Does anyone else look at the calendar from November through the end of December and think….whoa. How do we cram so much in to two months?? But, it is also my favorite time of year, so I don’t really mind one bit! It is just a little overwhelming at the start of it.
This weekend was a full one, and kicked it off Saturday when we met Laura and her crew at Ferus Ales for lunch. We enjoyed some delicious appetizers of pork belly, cuban egg rolls, fries and wings. For the main course, I had a burger that had beer cheese and onion rings. DELICIOUS!!!! I tried a Key Lime Gose from Westbrook and blueberry sour that was wonderful as well.

Trying to take pictures of the kids is quite hilarious. This is the best we could do. How sweet are they holding hands???

And Laura reminded me that we haven’t taken a picture together in almost three years. That is unacceptable! So that happened too!

Saturday evening we watched Auburn squeak by Old Miss, and I got some stuff done around the house. Zoe and I took a cold walk outside to see our neighbors Christmas display. Their blow up Monster went down the same day the Santa went up. Zoe is obsessed with going down there every night to say hi, not matter how dark or cold it is. I think we are going to have to decorate outside this year to keep her happy!
Sunday morning, I met my sister at Aldi to do some grocery shopping. We also made a trip to Lowe’s, Target and TJ Maxx. I love that all the Christmas stuff is getting put out! It is my favorite section of the store to walk through. I know some people bitch about rushing the holidays, but honestly, Thanksgiving and Christmas are one BIG holiday for me. They both bring so much togetherness and joy…why delay that? If it isn’t your thing, don’t look at it and let the rest of us be happy!