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Weekend Shenanigans

Nothing like recapping a weekend on a Wednesday, right? Book day was yesterday though, and you gotta be there for that! If you missed it, I only read two books and they were both consumed in the last week. I enjoyed both of them, totally worth reading. Anyways, onto the weekend! The long weekend!

Friday evening, we ordered Mexican for dinner. We decided on somewhere other than our usual, and it was fabulous.

I had a little work to finish up Saturday morning. After that, we headed out for our car ride. When we got home, Zoe wanted to go play outside. I set up the sprinkler and her water table, and she had a lot of fun running around between the two. After, she came up on the deck and played in her sandbox for awhile.

Sunday morning, we ordered Cracker Barrel for breakfast. Never disappoints.

Zoe and I spent a lot of time outside again. The weather was a lot drier this weekend, so it was tolerable to sit out in the shade. We don’t get very many “dry, non-humid” weekends down here…so you have to take full advantage! We took lots of evening walks around the neighborhood too. We pass by this one house that has an owl statue near their mailbox. I am pretty sure it is to keep the birds away from crapping on it. I might end up doing the same, as ours is always getting covered by them. Zoe was terrified the first time she saw and it practically jumped in my arms screaming. I had to explain that it was a pretend owl, and then she became fascinated with them. We have to watch YouTube informative videos on owls now, and she has to go by and say hi when we take walks.

On Monday, we took yet another car ride. This time we stopped at BBQ Stop on the way home to pick up burgers, sides and cheese fries. Everything was really good and hit the spot! This was our second time doing a drive thru. Slowly getting ourselves back out there!

It is crazy how fast a Monday goes when you don’t have to work, right??? Even working from home, you definitely feel work days. This past weekend, I really tried to unwind some. I am over all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, work, homeschooling, not seeing people, etc. I tried to let some of that go for a few days. Of course, now I have 3498 loads of laundry to do, floors to clean, work to catch up on, and lessons to teach…but it was nice to unwind some!

When your kid wants to selfie, you selfie!

Yesterday it was back to Zoom meetings, homeschooling, ordering groceries for the week, working, catching up with clients and tracking down data, and getting a start on the mountain of laundry that accumulated in just a few days. And dishes. Dear God, the dishes. Someone explain to me how there are always so many??? I hope you all had a great weekend! We are already half way through this week now!



Linking up with Steph and Jana. I debated about linking up today, because I only have two books to share with you. I hit a major reading rut this month. It was really nothing to do with either of these book, and everything to do with my mood. I just didn’t feel like reading. Work has been busy, not doing anything has been getting to me, I am just over everything. I spent way too much time getting angry about what I saw on social media, and I just wanted to chill out and not read. Very unlike me. I feel like I am coming back though, so here we go!

Layla by Colleen Hoover


I love a good Colleen Hoover book. She is usually a solid read for me. I don’t know what I was expecting when I picked up this book, but this was not it!!!! I don’t really know what I want to share about it, because I don’t want to ruin this book for anyone. I highly suggest you don’t read reviews, because you can barely talk about this book without giving spoilers.

Let me just say that this is very different than any Colleen Hoover book I have read. I was not expecting this. This book creeped me the hell out for awhile. I found the whole premise interesting, though, if I had known in advanced, I may not have reached for it. So I am glad I didn’t know. I loved the format of the book. You start out in an interview, and then the book goes back and forth between Leeds recollection over the past few weeks, and then back to present day in the interview. You get mad at Leeds for awhile, or at least I did. Basically your emotions are a roller coaster in this book. And when the end comes, it is the end, no epilogue. I sort of wish there was one, but it isn’t exactly unfinished either. I think have just gotten used to there being just a little more at the end, you know?

Bottom Line: Read it! Go in to it knowing nothing. It will make it so much better.

**I received a copy of Layla from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are of my own.**

Island Affair by Priscilla Oliveras

Island Affair (Keys to Love, #1)

I finished this one in just a few sittings. It was just what I needed to get out of my rut! This was such a cute book, but also had some depth to it. The main character is a social media influencer and youngest from a family of doctors. You learn about her problems pretty early on, and things she is working on to overcome them. She also has a rift with a few family members. And I loved meeting the Navarro family as well! Luis has his own secret from the past, and trouble with his youngest brother. The way they met and he agreed to this charade in the beginning was a little quick, rushed and easy. But the rest of this book was so good! The chemistry, the banter, and the characters in this book were great. I really love that we got to see the two main characters grow, as well as the family dynamics change.

Bottom Line: Read it This is my first from this author, and wont be my last.

Currently Reading

Rosie’s Traveling Tea Shop by Rebecca Raisin

Rosie’s Travelling Tea Shop

You’re Gonna Miss This

Zoe trying on one of my shirts and shoes after a shower.
This picture reminds me how tiny she is.

Time is weird. Parenting is weird. When kids are little, we are so focused on milestones that happen at different stages. When they can hold their head up, sit up, crawl, walk, etc. But I never really think about when these things become a distant memory, or when we stop doing certain things.

My sister dropped some baby items off to me last weekend that she had borrowed for my great nephew. I was putting them in the attic, and thinking about when Zoe used them. When did she stop needing the swing? That thing was an essential part of my sanity there for a few months.

Since March, Zoe basically dropped naps. The first day home, she didn’t want to take one and I was still trying to figure out how our days were going to look, so I let her skip it. We had been skipping naps most weekend days anyways, knowing she was still getting a good nap at school all week. But after that first day, she never took one again. And now we are 6 months of no naps, and I cant remember the last time she did nap for me? When did these stop? It’s like you don’t even know its happening when it does.

I try to remember that feeling, as she randomly asks me to pick her up throughout the day. She is around 37-38 pounds now, which starts to get pretty heavy when you are holding her for an extended period of time. But one day, she is going to stop reaching for me and asking me to pick her up.

Right now, I sit on her bedroom floor at night until she falls asleep. I have been doing this since we came home from Gatlinburg in January. Ever since we moved, she had a hard time going to bed at night. I guess being in a new room on a different floor seemed big and scary. I just found it easier to sit up there with her, than to fight with her about going to bed and listening to her cry. I take that time to scroll social media or read a few chapters of my book while I wait for her to sleep. I made a joke one day about how it’s not like I am going to have to go off to college with her to do this. It is just a phase. But that is the thing, it is just a phase. One night, she isn’t going to need me up there anymore. One day, she is going to stop grabbing my hand as we walk up the stairs to go to bed. That breaks my heart.

I know a lot of people have looked at 2020 as the year of complete chaos, but honestly, it has allowed me to slow down some and really enjoy spending time with the two people who matter most to me. I am not going to lie, working full time at home while trying to keep Zoe entertained, schooled, and coming up with new things to do is hard some days. And it came be so lonely and isolating as well. But we have created so many memories over the last several months.

I am sharing all of this to say, that if you are a parent in a certain season, it is just that. A season. Maybe a particularly hard one, where you are going through a sleep regression, trying to break the paci, potty training, witching hour, whatever it is. Just remember that one day, this will all be a distant memory to you. One day, they are going to sleep through the night again. One day, they will be going to the potty without any assistance from you. One day, they are going to move out on their own and break our hearts.

You’re gonna miss this
You’re gonna want this back
You’re gonna wish these days hadn’t gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you’re gonna miss this



Linking up with Kristen this morning! What am I currently doing right this second? Chatting with another mom in a mom Facebook group about how lonely and isolating all of this has been. And how we have realized we don’t have any real hobbies. I mean, I blog and read. But other than that? Nothing really sticks out. Do you have any hobbies? Anyways, I am currently….

Reading: Layla by Colleen Hoover. Has anyone has received this from Netgalley???? Is is anything what you expected???? I cant decide if I love or hate the whole thing. It comes out in December. Honestly, I hit sort of a reading snag this month. I started two books and couldn’t care about either one of them, so I grabbed this one because Colleen Hoover is always a solid read for me. And then I got into it and I was like WTF is going on here???? And when I give my review next week, I don’t even know how much I want to disclose because I feel like saying anything will give it away. Someone talk to me! Also, fair warning, this may be the only book I have finished by then!


Watching: I was reading Rebecca’s blog last week and realized that Lucifer is back on Netflix. YESSSS! I absolutely love this show. If you have never seen it, now is the time to get caught up! I was so said when it ended, and couldn’t be more happy about Netflix picking it up.

All the very best moments from 'Lucifer' season 5 on Netflix – Film Daily

Cooking: I mean, when am I not cooking or making a snack for someone these days. I was throwing together some crock pot BBQ chicken yesterday, while Zoe was sitting at the bar in our kitchen having lunch. She looked at the ingredients when I was just tossing things in (homemade sauce) and asked me if it was hard. She said, “Mommy, your BBQ chicken is so good, does that mean it is hard to make?” And I just looked at her and said, “Honestly, some of the most simple things to come together are the best things to make. Just because something is good doesn’t mean that it was difficult or elaborate.” And I think that sums up everything there is to know about life. But in all seriousness, I think we have all perfected our skills while being home.

I wanted to share my quick and easy, low carb friendly BBQ sauce. It is so easy to throw together, and it tastes SO good!

15-16 ounces (either 2 8-ounce cans or one 15 ounce can) tomato sauce

4 TBSP worchestershire sauce

4 TBSP apple cider vinegar

1 TBSP liquid smoke (I always splash a little extra in)

1 TBSP yellow mustard

2 TSP salt

2 TSP onion powder

1 TSP smoked paprika (optional, I toss it in when I have it on hand)

1 TSP minced garlic

**optional (if you like a sweeter sauce) 2 TBSP of either Swerve brown sugar or regular brown sugar**

And that is it! You can dump it just like this in a crock pot with meat, or you can heat it up in a pan on the stove. I keep any extra in a mason jar for dipping in the fridge. This is Chris and Zoe approved! I know it sounds like a lot of ingredients, but it really isn’t, and I bet you have most on hand.

Loving: I purchased this Aerie sweatshirt on sale (it’sunder $20!!!!) and I am in love!!! It is so cute how it falls off the shoulder, and I feel more put together even though I am just lounging around.

I may or may not have also ordered these leggings. I normally do not do printed bottoms, but after seeing a few photos of normal sized women wearing them, I thought, why can’t I pull them off too?!

Feeling: Uninspired lately, if I am being honest. I had a few projects that I was so excited about a few months ago, and I have pretty much dropped the ball on all of it. That is really not like me. I feel like with fall coming up, I am sort of having a renewed source of energy. I hope that I can channel that into those things, because I really feel that they could be something if I put my time into them! Have you been feeling this way about things lately?

Decorating: I am not usually one to decorate for fall, Halloween or Thanksgiving. I sometimes change a few things out for seasons, but don’t go all out until Christmas. I want to change that this year, especially now since we moved. We have a lot more space to decorate without things looking cluttered. I want to curate a collection of holiday and seasonal decor that I absolutely love, and want to see year after year. I ordered this tiered tray a few weeks ago, and it finally came in. I can’t wait to make a trip to Hobby Lobby and the Target dollarspot to find some fun fall things for it! I really love white pumpkins, and I think that is what I might do for most areas in our house. I may get a few traditional orange things for our kitchen….and keep white and more neutral ones in the dining room where this tray will be, and the living room area. What is your favorite way to decorate for fall? Do you just add a few decor items, or do you change out pillows, welcome mats, hanging decor, etc and go all out?


Stupidly Funny Posts For Maximum Day-Brightening (37 Memes)
jacki long: Day 2800: It's Okay.
Keep it in the junk drawer - Imgur
(10) RVillage - Group - Comic RELIEF!
@ViralDads 🤣 Parenting Humor on Instagram: “Deep breaths everyone... Just make sure your deep breathes are at least 6 feet away from someone else taking deep breaths 🤪 #ViralDads”

Weekend Shenanigans – The Time We Went Somewhere

It’s a funny thing, this whole quarantine thing. If we can still call it quarantine? I mean, lot of places are opened, but we still aren’t doing most of it. But this weekend was a big one for us! We will get to that, but first, let’s talk about Friday!

Friday, Chris was supposed to have a day off (he never truly does) and I was working, but also waiting on a lot of data to come in, so sort of stalled in what all I could get done. I took Zoe for a midday car ride just to change up the scenery. When we got home, Zoe found a caterpillar friend crawling near our retaining wall.

Of course, she named it Belle since it was a yellow color. She remembered that they turn into butterflies, and asked when that would happen. And also asked if it was related to all the yellow butterflies we usually see in our yard. Seriously, though, why are all the butterflies yellow this year? We have seen hundred of them this summer, and every single one is yellow! Anyways, after that, we decided to have a pizza party for an early dinner! So. Amazing.

We went for our usual family car ride on Saturday. We take the same route, drive by all of our favorite places and then Zoe always asks to drive by Chris’s parents house. When we got down their street, we saw that their car was there. Chris, partly joking I think, said “we could go in.” I called him on his bluff, circled the neighborhood and pulled right in their drive way. We did it. We went inside! The first place we have been other than our house since March 13. We had visited them in their driveway a few months ago, but this time we went in the house and hung out for a little while. It was so nice to see them, and Zoe was in an amazing mood the rest of the weekend. I honestly think it did a world of good for her.

That evening after we got home, I hung up some pictures that my sister brought over for Zoe that my niece is no longer using. They look so cute in her playroom, and ones that can grow with her. I hung them in a way that we can add a few pieces Zoe picks out to it whenever she finds things she loves.

After that we went out on the deck, and Zoe and I found a fun game to play with Mac. He HATES bubbles. Hahahahaha. You can’t hide forever.

On Sunday morning, my sister came over and brought a pinata with her for Zoe. She had filled it with suckers, candy and little dolls. It was fun watching Zoe try to smash it with a stick. Zoe was obsessed with the dolls that she filled it with, and they have provided hours of play since. So thanks, Tracy!

After my sister left, we went for another car ride. This time we decided to try the Sonic drive up option!!! Another big step, as the only outside food we have had, has been through delivery services. I was so excited to have my first fountain diet coke since March. Unfortunately, our trip was a little tainted, as the person who brought our food out to our car was not wearing a mask. We took everything home and zapped it in the microwave and toaster oven to kill any germs. If she wasn’t wearing her mask outside around their costumers, chances are, they aren’t following protocols inside either, you know?

That burger made Zoe so happy though! So I am glad that we went and got ourselves back out there a little. Next stop, a pumpkin cold brew or PSL for me ASAP!!!

That afternoon, Zoe and I had made a chocolate pie and we all enjoyed it! My mom used to make these all the time when I was little, and I remembered how easy and delicious they were. Literally just make cook and serve chocolate pudding, dump into a graham cracker crust and top with cool whip. Boom!

We finished our weekend with a lovely evening walk. My favorite.