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Foundation Empties

I love a good empties post. I usually tend to stick to the same foundations, my top two choices being Estee Lauder Double Wear and Lancome Teint Idole Ultra Liquid. (Which Nordstrom has a sale on both of these right now!!!) I did venture out with a few others recently, and I want to share my thoughts! There will be two not pictured above that I returned to Ulta after trying out. Ulta should really consider giving samples out for those on the fence like me, such a waste.

Too Faced Peach Perfect – This is a great foundation. I loved the coverage and the way it looked on my skin. I sort of have a love/hate relationship with it though. First of all, my color was never right with either one I tried. I ended up having to go a shade too light and making up for it with bronzer/color corrector add in. Also, the smell of this is too much for me all over my face. I absolutely LOVE my peach eye shadow palette. It smells amazing and the colors are gorgeous!!!! The smell of this foundation is nothing like that, and I think it kind of stinks. I can definitely smell it for a few hours after application too. This will be a pass from me from now on. If you aren’t bothered by the scent and can find your shade…I think this is a great option.

Too Faced Born This Way Powder – (On sale at Nordstrom right now) I am not a big powder person, but someone at Sephora recommended this to me a long time ago when I was looking for something new. I have had this forever and am getting rid of it because it cant be good to use on my skin anymore. I was using it as a mirror in my purse for awhile. Anyways…about the powder foundation. This actually looked really amazing on my skin. It evened everything out and I loved to touch up with it throughout the day. I purchased this before I was pregnant with Zoe, so it is around 4-5 years old. In that time, my skin has changed drastically. Powders are way too drying for my face now. But if you have combination/oily skin, this is a great option for you! It really does have great coverage.

Dior Forever– I absolutely loved this foundation. The color match was perfect, it looked and felt nice on my skin. The coverage is very similar to Estee Lauder Double Wear. Would I re-purchase this again? Yes. However, I would rather get Estee Lauder for less money and same results.

Shiseido Synchro Skin Self-Refreshing Liquid Foundation – Full disclosure, I got this one from Influenster a few months ago. The campaign is over, so it’s not benefiting me or them by talking about it now. This is actually a pretty solid foundation. To me it is more medium/full coverage than true full. I liked the way it felt on my skin, and it looked very natural/skin-like. I don’t really have anything bad to say about this one. I just like Estee Lauder coverage slightly better.

Estee Lauder Double Wear – This is my holy grail, always have it on hand. I don’t know why I ever stray. Well, that is not true. I know why I stray. Sometimes my skin gets really, really dry. When that happens, this one tends to bring out those dry patches anymore. Not enough to not use it though, I am just more aware when I am applying.

And now for the two I tried out for a week and returned…

Tarte Tape Shape Foundation – The coverage of this was alright, it was medium coverage but build-able for me. What drew me to this, was that it was supposed to be hydrating. Ummmm this so was NOT hydrating. This caked like no other all over my face. And it never really settled into my skin. It reminds me of how IT CC cream is on my skin. It wipes off on everything all day because it never settles. Hard pass. This went back after 2 uses.

Too Faced Born This Way – I was told this was medium/full coverage, but it is not. It was barely medium on me. I just didn’t care for the way that this looked on my skin. It creased badly under my eyes and caked around my nose and any dry spots. I found a perfect color match for me, but after 2 uses on this (both with and without primer as I did with Tarte) it went back. The staying power was awful.


These Times

Things sure did escalate over the weekend, huh? I am not sure what to think about everything. Schools here in Alabama are closed now through April 6th, though I wonder if it will get extended longer. The grocery stores here look like they do everywhere, completely ransacked with slim pickings. Every time I turn on the TV or open up a social media app on my phone, it is filled with panic and fear. Then, to add insult to injury, there was an armed robbery last night in my town at an Arby’s in front of the Target that I always frequent. What is wrong with people???????

I know that I am very lucky to be able to work from home when needed. If this was a year ago, I don’t know what I would have done. I had a job that was incredibly inflexible. I would have had to quit, there is no way I could stay home for several weeks. I feel for you parents out there who are in that situation. Not everyone has family or friends close by to help out. I am very thankful for my situation, and a boss who is understanding.

I am looking at the next few weeks as an opportunity, and you should too. It is an opportunity to spend some time with your family. There are a lot of memes going around out there with pictures of divorce lawyers waiting for all of us to be quarantined with our spouses. And even I have joked around about the amount of wine needed to be stocked to spend three weeks at home with a toddler. But lets look at this as a gift instead of a burden.

I plan to keep a routine the best I can. Instead of waking up at 4:00am, I am waking up at 5:00am. (I don’t need to account for makeup, hair, work clothes or commute.) I am working out first thing, like I always do. Then I grab a cup of coffee and go upstairs to my home office to work and knock out as much as I can until Zoe wakes up.

I will keep her on a routine to the best of my abilities. She will wake up, get dressed, have breakfast, and we will start with a lesson. I have alphabet and number books and flashcards for her. I have a book where you can trace letters and erase them. We have a few workbooks identifying different words and letters. We probably have around 100 actual story books to read. And crafts. All the crafts! I am so thankful I picked up a few things recently on clearance at different stores. I have scoured Pinterest over the weekend with ideas of things to make with the items we have on hand.

I also plan to get in some movement each day with her. (Need to get out that energy!!!!) Most days it calls for rain in the foreseeable future, so I plan to play on our covered deck. We also have several versions of Just Dance that would be so fun. Her dance teachers are posting their recital routines online for us to work on at home, since the dance studio is closing with the schools. We have this bounce house (similar) set up in my office for some fun time as well. And just going for walks or bike rides around our neighborhood when we can.

I am also looking forward to keeping the house clean, organizing some areas that get neglected, and maybe even paint a little more. We have a few things that need to be put together, now is the perfect time to knock out some home projects!

You know that face and hair mask you keep meaning to use up? Do it! You can put that foot mask on while you knock out some work at your desk. There is zero excuse for me not to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. You can start dinner earlier and catch up on all your shows. Introverts, this is our time to shine! We have been training all our lives to avoid people!

There are a lot of people out there who think that everyone is overreacting. Educate yourself. Do some research. Sometimes it isn’t just about you. Sure, maybe you get COVID-19 and are just fine. But you can infect others, others who can’t handle the virus. And then you put a strain on healthcare. There are enough people who visit the hospital every day for a variety of reasons, to the point many operate near capacity at all times. This just adds to that. This is the goal and the reason for quarantine….

Image result for quotes about overreacting to covid

Stop crowding the bars, restaurants and other places that are open. If you want to support a local business, order your items to go or buy a gift card to use later. There are plenty of workouts you can do at home, you don’t need the gym.

I am going to be over here enjoying moments like this, and praying for our country and our leaders…

And maybe also laughing at things like this….

Image result for everyone suddenly cares what the cdc has to say but you all aren't ready to talk about that
Image result for coronavirus memes
Image result for coronavirus memes
Image result for coronavirus memes
Image result for coronavirus memes
Image result for jumanji corona meme

Friday Favorites

It is getting crazy out there, folks! I went on lunch yesterday because we legit need a few things at home, not doomsday stock…..and there wasn’t a toilet paper roll to be found at several stores. WTF.

We don’t have any cases here in Alabama, that we know of. But they’re also not really testing here until today. I made the joke to Chris that Alabama is the last to do anything anyways, we are always behind the times. This shouldn’t come as a surprise.

Favorite Moments: I picked Zoe up on Wednesday, and her teachers said “Zoe was so good today!!!” And that gave me a super proud mama moment. Her behavior and attitude was less savory last week, and I know its hard when it rains for days and days, but damn! She really has been back to herself this week and that makes me so happy!

The other day I was finishing a text to a friend and Zoe was talking and I said, “Hang on just a second.” She gave me literally a second, and then said “Knock knock, mommy. I am asking a question.” I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time. Knock knock???? The sass on that girl! The text was to one of her friend’s moms about a play date by the way, something to benefit her. Zero patience.

We had observation at dance last night. The recital is coming up quick, our costumes are in and the girls are looking so cute! Zoe is so excited.

Favorite Non-Scale Victory: My pants have been getting bigger and bigger on me over the last month. I had an important lunch meeting this week, and didn’t want to look frumpy. I headed to see if I could find some pants. You guys…..I bought a pair TWO sizes smaller!!!!!!!!!!!! That is two sizes smaller than the size I have been wearing for so so long. Like 10+ years. I almost cried in the fitting room staring at the tag to make sure I was looking at the right number.I had started with one size smaller, and they were a little baggy and I was like…there is no way but let’s just grab a pair for fun and inspiration. OMG! They fit!

Favorite Purchase: I am less than thrilled with my Real Techniques beauty blender sponge these days. The last several I have had are just not as good as they once were. Not lasting very long, little orange pieces falling apart into my makeup and sticking all over my face. Not a fan. I refuse to pay $20 for a real Beauty Blender that you have to replace every other month. Enter Jouer Precision Foundation brush. I am loving it! It is bigger than I thought, and really dense. It is working well with my Estee Lauder Double Wear foundation. I also feel less gross using it, even though I was washing my sponge every day before. You get free shipping at Dermstore.

Favorite Funnies: Is it too soon for Coronavirus memes?



It’s book day with Steph and Jana! I read some good ones this month! I also had two DNFs this month. Sorry, not sorry. Life is too short to read a book you aren’t into. I always appreciate books that I get from Netgalley, and I really try to only requests ones I think I will really like and read all the way through. Every now and then I pick a few that I just cant get into. That was this month. I did really like More Than Maybe though! (As you will see below.)

More Than Maybe by Erin Hahn

More Than Maybe

This book doesn’t come out until May, but I couldn’t wait to read it. I absolutely loved the cover and the premise. I loved both Luke and Vada. (I couldn’t help but think of My Girl with that name. Am I dating myself, or what???) I absolutely loved that the book switched between the POV of Vada and Luke. All the music references and the way the author used songs was complete genius! I felt like I was just dancing right along with Vada! There were a few twists in the book, which had me not be able to put it down!

Bottom Line: Read this! It has been awhile since I really loved a YA, as it isn’t my typical genre. This was such a cute read, I was smiling throughout the whole thing and really bonded with the characters.

** I received a copy of More Than Maybe from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are of my own.**

Center of Gravity by Laura McNeill

Center of Gravity

So the POV alternates between Ava, her husband Mitchell , their son Jack, and a few other characters that you meet early on. Sometimes I get annoyed with having to keep up with that many POVs, but it really worked in this book. Oh man, this book!!!! It had me at the edge of my seat at times, wanting to strangle a character or be like HELLLOOOOO do you see what I see??? And even though I am not a huge fan of comics, I loved how the author uses comic book heroes as coping mechanisms for Jack. He seemed a little mature for eight, but sometimes life makes you grow up faster than you should.

Bottom Line: Read it!!! I don’t want to say much more about the book and spoil anything, but if you are looking for a fast paced, emotional ride….get on this!

Dear Aaron by Mariana Zapata

Dear Aaron

So Mariana Zapata books have been on my TBR forever and ever. Kristen and Heather always speak so highly of them, I knew I had to them. I think that this book is not Zapata’s best, so I went in with zero expectations. I will say, I felt like the love between Ruby and Aaron started out very immature. I know that Ruby is young (23-24), but it felt more like an early high school immature thing. And I didn’t really know her feelings until we were almost half way through the book. I did like how this book starts out in letters, emails and instant messenger between Ruby and Aaron. It is the way my relationship with my husband started, so I thought that was cool. I really enjoyed the epilogue.

Bottom Line: I read through this one really fast and it kept my attention. I definitely want to read her more recent work. I am not sure that this is the best book of hers, but I feel it is a great place to start and only go up from here!

Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet by Darynda Jones

Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet (Charley Davidson, #4)

Charging along with the fourth book in the Charlie Davidson series, and I cant stop wont stop! This has mystery, witty sarcastic banter, romance/seduction. Everything you could want. Plus Reyes…

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Bottom Line: Super fun cozy mystery series! Get on it!

Batter Up by Robyn Neeley

Batter Up (Bachelors of Buttermilk Falls, #1)

I got this one free off Amazon. It reminds me a little of the Ellery Adam’s Charmed Pie Shoppe series with the magic in a bakery. This was super cute, totally predictable, and just what I expected it to be. I fell in love with the town of Buttermilk Falls and will probably continue on with the series.

Bottom Line: If you need an easy love story, this is a cute book!

Dating You / Hating You by Christina Lauren

Dating You / Hating You

I absolutely love everything I have read by these two! This one is no exception! The love story in this book is awesome, paced just right, and enough love/hate to really keep it interesting. Not to imagine, I LOL’d so many times throughout this book!!!! But even more, is the way that Evie struggled in the work place with her sexist asshole boss and the difference in the way that he treated Carter. I think we have all seen the “good old boys club” in action at some point in our careers, and it is still a thing every day for women everywhere. It was nice to have some light shed on this.

Bottom Line: This is more complex than your typical romantic comedy, and I highly recommend it. I can see this book making my top 10 for the year.

Find Your Path by Carrie Underwood

Find Your Path: Honor Your Body, Fuel Your Soul, and Get Strong with the Fit52 Life

I absolutely adore Carrie Underwood. I feel like she is one of those people who has stayed true to who she is. She is an amazing singer, entrepreneur, mother and is strong in her faith. I love her dedication to being strong and healthy, and heck….who doesn’t want her legs???? I think that this book came at the perfect time that I needed to hear a few of the things that she said. After doing Keto for over two months, I had been looking for ways to come off and try to figure out what I wanted to do. I know the statistics of restrictive diets and that the extremes aren’t really sustainable. Carrie shares some of her earlier diets and failures and the way that she eats and works out now. I think if Carrie Underwood can eat carbs, so can I. I love her approach that there are birthdays, holidays, social events that you want to attend and enjoy and you should…but that you should also be healthy most of the time and make the best decisions you can. That you need to be healthy 52 weeks of the year, but don’t have to be perfect every day.

Bottom Line: This was a great read to reset your mind from all the fad diets and information that is out there. Carrie definitely takes a more common sense approach to her health, and really, it is the best approach. I love that there are recipes, playlists and workouts throughout the book.

DNF – Did Not Finish

Apparently this month, I was ruthless with my books. If I wasn’t feeling it, I wasn’t feeling it and there was no coming back to it. I have two DNF’s.

Love Sold Separately by Ellen Meister

Image result for love sold separately ellen meister

A shame, because how cute is the cover to this book??? I was barely even into the book and I was already annoyed. I could tell that I was not going to connect with the main character, and there was so much drug use in this book. I found it distracting and totally unnecessary. Life is too short to be annoyed so quickly, bye.

**I received a copy of Love Sold Separately book from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. Obviously, all opinions are of my own and I will be honest when I am not feeling a book.**

Social Creature by Tara Isabella Burton

Social Creature

Again, loved the cover, couldn’t stick with the book. I was instantly annoyed by both of these characters, I think I am just too old to understand or relate to them. They were so obnoxious, shallow and self-absorbed. And besides the characters, the writing in this book was pretty terrible. Maybe if you are a young twenty something with not a care in the world, and trying to live your best fake life on social media, then you might like it. Hard pass for me.

**I received a copy of Social Creature from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are of my own.**

Currently Reading

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover

Maybe Someday (Maybe, #1)

Friday Favorites

Favorite Moments: You guys, it has rained down here for weeks and weeks with hardly any breaks. We are all sick of it, but you know who deserves a medal the most???? Daycare teachers!!! These kids are stuck inside with no outlet to get out their energy and I watched my child, along with several others, act a total fool in class this week. Yesterday on lunch I had to hit up the wine aisle, because sometimes mommin’ is hard. Ya know? I haven’t had wine since we moved into this house back in November, and that glass I poured last night was like the best thing ever. EVER! I think it is official, I am done with keto and slowly transitioning to get more carbs each day. I feel like wine was a good way to spend a few extra. I am chill and ready to take on my Friday now!

Favorite Finds: (Affiliate links below) I was walking the mall with the old people on lunch the other day, when I accidentally fell into Old Navy. Accidentally. LOL. I decided to try on some of their dresses for spring, and then order them online and pick up in store, because online they are almost always cheaper. Why is that???? Anyways, I have my eye on these ones.

I love the way this one is cinched in to create some shape. I am queen of the swing and shift dresses and pretty much have worn them exclusively since I had Zoe. But I sort of would like to have some shape again.

Sleeveless Waist-Defined V-Neck Dress for Women

The tiered dresses and skirts seem to be a key trend for the upcoming season, and I am here for it. Love this one! My store didn’t have it, so this was the only one I didn’t get to try on.

Scooped this navy blue striped swing dress up for $12!!! There are other prints, and they vary in price a little. Navy is my black of summer.

Jersey Swing Dress for Women

Also got this one in the navy print, because again, me and navy are besties in summer.

Sleeveless Tie-Neck Swing Dress for Women

And because I always get tired of seeing size 2 people in clothes and have no clue what they would actually look like on an average person, here are some scary fitting room shots that I shared with Lindsay…who I basically make go shopping with me everywhere now. Sorry, love you!

Favorite Recipe: This keto cookie dough is amazing!!!! So easy to throw together and Chris and I have really been enjoying them the last week. I use Lily chocolate chips in them.

Favorite Funnies:

post on how to convince a kid to eat certain foods
23 Extremely Random Things Pretty Much Everyone Did As A Kid For No Reason
@mybestiesays sorry Im late I didnt want to come