Happy Friday! Like every week lately, it was such a whirlwind with work I got lost in my days and got nothing accomplished outside of work. I think the great closet purge of 2021 will hopefully be going down this weekend. Been meaning to do that for the last month. Our neighborhood has a yard sale coming up, and I would like to participate if I can get my life together for it!
I have been listening to a style podcast the last few days while I work, and it has really been great to hear some things that make sense and are obvious, but having someone tell them to me has really helped. Things like when you like an item and purchase several just like it….then it doesn’t really give you variety in your closet. That having different silhouettes and styles are needed to feel more fresh and give you options.
There was an episode where she talks about how holding onto things because they used to be your style or were an “investment” piece or gifted to you but doesn’t make you feel good is holding you back. I feel like who I was in my 20s and who I am now, with a completely different lifestyle and needs, doesn’t need to have the same wardrobe. There are definitely things I have held onto forever and need to let go! Even just in the last three years, I went from being in a very formal old school company that expects you to be very business/professional dressed, to a much more business casual office, to working from home. My needs have changed, but I still have the same uncomfortable stuffy clothes that were never really my style hanging untouched in my closet for the last 2 years. Lots of items that don’t really fit, either. Why do I hold on to stuff that I don’t feel good, sexy, confident in????When you wear something you don’t love, it sets your mood for the day.
Just food for thought if you are struggling with your closet right now. It doesn’t help that what is “in” right now, is so not me. I downloaded a wardrobe basics worksheet from the podcaster’s website and realized that I am missing over half the stuff on it. No wonder why I struggle constantly.
Favorite Products: I am obsessed with this Caldrea Rosewater Driftwood counter spray. It smells INCREDIBLE. The mist is perfection, the packaging is pretty. I find myself cleaning my counters more often just because I look forward to the scent lingering after. Must try!
I have been using this Shu Uemura Shiki Worker spray for several months now. (At least 6 months, but I think even longer.) Full disclosure, I initially received it through BzzAgent, but I will 100% be purchasing it when it is gone. I love this SO MUCH MORE than the It’s a 10 Miracle spray. Which was anything but a miracle, that shit literally did nothing for my hair. This spray smells amazing, detangles my hair instantly and tames some of the frizz/fly-aways. The bottle says it is good for fine, medium and thick hair.
Favorite Treat: Zoe had a dentist appointment this week, and in true me fashion, I decided she deserved a treat for being a big girl. Just like I get myself a Starbucks or treat for being a big girl anytime I go to the doctor or dentist. I grabbed myself a coffee for acting like the dentist doesn’t terrify me. LOL.
Also, if you are dentist, please consider sound proofing the treatment area from the front waiting area. Especially in a pediatric setting. Hearing a boy scream bloody murder for about 5 minutes straight did not put my kid at ease in the waiting room. At all.
Favorite Workout: Heather Robertson has a Glow Up challenge going on. I have done 2 of the workouts this week, not prepared for the actual whole challenge. But the two workouts I did were killer, and I plan to follow the 7 day schedule and nutrition tips she has on her site to go with it soon. My shoulder started hurting about an hour after the upper body workout, and I don’t even want to talk about the soreness the next day. You know you got a good workout in when you feel it almost immediately!
Favorite Funnies:
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Linking up for Friday Favorites.