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Amazon Favorites

Linking up with Tanya for another round of Amazon finds. I seem to always have enough items to share each month. Let me know if you have any of these things, or if you found something extra amazing recently!

Ring Light – After almost a year of working from home, I finally ordered a ring light for my office. I noticed during book club last week how awful I look because of the lighting in my office when the sun isn’t full blast outside. I wanted to look better for my work Zoom meetings too. I love this because it is perfect for my laptop, but came with something to hold my phone as well! It has a remote, and various shades and dimming/bright features to really get the best light for you. This was such a great deal! You could also turn it into a selfie stick, if you are into that sort of thing.

Meat Chopper – Everyone claims these are life changing. I had one of my spatulas that I usually use for this type of cooking break on me recently so I figured, why not? I am not going to say it is life changing, but I find myself grabbing it for any type of ground meat cooking. It definitely makes life easier. And there are pretty colors. I am a sucker for pretty thing. | COFACE Womens Sliders Plush House Slippers Flat Sandals for Women  Memory Foam Fuzzy Open Toe Slippers with Arch Support Anti Skid Ladies Slip  On Fur Slide Slippers House Shoes Mules

COFACE Slides – I saw Things I Bought and Liked and Lindsay both post about these slipper slides. I am obsessed with my Vionic slippers I got over the summer. I still wear them daily, but they are fuzzy on the bottom and dry out my feet a little. Also, they are pretty heavy/clunky to walk around in. These are foam bottom and much lighter. No fur on bottom, so they don’t get gross. They are comfortable and I like to switch them out with my Vionic ones from time to time…but they are no where near as supportive. Nothing is as good as the Vionic ones, and they are well worth the price. I think these are a great option for those who don’t suffer from PF or high arches, and are just looking for some house shoes. I like to wear them, but I need to where my Vionics when I am having a painful day. Which is almost every day these days.

SB Compression Sox – Along the same lines as the slippers, the pain is getting unbearable in my right foot. No matter how much I roll my feet, stretch, wear my slippers, etc. the pain is about a 7 or 8 most days by the end of the day. Someone suggested socks like these to me. I bought a pair to try out, and after 2 days, ordered more so I can make it between laundry runs with them. I only wear one on my problem foot and it really does help. I wear it from the time I wake up until I go to bed. If you are having some foot pain, this is definitely worth checking out.

Pinkalicious: Pink of Hearts by Victoria Kann | NOOK Book (NOOK Kids eBook)  | Barnes & NobleĀ®

Pinkalicious Pink of Hearts – I grabbed this book for Zoe for Valentine’s day. I think Pinkalicious is so cute. : Hello Products - Activated Charcoal Infused Floss Peppermint -  56.6 Yard(s) : Beauty

Hello Floss – It sounds silly, but this is my favorite floss. Sometimes it is hard to find at Target…so I grabbed a three pack from Amazon.

Premier Protein – Some days I really struggle with protein. I like protein smoothies….but sometimes I just want to grab something that is easy. I love to mix one of these caramel Premier Protein Shakes in a cup with ice and some cold brew coffee. It is delicious, reminds me of a Frappacino or latte without all the sugar..and I am still getting caffeine from my coffee.


Weekend Shenanigans

Happy February! I always feel like January lasts three months long for some reason. I think after all the excitement of Thanksgiving and Christmas back to back and then the sadness when it is over and you have to put away all the joyous decor and realize you have a whole new year ahead of you, and if you are like me…lots of healthy eating in your future as you try to get your shit together again….it is just a lot. January is still usually our busy time at work as well, as we close out deals that couldn’t happen in December.

Anyways, this weekend we had a little rain…but we also had some gorgeous weather yesterday afternoon! We took full advantage and spent the morning out on our deck, the afternoon driving around downtown and the evening walking and playing outside. A lot of you were posting pictures of snow days, and we were enjoying a sunny 68 degrees! Don’t worry, the high here is 37 today…so that was short lived. I hate dramatic changes in temperature like that!

We even got a little golf in. Zoe loves dragging this set out to play. We have had it since she was 2 and it has definitely gotten its use!

I made some baked oatmeal bar Saturday morning to snack on. This has been one of my favorite things to make lately! The link for the recipe is here, I found it from a Whitney Simmons video. I don’t even have tik tok on my phone lol. I literally mix it up in the dish I am cooking it in, so it comes together real fast, has minimal clean up, and is seriously delicious!

We had hot dogs for lunch Saturday, and I grilled filets for dinner. It had been awhile since we had steaks, and man were they good! We have a little hot dog toaster that is similar to this one. They turn out perfect every single time! I love that you can toast the buns too, game changer really.

Yesterday we had tacos for lunch, and I had cooked ribs all day in the crock pot, then finished them off in the oven. They were amazing as well!!! I even made homemade fries in the air fryer to go with them. The meat was falling off the bones, just the way I like it.

Other than that, I spent the mornings trying to catch up with work before Zoe woke up. I did a good cleaning of the kitchen and bathrooms Saturday, and we got to see Chris’s parents some this weekend. I have a few house projects in mind that I want to work on, so I had been scouring the internet in search of items to make it happen. I really want to set up a coffee bar off our kitchen to free up the mug cabinet and get the coffee stuff off the counter. I think it would be cool to do some functional shelving above for decor, but also storage for some baking products.

I would also like to start decorating our house. Now that we have lived here for a year, I sort of know what I would like to see in some of the areas. I may start small in my office, and work my way around. Zoe’s room and our half bathroom are the only rooms we have finished. I like to look for pieces that I really love and have some type of meaning to me. I don’t like to just throw up anything on the walls, or have a certain theme or style that I stick to. It is why it takes me so long picking things out, to be honest. How do you decorate? Do you pick a theme, style, color combo and stick to it? Or are you more organic and just go with things you like and hope it works? Sometimes I buy one piece that really speaks to me, and then it takes me a year to find something else for the space that will look good with it.


Friday Favorites

Hey there friends, happy Friday. Not that Friday means a whole lot around here. The other day Zoe asked me, “What is tomorrow?” And before I could answer she said “The same as today, right?” Yup. She gets it. I have seen a few people post about burnout lately, and I am feeling it big time. Juggling all the things for this long is taking a major toll on me. My anxiety and stress levels are through the roof. Yes, I am grateful to be lucky enough to be able to work from home and blah blah blah. But you guys, this shit is hard. I am mentally exhausted and quite frankly, a bit unwell. I just want to do something…anything. Hug my mom, walk around Target, not think about masks, death, politics, any of it. And I really just want to work without a million interruptions in my day.

A highlight of the week for Zoe came yesterday when we got a special package from Carly in the mail! I had won a giveaway when she was having a book party for new releases. Zoe LOVES the Usborne books we have purchased through her. I definitely want to grab a few more to add to her Easter basket. Message Carly if you need some book suggestions for your little one. She does such a great job picking things out for Zoe.

Zoe and I have also been enjoying coming up with fun things to make with a $5 bucket of Valentine’s Day craft supplies that I grabbed from Target a few weeks ago. Target has definitely stepped up their game on the seasonal crafts for kids. I have gotten something from them for Halloween, Christmas and Valentines and they have been favorites.

Favorite Skincare Find: A few months ago I received the Ice Ceramide Moisturizing Cream from Sunday Riley to review. The campaign for it (me writing a review on a retailer site) is long over, but I wanted to talk about it now that I have had it a few months. I have to say, I am quite impressed. Initially I wasn’t too sure about it. It is scented and the first two times I used it, I noticed a little redness around my cheeks. (My skin is super sensitive.) But after that, I never saw any redness again.

My skin was really dry before I had gotten this product. I had went from combination skin (heavy oil around my t-zone, dry on my cheeks) to mostly all dry. Now that I have been using this every morning for the last few months, I don’t have any dryness at all anywhere on my face. It is the only thing I have changed. I really love the packaging, it comes with a sturdy spatula so you don’t have to dip your fingers into the jar. The Auto Correct Eye Cream has also been really nice. I never really had an eye cream that I thought did anything for me. This one is super moisturizing and has kept that area from pealing, as it tends to do in the winter. I don’t notice anything with with ever present dark circles, but it does tend to depuff the area and I have noticed a slight decrease in the depth of my fine lines. Between these two products, it makes me want to try more from this line. I will definitely be repurchasing the Ice moisturizer when this one is gone.

Favorite Aldi Finds: Aldi had some more homeschooling stuff this week. Over the summer, I grabbed some awesome workbooks and playdough kits to work in with our lesson plans. This week, they had some number and letter puzzles and several wipe clean books. We have a few letter/word books already, so I grabbed a number one and a mathematics puzzle.

I also grabbed a football shaped pizza for the super bowl, and a box of fun little cheese cubes that were Valentine’s Day themed.

Favorite RecipeSkinnytaste’s Stuffed Pepper Soup is a favorite in this house. The soup was steaming in the picture above haha. DELICIOUS! I like to make brown rice to go at the bottom of the bowl. Last weekend we had chicken street tacos using a recipe out of this cookbook. And Cajun Chicken Pasta, that I haven’t made in forever. Zoe surprisingly loved the pasta! I was shocked, as she doesn’t tend to eat anything that has much spice in it. She also enjoyed the Stuffed Pepper Soup, but I had to pick the peppers out of her bowl lol.

Favorite Workout: There are days that I absolutely do not feel like doing mat work. You know the stuff..planks, pushups, walking planks, burpees, shoulder taps, etc. Yesterday was one of those days. Enter the standing workout! This one is only about 20 minutes and I still broke out into a sweat! I added in a walk after, and hit my move and exercise goal for the day. And I didn’t have to pull that yoga mat out of the closet or get down on the floor, yay!

Favorite Funnies:


Empties – Makeup

Coming at you with another empties post today! I saved all my recent makeup products for one empties. I still have a body care one and some random empties I need to post. Do you guys like to see these as blog posts, or would you rather watch them on Instagram stories? Just curious. I already photographed the next two and discarded the packaging so they will be blog posts, but was wondering how you would like them going forward. Little old me is not popular enough to have a swipe up on my Instagram to share links, so it would just be me talking about the products.

Too Faced Naked Eye – This palette is so old that they don’t make it anymore. The one that is closest to it is the Enchanted Wonderland or the Natural Eyes Neutral Eyeshadow Palette, that comes in nicer packaging. I bought this back in like 2012 -2013 I think? It was a long time ago. And I kept it even though I quit using it a few years ago. Who knows why? It is time to trash this thing! As you can see, there were a few colors that had a lot of love, and some I hardly touched. Isn’t that they way with palettes?

I do love Too Faced shadows and I have the Peach palette that has gotten a lot of wear and love over the years. I recommend the shadows if you are in the market for one. They blend nicely and compliment most skin tones. I definitely find myself using a lot of the colors in the Peach palette in the spring and summer.

Lancome Skin Feels Good – I have this in a light shade and it is my favorite to wear if I don’t want a full face of makeup, but want to even out my skin tone and have another layer of SPF. I find myself grabbing this most since the pandemic started. It does give a light/medium coverage and my skin looks better overall with it on. This, some mascara and a swipe of lip gloss is enough to go out in public for me. Not that I am going anywhere right now. I like this 100 times better than the IT CC Cream. I know some of you are obsessed with that stuff. I cant stand the way it smells, and it never sinks into my skin. It just sits on the top and transfers onto everything all day until its completely gone on me. This Lancome one holds up.

Estee Lauder Double Wear Foundation – Holy grail foundation for me. I can not tell you how many bottles of this stuff I have gone through. This provides full coverage all day, and does a good job of looking great on my skin. I wear 1N2 Ecru, and find it is the perfect shade for me most of the year. I used to wear 2N1 Desert Beige, and I find that this one is more my shade in the summer if I have a tan.

Maybelline Age Rewind – This is the best drugstore concealer that I can find. I usually grab it in fair, I want my concealer a shade lighter than the rest of my face. For some reason I had grabbed the brightening one this time. It was more of a rose gold type color? I dont know, I didn’t love it as much as the regular fair on me. I always have a bottle of this and then a higher end in my arsenal.

Urban Decay Eye Shadow Primer Potion – I have been using this primer for years. I think ever since it first came out. I like to buy the smaller $13 size because the larger one tends to dry out before I use it all. A little goes a long way, so the tube lasts a good while. My eye make up stays perfect all day.

NYX Butter Gloss – This is one of the best drugstore glosses you can find. I have been using this stuff for years and my favorite colors are Creme Brulee, Eclair and Tiramisu. I always have one of these three shades in my purse.

Loreal Voluminous Lash Primer – As far as lash primers go, this is my favorite drugstore option. I don’t use it all the time, but I do notice a difference when I do.

Givenchy Volume Disturbia Mascara – I loved this mascara. It lengthens and gives volume. Definitely one of my favorites and worth the price. Also, the packaging is gorgeous.

Cargo Liner – I don’t love this Cargo liner. I found that it tends to smear when I wear it, which is why I am tossing it before it is gone.

KVD Tattoo Liner – One of the best eye liners out there. Always a perfect line, always stays in place all day.

Gucci Mascara – I got a sample of this in exchange for a public review on a retail site. I have to say, this was a really good mascara and I was sad when it was empty. I would consider purchasing a full size one. I think I might have liked the Givenchy a little more.


Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! I feel like for a “short week” it was extra long. Perhaps it is because I technically worked half of Monday, even though it was a holiday and we were officially “off.” I never got around to recapping the weekend. Honestly, there wasn’t much to share. I cleaned the floors, raked some more leaves, helped Chris move some stuff around in the basement, and we played lots of Zingo and Mario Kart.

We also ordered amazing pizza from our favorite, Ironstone. They have NY style pizza, and as someone who is a major pizza snob…it is always so amazing. Zoe is a major fan of pizza party Friday.

We also ordered Tazikis to eat for a few meals. We love their grilled chicken, basmati rice and greek salad! We order the chicken for 6, and we get many lunch and dinners out of it that we spread out through several days. They give you a huge container of greek dressing, taziki sauce and soft pita to go with it.

I made some amazing chicken nuggets on Monday that we covered in Mikes Hot Honey Sauce. If you have never tried/heard of this before…you are seriously missing out! It is AMAZING. It reminds me slightly of the Honey Sriracha Meatball recipe that I make frequently, but different. I have only done chicken recipes with it so far, but I plan to experiment further. the nuggets were baked in the oven and I did them with a side of balsamic glazed brussels. This balsamic reduction is another obsession of mine. It makes everything taste amazing. A little goes a long way on flavor.

Favorite Moments: Zoe and I have made it a point to get out and walk every day this week that it wasn’t raining. I am trying to get back into getting more steps in my day like I did earlier in the pandemic. I was crushing it, and of course the weather has a lot to do with it. Still, the cold never bothered us anyways and it isn’t an excuse to not get out and get some fresh air, movement in!

We are going through a weird phase with Zoe where she freaks out about how her clothes feel. Lord help us. It has been quite the struggle that just happened within the last month. There are only a handful of things that she will wear, claiming that everything feels like it is “falling off her arms.” Mostly she wont wear anything long sleeve except her jackets. And even that she usually pushes the sleeves up, despite the cold weather. Has anyone dealt with this before? I am truly at a loss on how to proceed. It is completely irrational and ridiculous to me, but she is clearly passionate about it.

I have been collecting antique character glasses for years. My favorites are the Carebear mugs and Popples glasses. I have a huge collection of Smurf ones, several Flinestone, Garfield, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Snoopy, and a few Tom & Jerry, Mickey and Looney Tunes thrown in there too. Oh, and one Cabbage Patch and a few Batman mugs. I was so excited to get these out and display them in my China cabinet after I had cleared it out from Christmas. Turns out I have a lot more than I thought I did, and can’t really display them properly. Now I am not sure what I want to do. My plan was to move the China cabinet to one corner, and put a coffee bar where it currently sits. Now I think I need a curio cabinet for these glasses, but I don’t want to give up my original idea. I could fit the curio cabinet in our Hearth room, but right now Zoe’s grocery store, easel, etc take up space there. Decisions decisions. They have been boxed up for years, never getting to enjoy them. I am determined to have them out somewhere, as they bring me so much joy.

Favorite Purchase: I saw this sweater on clearance at Walmart for under $15 and it reminded me of a much higher end one I loved a few months ago but would never pull the trigger on. Walmart has really killed it this year on sweatshirts and a few dupes. The fit is true to size, and I love the neutral colors. I am definitely more of a neutrals girl. I love the idea of white sweaters, but don’t want all white. I feel like the stay puft marshmallow man. So this gives me some white, but darker on the bottom where I want it.

Favorite Recipe: I shared a picture of my Spicy Thai Chicken on stories the other day, and several slipped in the DMs asking for a recipe. It is actually a Keto recipe that comes together so fast! The slaw that they pair with it is good too, but we prefer stir fry veggies. The actual chicken part doesn’t require many ingredients.

Favorite Workout: I don’t know what it is about this leg workout. I did it on Tuesday and OMG!!!! I still feel my ass this morning. I haven’t been this sore after a leg day in a long time. It wasn’t even anything difficult, maybe just the number of reps or sequence in which it all happens? Let’s just say it was hella effective. I did a HIIT the next day and I felt every second of it.

Favorite Funnies:

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Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything.