Entering week nine of quarantine. It is hard to believe how fast the time is going, honestly. We just came off a weekend with the most beautiful weather! Low humidity, temperature around 70 and sunny. Can’t ask for more! I know it is going to be too hot too soon, so I am soaking in as much as I possibly can.

We have been pretty productive the last few days! We got Zoe’s big girl bed set up (waiting on the box springs to come in this week), I rearranged her room and started reorganizing her playroom, moved her rocker into my office, cleaned the floors on the main level, cleaned our back deck, put together our outdoor furniture and started setting up the deck, and I just ordered a large basket from Amazon to organize the toys that are scattered around our hearth room. The basket down there just isn’t big enough, nor does it really match the room.

I am not sure what is going on, but Zoe has randomly been running a fever on and off this week. After seeming fine all day Saturday, she passed out on the couch in the evening and had a low grade fever. Seeing as how she refuses to nap over the last two months, it made me feel a little uneasy. She woke up and ate dinner, and seemed to be fine most of Sunday too. It is just so weird, since we have literally been exposed to nothing the last nine weeks. She looked so cute and peaceful napping!

We tried a new snack recipe out this weekend, super easy and delicious. Keto/low carb friendly too! You just take a tablespoon of Italian shredded cheese (or mozzarella) and flatten it on a baking sheet with parchment paper, sprinkle some grated Parmesan over it, and top with a pepperoni slice and a sprinkle of Italian seasoning. Cook at 350 degrees for 5 minutes, then turn on high broil for 1-2 minutes. Perfection.

I actually did my makeup this weekend, Chris was snapping some pictures of me for a project I am working on. Can you believe I have hardly any pictures of myself from the last several years? I am really bad about being in front of the camera, I am usually behind it. These aren’t the ones he took, but me documenting my efforts to get dressed, and a fun one of Zoe and I in our yard.

I also snapped a few of Zoe while I was waiting for Chris to set up the camera. She was so excited about her pineapple dress, and she hasn’t been able to wear it anywhere. I have a dress I bought her for spring pictures at school that we haven’t gotten to use yet either. I guess we will be taking our own spring pictures this year.

Mother’s Day was nice and low key. I don’t think we have spent one at home yet, we are usually with Chris’s family. I made us some tacos for lunch, and my favorite baked pork chops for dinner. We hung around the house, and spent some time out on the deck in the afternoon. Zoe and I took a walk last night. Chris showed me the things he ordered that haven’t arrived yet, so I have some fun packages to look forward to this week! He definitely saw my Mother’s Day gift post I did earlier this month 😉 He also paid attention to things I have said and surprised me with something else not from my post! He always does so good.
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!