What up three day weekend!!! Why does the week leading up to a long weekend last the longest?? We are supposed to get off at 2:00 pm today, and I cant wait! I don’t even have any concrete plans, just ready for a much needed break.
Favorite Moments: Tuesday night I watched my oldest nephew graduate from 8th grade with amazing grades, a member of beta club and he made the high school basketball team. I am so damn proud of that kid. I remember when he was just a little thing calling me “Dedine” with his curly hair (that is no more). Now he is a handsome young man that is taller than pretty much everyone in my family and destined to do amazing things!
On my walk through the sauna yesterday, aka downtown Birmingham in the summer with the 90+ degree heat, I admired the Catholic church near my office. There are a few old churches down there, and I just love seeing them and all their beauty!

Favorite Purchase: Revision Intellishade Matte SPF 45 Moisturizer was recommended by my dermatologist. It is a little pricier than I like to pay for a moisturizer, but the stuff is amazing. It has a tint to it that customizes itself to your skin color. It feels so smooth going on, minimizes the pores, gives the slightest bit of coverage, and just feels really comfortable. Holla for SPF 45 too! So basically it is a few products in one!!! Plus I could totally wear it alone on the weekends, as it balances out my skin tone.
I would recommend the original over the matte if you have dry skin. I think I will use the matte all summer, and switch over to the original come winter.

I plan to do a whole post on my skincare, what I tried to desperately love for months that didn’t work…and what I am doing now that I am already seeing results.
Favorite Workout: I whipped out an oldie but goodie lower body workout this week. I forgot how much I sweat and how quickly you burn calories with this quick workout!
Favorite Funnies:

Lord, give me patience….

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and get a moment to reflect on why we have a three day weekend!