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Linking up with Kristen and sharing some current things and weekend things all in one post! We had Dr Seuss Day Monday at school. Zoe was super excited to wear her shirt and participate in the activities for the day.

On Sunday morning, I had a special Dr Seuss breakfast of Green Eggs and Ham to celebrate. I had picked up a shirt, book, notebook and eraser for her easel as a little surprise, along with some decorations and plates I had found at Target and Party City. It was a fun little thing to do, even if Zoe is like Sam I Am and WILL NOT EAT GREEN EGGS just ham.

Find Your Path: Honor Your Body, Fuel Your Soul, and Get Strong with the Fit52 Life

Reading: Carrie Underwood’s Find Your Path. I hope reading this book will give me her legs!!!

Our Time of the Month

Listening: I found a new podcast I love!!!! Our Time of the Month was just launched a few weeks ago. These are two best friends in their thirties that talk about anything and everything. They crack me up, and I totally want to join their girl gang.

Organizing: I haven’t shared much house stuff yet. We are slowly getting things together in many of the rooms. Mostly we are just missing decor and a few small pieces that I am waiting to see the right thing. Chris has spent a lot of time in our theater room downstairs. He has done an amazing job with our arcades!! I am obsessed with the coordinating lights. Pacman will always be my favorite, but I spent a long time cussing at Space Invaders last weekend. It’s so fun!

Image result for if you cant stop thinking about it quote

Working: This quote is one that has been on my mind for awhile. There are a few things that I can’t stop thinking about, and I know that if I directed some of my time and brain space to them, it would be amazing. I struggle so bad with the need for something else in my life, and the balance to make it happen. Anyone else there?

Buying: Target has a deal on Revlon lipsticks (not an affiliate link) right now, buy two get a $5 gift card. I really love this one for less than $5 each….so basically I am spending less to buy two!!!! I got the colors Softsilver Rose and Blushing Mauve. They are both really pretty, but I am obsessed with Softsilver Rose and it might be my new favorite color! This stuff goes right on, no fuss or need for primers or liners and doesn’t get too dry feeling. Definitely a great find at this price point!

Planning: I have started Easter shopping for Zoe. My mom always got us spring/summer wardrobe pieces and outdoor toys every year…and I have carried on that tradition with Zoe. We scored an amazing deal on an outdoor princess cottage, and she has had her eye on a Frozen bike that has a seat for a doll that we will eventually get as well. Add in all the spring dresses because that is all Zoe ever wants to wear, and I will be done!

Dollar Tree has had some really great stuff for Easter this year! I managed to pick up some really cute pieces to mix in with our current stuff. They also had so many cute eggs and different things for basket filler. If you haven’t been, check them out!

Excited: For the first time in awhile, I am excited for Spring to get here. Normally I treasure the cooler weather and winter months, but this year it has been miserable and rainy and never really did get cold. I am completely over it and long for brighter days and time spent outside in the fresh air. I have my eye on a few outdoor sets for our new deck and I can’t wait to see how the space will come together. I plan on spending lots of time out there.

Thinking: This quote hit me hard.

Image result for they tried to burry us, they didn't know we were seeds

Weekend Scenes: Besides the Dr Seuss Breakfast, we got a break in the rain for like half a day Sunday and took advantage playing outside for awhile. When is the last time you played hopscotch?? Man, that is a leg work out!

We went to Target Sunday, and Zoe couldn’t decide which hat and purse combo she liked more. I wish I could pull off a straw hat like her!

We scored this amazing tub of craft supplies at Aldi for $3.99!!!! It says there are over 900 pieces in there. I have some Aldi posts coming soon.


Keto Chicken Alfredo

I made a delicious low-carb chicken alfredo bake this weekend, and I have to share because it was so good! I paired it with a little spinach salad, and it was the perfect Sunday Funday meal without going crazy on the carbs. I didn’t even miss the pasta. Not even a little.

What You Need

1 lb chicken breast, diced

Olive Oil

2 tbsp butter

3-4 green onions, chopped

1/2 – 1 tsp minced garlic

4 ounces cream cheese

1/4 tsp Italian Seasoning

1/4 tsp salt

1/4 tsp black pepper

1 cup heavy cream

Grated and shredded parmesan cheese

What You Do

1. Preheat oven to 390 degrees

2. Heat olive oil in skillet, dice chicken and cook through.Place chicken into a baking dish.

3. Melt 2 tbsp of butter in the pan and cook green onions and garlic until soft, about 2-3 minutes.

4. Add cream cheese to pan and stir around until melted. 

5. Add heavy cream, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper. Simmer for about 5 minutes. 

6. Pour mixture over the chicken. Sprinkle with grated parmesan cheese, then cover with shredded parmesan cheese.

7. Bake at 390 degrees for 20 minutes.


Friday Favorites

We are going to cross into March this weekend!!! I am not going to lie, I am excited for the day to last a little longer. It will be so nice to not come home in the dark and have time to play outside!

Favorite Moment: I stepped on the scale this morning….and saw the number I had in mind the first time I tried to lose weight when I did Weight Watchers last year. And my first “goal” weight this time around with Keto and IF. It’s my “If I could just get to here, I know I can keep going.” And I am here!!!!! It was only one pound less than I have weighed the last two weeks. But that one pound is everything to see that number! That is 18 pounds total.

Favorite Purchases: I grabbed this dress on sale this week at Target. It is so cute on!!! I absolutely love the ruffle bottom. It runs big, so I sized down. You can’t beat the price! It comes in solid colors, and a few other prints. But you know me and leopard.

I read an article about this product and it sounded amazing so I grabbed a bottle. It is inexpensive and delivers a lot of promises. This is for all hair types, I have super fine hair and it doesn’t weigh it down at all. I have been neglecting my hair forever and ever and it is really dry and damaged. Full disclosure: I have only used this once, but you guys, I can tell that it is good! You know how when you use a really expensive hair mask, and your hair instantly feels soft??? That is this feeling! Even after blow drying and styling, my hair is so silky soft! I cant tell you the last time it has felt like this. I will report back in my empties, but I think it is a winner.

Favorite Recipe: I saw this recipe that reminds me of street corn, and it looks very intriguing! I freaking love some street corn! If I could find a lower carb replacement, that would be amazing!

Favorite Funnies:

Image result for one day i'll find someone who accepts me for who I am and says things like

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


Empties – The Essentials

**There are affiliate links in this post. If you click or purchase, I may receive a few pennies.**

It is some kind of law that you will run out of several beauty products all at once, isn’t it? An expensive trip to replenish for sure!! Today I want to share some of my essentials with you all. These are the products I use daily and replace religiously. There are a few higher end things, but also a few drugstore finds. Balance, you know? I just like stuff that works!

Cera Ve Hydrating Facial Cleanser – My dermatologist recommends this brand, and I have been using it for years. I always have two face washes, one for evening and one for night. This is my night one that sits at my sink that I also use in the morning if I am skipping a shower. (I have a strong no shower Sunday policy, unless I have major plans.) My skin is finicky AF and this stuff has never ever done me wrong. I like that I don’t get that tight/dry feeling after use. My skin can’t do that anymore.

pura d’or Original Gold Label – My hair is super thin/fine. I also have a lot of hair loss in the shower, or after brushing. Now, I don’t believe in using the same shampoo every wash. I have blonde highlights that I need purple shampoo for from time to time to keep them from going brassy. But other than that, I pretty much used this stuff for 6-8 months until the bottle was gone. (It is huge!!!!) I wasn’t sure if it was working or not, so I tried something new after I finished it up. You guys, that amount of hair in the shower again is insane!!! This stuff DEFINITELY works! I am back on it and never giving it up.

Revision Intellishade and Revision Intellishade Matte – This is another dermatologist recommendation that is amazing!!!! This is my daytime moisturizer. I use the Matte in the summer and the regular version in the winter. This gives you SPF, anti-aging ingredients and it is shaded so you can wear it alone if you are going for a no makeup day and get a little skin evening benefit. I cannot recommend this stuff enough! Plus, there is free shipping with dermstore all the time, so yay!

Elta MD PM Therapy – This is the moisturizer that my dermatologist has me use in the evenings. I absolutely love this stuff!! It makes my skin feel so good. Plus, it is a decent price for a PM moisturizer.

I have been doing this skincare routine (in conjunction with La Roche Posay Hydrating Cleanser in the shower and Kate Somerville Anti-Bac Attack in the mornings…and my skin has never been better. I rarely get breakouts anymore and it is more even and a better texture. I do also use retinol at night and this mask when I remember.

Donna Karan Cashmere Mist Deodorant – I struggle with deodorants bad. I have tried every natural one out there, and none of them work for me. Drugstore brands like Secret and Dove also stop working if I use them for too long. This is the only one I never have any issues with. I always alternate between a drugstore brand til it runs out and then purchase one of these. And in the summer, this is the only one I use.

Buxom Lip Gloss – I have been using this stuff for years and years. It is my absolute favorite for every day. My go-to color is White Russian.

NYX Super Skinny Eye Marker – A girl that works at my Target used to work at Sephora for years. She is a gem in the beauty department there and is always recommending me amazing drug store brand products. Like this liner! Perfection! No need to purchase anything more $$$ than this!

Beauty Blender Solid Cleanser – Love using this to clean my makeup sponges.

Have you tried any of these? What are some of your holy grail repurchases?


Friday Favorites

*This post contains affiliate links. When you click a link, I make a small commission from it.*

Happy Friday! I hope you all had a wonderful week. It was a weird one for me. Chris and I had off Monday, but Zoe had school. We got a call during nap that Zoe woke up screaming about her throat and ears, so we headed over to go get her. I took her to the doctor Tuesday morning and was really happy that she tested negative for strep. He said that she just had an ear infection and her throat was a little swollen, but probably just from drainage. I worked from home with her the rest of the day so she could get some rest and went back to school Wednesday.

All the days sort of blend together lately because it has done nothing but rain down here. Honestly, I am on the look out for Noah and the Ark! This is the third week in a row there has been a delay at schools around here due to flooding. Can anyone confirm that the sun is still a thing??Supposedly we are supposed to see it today. I am not holding my breath.

Favorite Moment: I have been “talking” to a mom from the daycare for about a year now. Her daughter and Zoe are no longer in the same class, but they are only few months apart. Her daughter came to Zoe’s birthday party, and we have also had a playdate to take them to see Frozen 2 back in December. Well, we decided to take our relationship to the next level, and have lunch! I met up with her on Wednesday, and I have to tell you, it was so fun! It was so nice to talk to another mom without having the kids around and have an actual adult conversation. Mom friends are hard to come by. I am not really sure why? Hopefully we can make our lunches a regular thing!

Favorite Spring Lusts: I am so not one to rush winter. I love cold weather. But we haven’t really had a winter this year, and I am so over the rain and dreary days. I see all the pretty stuff coming out for spring, and I have an eye on a few things at Target! How cute are these sandals???

They have a lower, and more of a flat platform. I tried them on in stores to make sure they weren’t too clunky or heavy and they felt so comfortable! I love the gold color, but they come in several other shades as well. I want to scoop them up along with these…

I love these black flat ones with the ankle strap. They were very comfortable as well. The ankle strap is stretchy, so it wont be rubbing up on your skin.

I also really like this leopard dress. It feels like it is more of a boutique dress than one from Target. It comes in several plain colors too. It has a baby doll fit, so it runs big and I am considering sizing down. I tried it on, and the length is longer than what the pictures show. It hits more at the knee. The lighter colors are lined, so they aren’t see through. Really solid dress for work to carry you through spring and summer.

Favorite Recipe: When I was out to lunch awhile back, they were walking around with trays to try their new appetizer, whipped feta. OMG!!!! It was incredible! I am determined to recreate this at home. I think I will use this recipe as my starting point. The ingredients sound similar to what I tasted. Have you ever made this? They were serving it with a pita chip, but I dipped my cucumbers in it #keto.

Speaking of Keto, I shared my thoughts on it yesterday, along with several low carb recipes that have been on repeat around here.

Favorite Words:

Favorite Funnies:

And we all know what one is
Easter Decor - HomeSense Wood Bunnies - 100 Things 2 Do
sooo true....... and I think everyone we knew then had the list of numbers posted on the wall by the phone
Funny Pictures Of The Day – 40 Pics - Daily LOL Pics