I feel like I just wrote the last book post a week ago, but here we are again! I have been averaging about one audiobook a week lately. I haven’t even touched a real book or ebook this month. I really want to get back to physically reading a chapter each day (minimum) in addition to the audiobooks, it is just so hard to fit in! I feel like any time I have a few minutes to spare, I mindlessly scroll through Instagram or flip through a magazine.
I do enjoy magazines a lot! All those pretty, glossy pages. I subscribe to Real Simple, Family Circle, Martha Stewart, Southern Living, Health, Shape and Garden and Gun. I receive the Birmingham Magazine at my office, along with a GIS magazine that has some super thrilling stuff (LOL!!!!). I don’t really care for fashion or beauty magazines anymore. The fashion ones tend to be too trendy and expensive for my tastes, and the beauty ones try to lure me in to buying a bunch of new products all the time. I do love getting the fall “back to school issues” of those though! It was a tradition my mom and I shared growing up, and I hope to do the same with Zoe. What kind of magazines do you subscribe to?
Anyways, you are here to talk about books and I am linking up with Steph and Jana to share all the goodness!
Backseat Saints by Joshilyn Jackson
Joshilyn Jackson is one of my favorite authors. Everything she has written has been so enjoyable for me. She is from Alabama and lives in Georgia, so I love that her books take place in the south. If you like messy family drama, this is your girl. This book had plenty of twists that you don’t see coming, and I really loved how it ended. I will caution that this book does contain domestic violence, in case that is a trigger for you.
Bottom Line: If you have never read a Joshilyn Jackson book before, I cant recommend her enough. This book was very well written.
Royally Screwed by Emma Chase
This was a cute little romantic comedy that sort of reminded me of the Royal We in many ways. There was a lot more romance and it was a quicker read, but just the plot line itself was similar. I couldn’t imagine dating a prince and having to deal with everyone being in your business all the time.
Bottom Line: Cute, and definitely worth the read if you are in to the royals. I could take them or leave them, but I really enjoyed this and The Royal We.
My Favorite Half-Night Stand by Christina Lauren
This is my second book by the author. I found it to be really cute, and I appreciated the dating profile plot line. Chris and I met through a dating site a long time ago, when it was still a little taboo. So I can certainly relate to coming up with stuff to put in your profile, all the dates you have to go on, etc. I absolutely loved all the characters in the book, and the friendship between them. I felt that the situations and the feelings Millie had about her family, and the way everything played out were all very realistic. The female lead had a hard time expressing herself sometimes, and that is completely relatable. Feelings and emotions are messy. Families are messy. Sometimes it is hard to open up and share that with others. There were several LOL moments and I definitely want to continue reading other books by this author.
Bottom Line: Loved it, definitely check it out!
Sweet Secrets by J. A. Whiting
This is the third book in the series. It is a cozy mystery series, that has a little bit of paranormal activity thrown in. Mainly two cats that have a keen sense of awareness and some sisters that have powers passed on from generations of women. While it is a common theme throughout the books, the stories and characters themselves are quite interesting. This are quick, fun reads and you don’t always guess the who-done-it right away.
Bottom Line: Fun cozy mystery series if that is your thing.
Currently Reading
A Life Less Throw Away by Tara Button
What are you reading?