Things sure did escalate over the weekend, huh? I am not sure what to think about everything. Schools here in Alabama are closed now through April 6th, though I wonder if it will get extended longer. The grocery stores here look like they do everywhere, completely ransacked with slim pickings. Every time I turn on the TV or open up a social media app on my phone, it is filled with panic and fear. Then, to add insult to injury, there was an armed robbery last night in my town at an Arby’s in front of the Target that I always frequent. What is wrong with people???????
I know that I am very lucky to be able to work from home when needed. If this was a year ago, I don’t know what I would have done. I had a job that was incredibly inflexible. I would have had to quit, there is no way I could stay home for several weeks. I feel for you parents out there who are in that situation. Not everyone has family or friends close by to help out. I am very thankful for my situation, and a boss who is understanding.
I am looking at the next few weeks as an opportunity, and you should too. It is an opportunity to spend some time with your family. There are a lot of memes going around out there with pictures of divorce lawyers waiting for all of us to be quarantined with our spouses. And even I have joked around about the amount of wine needed to be stocked to spend three weeks at home with a toddler. But lets look at this as a gift instead of a burden.
I plan to keep a routine the best I can. Instead of waking up at 4:00am, I am waking up at 5:00am. (I don’t need to account for makeup, hair, work clothes or commute.) I am working out first thing, like I always do. Then I grab a cup of coffee and go upstairs to my home office to work and knock out as much as I can until Zoe wakes up.
I will keep her on a routine to the best of my abilities. She will wake up, get dressed, have breakfast, and we will start with a lesson. I have alphabet and number books and flashcards for her. I have a book where you can trace letters and erase them. We have a few workbooks identifying different words and letters. We probably have around 100 actual story books to read. And crafts. All the crafts! I am so thankful I picked up a few things recently on clearance at different stores. I have scoured Pinterest over the weekend with ideas of things to make with the items we have on hand.
I also plan to get in some movement each day with her. (Need to get out that energy!!!!) Most days it calls for rain in the foreseeable future, so I plan to play on our covered deck. We also have several versions of Just Dance that would be so fun. Her dance teachers are posting their recital routines online for us to work on at home, since the dance studio is closing with the schools. We have this bounce house (similar) set up in my office for some fun time as well. And just going for walks or bike rides around our neighborhood when we can.
I am also looking forward to keeping the house clean, organizing some areas that get neglected, and maybe even paint a little more. We have a few things that need to be put together, now is the perfect time to knock out some home projects!
You know that face and hair mask you keep meaning to use up? Do it! You can put that foot mask on while you knock out some work at your desk. There is zero excuse for me not to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. You can start dinner earlier and catch up on all your shows. Introverts, this is our time to shine! We have been training all our lives to avoid people!
There are a lot of people out there who think that everyone is overreacting. Educate yourself. Do some research. Sometimes it isn’t just about you. Sure, maybe you get COVID-19 and are just fine. But you can infect others, others who can’t handle the virus. And then you put a strain on healthcare. There are enough people who visit the hospital every day for a variety of reasons, to the point many operate near capacity at all times. This just adds to that. This is the goal and the reason for quarantine….
Stop crowding the bars, restaurants and other places that are open. If you want to support a local business, order your items to go or buy a gift card to use later. There are plenty of workouts you can do at home, you don’t need the gym.
I am going to be over here enjoying moments like this, and praying for our country and our leaders…
And maybe also laughing at things like this….