Well, spring has sprung here in Alabama this last week. The dogwoods are blooming, my grass has turned back to green seemingly overnight, and my allergies are in full force making me question if it is allergies or the ‘rona every single morning when I wake up with a pounding headache. Fun times.
A few weeks ago, basically after Valentine’s Day, I started decorating for Easter and added some more stuff around the house this past week. I have a few more things I want to add eventually, but this is probably it for this year. Besides Christmas, Easter is my favorite holiday to decorate for. I love all the white, pastels and bunnies.
This weekend we pretty much hung around the house, only leaving to grab a Best Buy pick up and some burgers and diet cokes from BBQ Stop on Saturday night.
I had to work for a few hours each morning. I swear anytime I think I start to catch up, we have a new load of jobs in and my list keeps growing. I am thankful for the work and hope the economy continues in such a way, but then I also worry that it is just a bubble ready to pop. This last year has rocked all of our lives in such a way, hasn’t it?
I made a new dish yesterday for lunch, low carb chicken enchilada. Basically it is chicken breast with enchilada fixings on top, and some cauliflower rice. I might share the recipe later this week. It came together pretty easily and was full of flavor. It also looks pretty.
We managed to get outside some, with the weather near 80 the last two days. My allergies got the best of me yesterday afternoon, and we had to come inside. I felt like my eyes were going to explode. Still, lots of fun to be had!
I had someone reach out to me on Instagram a few weeks ago, offering a small discount in exchange for a post on the product. It was for Little Creators playdough kits! I have purchased a few kits from various Etsy sellers before, and it was time for a new one. The dough in these kits isn’t meant to last forever, as it is naturally made and tends to try out after several months. The toys inside are always so fun, because you can use them with slime and regular play dough too. I let Zoe get on the site and chose her favorite kits. She picked a large ballerina kit and a small rainbow/unicorn one. They arrive last week, and my goodness they are wonderful!!! These kits are better than the kits I have purchased before. The dough is larger and softer and smells incredible. Her large box is also much bigger than the others I have received, definitely giving us room to store the dough in the box. The other boxes we have, I can never get everything to fit back inside after opening.
Zoe has played with these kits for hours already, they are so much fun! Little Creators has offered my followers a discount code: LITTLES if you want to order some of your own. They posted some Easter boxes last week that look soooooo cute!!! They shipped really fast.

Sharing these kits on my blog wasn’t part of the deal. I just really loved the hits and highly recommend them for anyone that is looking. I only share good stuff with you guys, I hope you know that! I am not getting anything on the kits that are sold with my code.
Some seriously beautiful scenes Zoe has made with these over the last week!
I could talk about how it has been a year now since I left my office March 13th in the middle of the work day to go to the grocery store and get prepared for the 2-4 weeks we were told we would probably be home in quarantine. I remember thinking wow, up to a month??? So naïve were we, right??
This past year, I have been more than thankful that we have been able to keep our family in a safe little bubble and work from home. We had the means to have groceries and supplies delivered to our door, to be able to set up home offices comfortably, and live mostly unscathed this last year. At least physically. My mental state leaves a little to be desired if I am being honest. This virus isn’t really going anywhere anytime soon, but I spent a year doing my part and I am honestly over it. I have watched so many live like nothing changed, and if I am honest…I am a little jealous of those who still took trips, went to Target whenever they felt like it and weren’t scared. While I am not an extreme risk, I do have asthma, and pneumonia has put me in the hospital more than once in the past. The fact that this was known as a raspatory illness scared me, I won’t lie. I have watched family members, friends, coworkers, etc get sick. Luckily they have all come through on the other side. I actually have a family member that was just diagnosed this past week. Hoping he has a good recovery.
But right now, I am over it. Obviously, I am going to continue to be careful and take precautions. But we are slowly taking steps to take some parts of our lives back. I think it is time. I was never really a hugger before. Just with family and close friends…but if you know me even a little…don’t be surprised to get a huge hug every time I see you forever and ever….once I am not afraid of you giving me the plague. It’s amazing that such a small gesture is something I miss the most.
Anyways, back to work for me! We have some bad weather coming in on Wednesday down here. I am hoping things change between now and then, but if not…stay weather aware! I hope you all have a great week!
Linking up with Tanya.