Happy Friday, friends!!! Each and every week that passes seems to leave me astounded that time is going by both so quickly and slowly at the same time. We have pretty much spent as much of 2020 at home in quarantine as we did out in the world before this happened. I had to cancel Zoe’s summer dance session this week, so that was hard. I know she is just ready to see her friends. We celebrated one of her friends birthday’s this week sending presents and having a Facetime. That perked her up until it was time to get off the phone. Then she was sad and said that she just misses everyone. Me too, girl.
Favorite Video/Song: I feel so seen right now. Mom or not, watch it. This is hilarious, and incredibly accurate.
Favorite Purchase: I think I have shared before, but just in case….the Aveeno Foot Mask is amazing!!!!This is my third or forth one, and every time I do it I wonder why I don’t do this at least weekly. My feet have never felt softer or more amazing than after I use this. You only have to do it for 10 minutes, I usually leave it on for 20 because why not. I just sit at my desk and work. I think for the price, you can’t beat it.

Favorite Recipe: We have been trying out some new recipes this week. Chris really liked this keto friendly chicken parmesan. Chicken parm isn’t my favorite meal ever, but I have to admit….it was pretty good! I definitely had a clean plate, and usually I only take a couple bites when I have made other recipes in the past. It was quite easy to put together, but it did dirty a lot of dishes. I did broil it at the end for 3 minutes to get that crispy cheese look and taste.

Favorite Workout: I wanted to cry about 5 minutes into this one. Nothing has ever burned my thighs as much as this workout right here. The moves are so simple, yet OMG!!!! I hated every second of this one, and yet, I plan to put it in regular rotation.
Favorite Funnies: