing               with my arms or investigating empty offices. I mean…what else do you do. Please. Tell me what you do with your hands?!?!?!?!



–After the link up yesterday, I realized this was true. It is so true. And ummmm……ouch. I can’t be the only one who thinks the 90’s was the last decade, can I?

–My co-worker randomly asked me this morning how old I was. When he realized we were the same age he says “Do you remember LFO?” I was like “Do you like girls that wear Abercrombie and Fitch?” He was like “Yesssssss!!!!! Have you ever really listened to the lyrics of the song? They talk about Scooby Snacks in the Girls on TV song.” I almost said, “You should see my blog post today about back in my day.” Luckily I stopped myself before I realized the horrific error I almost made. Almost.

–Also, while on the subject of LFO….mad props to Lauren and Jess for getting my tweet yesterday afternoon!

–I have one finger nail that is longer than all the others. It is driving me crazy. How did I miss it?

–While driving I find myself calling the person their car. “Come on Mazda. Just a little faster there. Let’s pass that car! We can do it, Mazda!” or something like “I know that you want to drive off a cliff Mini Van because you hate your life but there is no need to drive like an idiot.”

–I laughed harder than I should have for that….

–While shopping, I constantly find myself saying things like “This would have been really cute if they didn’t have this on it.” Or this would be so cute in this color.” “This would have been perfect if they actually made it on a correct size scale and not 5 times smaller than it should be.” Like seriously!!!! I really want to open my own boutique for women who are in their 20’s-50’s that want to dress a little on the trendy side, but still keep it classy yet fun. And carry good quality stuff that is flattering on all body types. Why can’t I just have unlimited funds to do this?!

–I have been going to be between 10pm and 11pm every night so far this week and let me tell you… is kicking my ass!!!! It’s settled, my grandma ass has to be in bed BEFORE 10pm in order to function properly the next day. I mean, I wake up at 4:25am to work out so give me a break! I was really tempted to do this yesterday afternoon….



And now, some more confessions in ecards


Linking up for the hump day confessions with either Kathy or Stephanie…whoever has their shit together this morning. Just kidding. Poor Kathy has been having issues with her blog going down. Silly internet. Also linking up with my girl Liz for the hump day blog hop!


The Hump Day Blog Hop


Back in My Day

Back in my day we had to walk a mile to the bus stop up hill both ways. Literally. Well, in middle school I did anyways. We lived in a neighborhood that the bus wouldn’t come through so I had to walk down one hill and up another to get to the bus stop, and reverse on the way home!
But seriously, when I first heard of this link up from Steph, I couldn’t have been more excited!!! I freaking LOVE to look back at the things that were popular back in the day, the music, the clothes, the memories, just give it all to me! I feel as though we were a stronger people back then too. There was NONE of this wussification of America going on back then. We didn’t get a trophy for participating, there was no holding an entire class back because of a few kids, there were no feelings hurt over stupid shit, and I think we were better for it. We had a sense of reality. We knew that there were winners and losers in this world. We had to work hard for everything. We had imaginations! We could spell without the computer, survived most of our lives without cell phones attached to our hands at all times.
I feel sorry for kids these days. Completely and absolutely sorry for them.
But enough about my rant….let’s get to the fun stuff!!!!!
Just for reference, I was born in 1983 and am 30 years old now….
You could totally pull of the track suit look.
Cars were bad ass!
All of our school pictures looked the same.
Lisa Frank, troll slippers, 101 Dalmatian Pajamas, white Christmas trees…..
Getting Super Nintendo for Christmas was EPIC! Check out that black velvet dress with the pink bow. So stylish!
Middle school dances rocked!
Turtle necks were a thing….
Cuffed shorts, jean dresses, round glasses…..God love us!
We knew how to decorate a room!
Class of 2001!
This Jeep…so many good memories!!!!
Back in my day, gum doubled as first aid.
Or tattoos
Handheld gaming was less complicated.
Cardboard meant hours of entertainment.
It wasn’t weird to keep a girl in your pocket…
We did do some electronic journal-ling back then…
Nintendo was the shit. Oh wait, it still is 🙂
Glow worms protected you at night.
Bears were our friends…
Dirty Dancing was classy
Cartoons and TV were awesome!


We knew good music

Game shows were fun to watch
Don’t get me wrong, we had our problems.
I wouldn’t trade my memories of the 80’s or 90’s for anything!!!!!
.SMD's Blog

Weekend Shenanigans – The One With the Bunny and the Kitties

Well hello there. Did you get a visit from the Easter Bunny this weekend?

Why does the bunny look so disgruntled?

This weekend was a busy one for sure! Let’s get to it!

Friday – Friday evening we attended my friend Amanda’s 30th birthday party at Southern Kitchen Bar and Grill. It was a beautiful rooftop party and while it was a little chilly up there, it was so pretty to see the sunset. Of course, I didn’t take any pictures of said sunset, but it was an enjoyable one!

Saturday – We started off running some errands and a lunch at Blackwell’s. We then headed to our nephew’s 4th birthday party at Chucky Cheese. We might have went to the wrong one at first, ladies….if you think you are right and your husband is wrong about the location….go with your gut! Oopsy. Alas, we arrived at the right location! There is something about that mouse that scares the crap out of me to this day….but whatever! It was a fun time.

After the party, we headed out to another little get together at one of our friend’s houses in Helena. We hung out there for a few ours, grabbed some take out and came home and crashed. A great day!

Sunday – Of course, Sunday was a day for family. We headed over to Chris’s parents house around noon and spent the majority of the day there eating, conversing, sitting outside. We had a huge group, Chris’s parents, his sister and her family, his brother and his family, his cousin and her family, his aunt, his grandma and her husband and then us of course. I loved just hanging out with everyone and enjoying the beautiful weather. We watched the kids hunt for eggs and play golf in the front yard, I played a game of minion operation with one of my nieces, and we got to visit our two new babies!!!!!

20140421-064026.jpgThey will be coming home with us in a few weeks when they are done feeding with their sweet mommy. Look at those little faces!!!!

After we left Chris’s parents house….we headed to Walmart to pick up a few groceries for the week since it was the only place opened. I hate Walmart. They seriously had hardly anything that I needed. Go figure. It was my once every few month trip. Ha!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I suppose we are back to reality this morning. It sucks. Shouldn’t today be a holiday to recover from a weekend? I think so….



Friday Five


Well hey there party people! It is Friday!!!!! Some of you lucky bitches have off today. Whatever. I am just glad it is Friday and the weekend is upon us. And a busy one it will be!

1. Last night after work I stopped by the Pinnacle in Trussville because I decided I have nothing to wear to the birthday party that I am attending tonight, and nothing to wear to a wedding I am going to next Saturday. I found this dress at JCPenney. What? Yes, sometimes you can actually score cute stuff there!

The question is….how should I accessorize? I have my leg turned weird so you can see the shoes I plan to wear. Don’t mine the hair…



2. These two are my favorites. Does Gracie know how to give the sad puppy come play with me look or what?!?! Meanwhile, Mac is just killing that animal for the 1057th time. Gracie is actually probably mourning the loss.



3. I stopped by TJ Maxx the other day after work to pick up a resistance band for my door to get my back work outs in. Somehow I ended up in the home section? It was like a magnetic force driving me straight to it! I have been looking at different options for a piece of furniture in our master bath. We have this weird wall with a space and I thought it would be cool to add some storage and then get some jewelry holders to make a nice display on top with a candle or something. Thoughts on something like this? My bathroom accents are silver and gray with little hints of purple. I plan on getting a picture of the ocean to put above my garden tub so that it looks like you are looking out at the beach. I thought this washed look would be a nice touch with that….


4. Pony. I listed to the song like 4 times last night on my way home. Love it. Plus, it also makes me think of Channing dancing. Your welcome.

5. Friday wouldn’t be Friday around here without a good ecard!

Amanda has a new link up going on, Friday Favorites. Go check it out! If you aren’t following Amanda by now, I am not really sure what you are doing with your life? Homegirl is the shit at Barre and makes me really want to become a ballerina or something. Plus, she is hilarious….and I love to laugh.

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Also, because it is Friday…my list is in fives because, duh. Linking up with Joy and the Five on Friday girls as always too!


Mom Always Said No Running in the House

Do you remember the episode of the Brady Bunch when the boys are playing with a basketball and one of them ends up breaking one of Mrs. Brady’s vases. Then of course the inevitable happens. Someone kindly reminds you “Mom always said don’t play ball in the house.” They just don’t make TV like they did back in the Brady Bunch and I Dream of Jeanie days do they?

Moving right along….

This is a story of the time that my sweet loving sister blames ME for sending her to the emergency room. I kindly remind her every time she points the finger at me that mom always said not to run in the house!!! Humph!


It was a cold December day in Pennsylvania. I was about 7 and Tracy was about 2. At the time, we were living with my Grandma Jerry in her house while our house was being renovated. (My parents had bought a really cool old farm house that was 100 years old and it needed some work…to say the least!) Anywhoodles. My Grandma and I were snuggled up in my bed reading and my sister came into the room. I had a hankering for some apple slices and I asked her if she minded bringing me some. She kindly obliged then took off running downstairs to get me said apple. Apparently she was trying to make a delivery in 5 minutes or less because she came running right back upstairs at full speed and tearing down the hall.

She entered into my room, tripped over her untied shoe and went flying onto the floor. At first there was no noise, for about 5 full seconds. Then? Blood curdling screams and crying. She wasn’t moving and she was face planted on the floor. My grandma and I were unwrapping ourselves from under the covers to check her out, and my mom came running upstairs. She had been down in the kitchen talking with her best friend, Casi.

My mom picked Tracy up and there was blood. Everywhere. You couldn’t tell where the blood was coming from, there was so much of it all over her little face!! She ran her into the bathroom and starting wiping her off and realized she had a huge gash in her head. My mom started freaking out and panicking, as any worried mother would do. Luckily her best friend was there to save the day and drove them to the emergency room. Apparently, Tracy caught her forehead on the night stand drawer pull. My grandma had some pretty antique furniture in that room, and the drawer pulls were these sharp hook like things that had a VERY pointy end on them.

I was afraid that my sister was going to die or something. I started pacing around the house and crying on my grandmas shoulder. I mean I was 7, it was pretty traumatic. My grandma assured me that everything was going to be ok. Several stitches later and Tracy was home. With a nice huge bandage on her forehead. Apparently kids are resilient. Casi told me that Tracy was playing in the Christmas house in the lobby of the hospital. Go figure. Here I was at home worried about the little twerp!

To this day, Tracy has a huge scar on her head that has faded over the years from the incident. And would you believe that little brat blames ME for the whole thing because I wanted an apple. I believe she was the one running through the house like a crazy person with her shoes untied. My mom told her REPEADILY not to run through the house!!!!

I am just glad she was fine.