Linking up with Kristen for another currently post. Not a whole lot going on over here. Just working while trying to keep up with house work, fitness, and keep the kid entertained and keep my sanity. You know, the usual. We haven’t been spending quite as much time outside the last week, because it has just been so hot and humid. I am so ready for some fall weather.
I saw that the SEC is keeping their football games in conference this year. Should be interesting. It will be nice to have some football to focus on soon! Though, who knows how the season will play out once it gets started. I feel like everything is up in the air these days, you cant count on much. The holidays are quickly approaching, and who knows what they are going to look like. I had to stop watching the news. It was consuming me.
Reading – I am about to start Layla by Colleen Hoover. (I got an ARC from Netgalley.) I love Colleen Hoover, so I can’t wait! Last night I finished When No One is Watching by Alyssa Cole. It comes out on September 1st and I highly suggest getting it! It was so good!

Watching – Zoe is obsessed with Tangled lately. So I constantly have the “Mother Knows Best” song stuck in my head. Other than How I Met Your Mother reruns in the evenings that we watch before bed, I really haven’t watched anything. Chris watches a lot of movies on Sundays, I rarely get the chance to sit down and watch any of it. And Zoe likes Sofia the First when she isn’t watching Tangled. Exciting life over here.

Speaking of Tangled. Zoe asked me where Rapunzel lived and when I googled it, I stumbled upon this article and knowledge. Ummm what???
Purchased – I grabbed these Melissa & Doug re-usable sticker sets for Zoe, since she really loves changing outfits on herself and her dolls. I had gotten her a sticker book a little while ago that she loves, but I have to move the stickers for her because they are harder for her to do without ripping. These are puff stickers which are much easier for her to use. Zoe isn’t careful with them at all, and they are managing to survive. She has had it for a week now, and has seriously played with it for hours. I only gave her one of them, so when it starts to get old to her…I have more I can whip out and be all excited about again. They make them in more boy friendly scenes too.

Planning – I hate that quarantine happened just as we were settling into this house. We haven’t really decorated any rooms yet, besides Zoe’s. It is hard to shop for home decor online. I need to see things in person. I need a HomeGoods trip bad!!!! One thing I have ordered that I am really excited about is this Thomas Kincade Beauty and the Beast canvas. The hearth room off the kitchen where Zoe spends a lot of time has a blue-ish colored couch, and I just think that the colors in this picture are lovely with it. This room is the “fun” room. We have a tv in there for her, her easel, little white table, a toy basket and some games. Chris and I used to visit the Thomas Kincade gallery every time we went to Gatlinburg and always said we wanted to incorporate a Disney print somewhere in our home. Now we have it! With the size of the wall, and the size of the print, I am trying to decide what I want to do. I feel like we may need one more print to hang up there, and then maybe a sconce or something too. But right now, I love staring at this one!

I really love this Cinderella one too.

Working Out – Loved this strength workout with Heather Robertson this week. I have been taking a walk around the neighborhood each day after I complete my youtube workout to add some more steps in. I don’t hate getting to watch the sun rise too!
Eating -To say I am over meal planning and cooking and doing dishes right now is an understatement. Yet, I keep chugging along. I try to incorporate one new recipe each week, just to change it up. Often times, that new recipe becomes part of the every rotating regulars. It is just so exhausting doing it for 6-7 days a week instead of just 4-5, you know? One of my favorite additions lately has been this spicy thai chicken. It is so easy to come together, and I love to pair it with my thai peanut cauliflower rice. Delicious!

Stressing – Still trying to decide the best route for Zoe and school this year. Pull her completely, change her daycare to a half day or a few days a week 3K program…it is all too much. I never thought I would live in a time where I had to decide if sending my child to daycare was safe because of a pandemic. Schools here keep changing their plans just a week or two before start. I cant imagine how some parents are feeling that decided to do in person, and just yesterday some announced they are going to virtual the first 9 weeks and they start soon. What are those parents supposed to do?? It is kind of last minute to change plans again. Strange times we are leaving in friends, strange times. I am more than grateful for my employer and the fact that I have options.
Laughing –