Linking up with Tanya for my recent Amazon purchases. It has been easier to just hop on Amazon when the need arises lately, so here we go!
Santal Oil
Chris got this for me for part of my birthday present, and it smells so amazing. I have it going in my office while I work with some piano music in the background and I swear I am instantly calmer. The packaging and bottle feel super lux. Just a few drops and my room is filled with scent in just a few minutes.
Zesty Paws Mobility Bites – This is the third purchase of these, and they are working great for our furry old man. He noticbly gets around a lot better since he started taking them. For his weight, we only have to do one a day so they last me three months. He thinks they are a treat, so he is happy too.
Shower Shelves
I had a free standing tower shelf I bought from TJ Maxx when we moved into this house. It takes up quite a chunk of our shower stall and it has gotten so gross from water. I realized we really only used the top shelf, so I thought I would get something smaller to hang on the wall. I got the 2-pack because we don’t use bar soap. If you use bar soap, you could get the 3-pack. It was easy to hang and perfect for the items I rotate in our shower.
Canister Set
Trying to organize the fridge and pantry is a full time job, I swear. I love just about everything in our house…except the pantry. It is tiny, about half the size of our old one. It is so hard to keep organized!!! I can never see what we have when I am ordering groceries, stuff goes bad because it gets hidden. I am trying my best to find an organization system that works for us. These are helping. And they’re gorgeous.
On a side not, have you ever noticed if you follow organization accounts, they share these totally satisfying reels of putting away groceries and cleaning out the fridge….but whatever fridge they are doing, there are no condiments, no leftovers, half the time no meat. I don’t find them helpful at all because it is so unrealistic of what a person’s fridge looks like on a daily basis. No one actually lives like that. Especially not with kids, or someone who cooks from home the majority of the time.
Mediterranean Cookbook
Lindsay gifted me this cookbook for part of my birthday present, and I love it! So many amazing recipe ideas!!! Mediterranean is one of the healthiest “diets” or lifestyles out there and I love to get inspiration from this.
Magic Erasers
An oldie but goodie. I got chalk markers for Zoe’s back to school board and I found that these are the best way to clean them! They are good for everything around the house too!
Caldrea Multi-surface Countertop Spray Cleaner in Rosewater Driftwood
This is a repurchase, my absolute favorite scented cleaning product ever!!! It smells like a luxury hotel or something, it is hard to explain. But I love it.
Gymnastics Mat
Grabbed this for Zoe to practice her gymnastics moves at home. She loves gymnastics so much and has been doing handstands and stuff outside in the yard. I feel better if she does it with a mat!
Balance Beam
Of course, no gymnastics class is complete without a balance beam! Love this! It folds up and is easy to move around and store. Perfect for working on that balance and building confidence! The high beams in class is what makes her nervous, so I feel like focusing on this at home helps.
Kids Mucinex
Zoe caught the crud at school after the first week. This is great for drying up a snotty nose. This is way cheaper on Amazon than Publix, where I found the first bottle. Highly recommend going through your medicine cabinet now and stocking up on all the things for the upcoming cold/flu season. You know it is going to be a doozy this year. On top of everything else.
Back to School Board
I love that this has the first and last day on one board. Zoe had fun answering the questions and it looked cute in pictures.
Chalk Markers
These are perfect for the above board, but also the chalkboard stickers, glass, windows, dry erase, etc. Love the colors! They also come with 24 chalkboard labels!!!
Scissor Skills Book
I grabbed this book for Zoe when we pulled her out of school for a few weeks. I know that scissor skills is big at her age, so I thought we better get practice here.
BLACK+DECKER 40V MAX Cordless Hedge Trimmer
When we moved into our old house, we bought a hedge trimmer when we didn’t know a thing about landscaping. I am not saying that we have learned anything in nine years….but we did learn that having one with a plug is a huge pain in the ass!!! Enter a cordless hedge trimmer.