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Friday Favorites

I just looked at Zoe’s menu calendar for school, and realized we are on the last day! I cannot believe how fast March has flown by! The beginning of the week was insane at work, and allergies caught me off guard out of no where this week…so I am definitely ready for the weekend!

I am not sure if we have any plans this weekend or not. It was supposed to rain, but now it just looks like it will be cloudy, but decent temps. Hopefully we can get out and do something fun! What do you have planned?

Favorite Moments:With the long commute, we don’t get a lot of times to spend in the evenings, so I cherish all that we do get! She looks so grown chilling on the couch watching a movie.

Zoe’s morning picture game is still going strong!

Favorite Craft Idea: I love doing seasonal crafts with Zoe, and I hope that they bring her fond memories in the future. This came up on my Pinterest board this morning, and I just think it is so cute!

Find more information on easter crafts for home #eastercrafts

Favorite Funnies:

This has happened to me a million times!
aliens, extraterrestrials, earth, were always excluded and it must be for good reason
Unexplained leg bruises

Weekend Shenanigans – The One With the Sun

We had an absolutely gorgeous weekend, after what was basically 5 months straight of rain, gloom and doom. We took full advantage of the weather, and packed our weekend with fun!!!

Spring break is this week for a lot of schools in our area. I thought it would be a brilliant idea to go to the zoo Saturday, since most people are at the beach. WRONG! It was so packed, we didn’t make it into a parking spot before we decided to peace out and do something else. I felt really bad since we told Zoe we were going and explained what the zoo was. She was disappointed, but forgot all about the zoo when she saw the merry go round!!

Pure joy! We hit up that, browsed a few stores at the mall, went to Baumhawer’s for lunch to grab some wings and hit up Bargain Hunt and Best Buy. Then I took Chris back home and went and picked up my SIL and nephew, and took the kids to the park and let them run around for a good while. After, we decided to grab some ice cream, let them pick out a toy at Five Below (Zoe chose a bracelet and a Frisbee), grabbed the Anastacia Brow deal at Ulta and pursued HomeGoods. Zoe and I were exhausted by the time we got home! What a fun day!

Sunday, we hit up the grocery store, and then my sister and her crew came over to take some stuff off our hands that we have been hanging on to in our garage and simply dont need. After they left, Zoe and I played outside for a long time. We had got her a toddler golf set at Bargain Hunt the day before, and she was excited to hit the balls around and play with sidewalk chalk and bubbles. So much fun!

I am not really sure what happened, but about a month and a half ago, my left foot started to hurt on the walk back to my office from lunch. The pain would come and go, and I mostly just ignored it and figured it would heal itself. Well, here we are, and now it hurts alllllll the time. I cant even walk right anymore. I finally scheduled myself a visit to a orthopedic. Of course, all the doctors are out for spring break, and I have to wait another week. But at least I set the appointment! I have a feeling my beloved flats might be part of my problem. I cant really wear heels more than once a week anymore, they just hurt my feet too much. And I cant really find any other work appropriate winter shoes other than flats that I can stand to walk in for more than a few hours. Not really sure how to remedy that. At least in the summer, a lot of my wedges actually support my arch. It will be interesting to hear what they tell me. Anyone else have this issue?


Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!!! It has been a week! I have been super busy at work with my other half out. For every one project I finished yesterday, I was given two more. I suppose it helps make the day go a little faster.

I walked over to O’Henry’s this morning with two of my co-workers and grabbed a skim chai tea latte. It was so good!!! It had been awhile since I had gotten any drink like that out. I haven’t been to Starbucks since we bought our Ninja Coffee Bar, and it is still my favorite. But I don’t make chai tea at home…so this was the perfect Thursday treat!

We have been trying something new this week, where a few nights we give Zoe a snack when we get home and I cook dinner for all three of us, instead of waiting until after she goes to bed to make our food and feed her something different. It has been nice eating as a family. And Zoe decided the nights we do that, she wants to sit at the table and not in her high chair. Why does she look all grown up at the table????? Her hair is even in a messy pony/bun. They grow up tooooooooo fast!

Favorite Purchase: After reading Lindsay’s post a few weeks ago on razors, I decided to pull the trigger on Billie. I had actually never heard of either of the razors she talked about, but I was in desperate need of a new one! It is amazing, closest shave ever!!! And finally, I have zero cuts on my legs/knees. I almost always have at least one small cut after shaving with other razors, and I had zero issues with this. I signed up for the refills every two months. I highly recommend it! Plus, how cute is the packaging?

Favorite Grocery Find: When I was at Target a few weeks ago, I found these teas in cartons that you just add equal parts milk to. This London Fog Tea Latte with Lavender is soooooo good!!!! I love it poured over ice and have been enjoying one almost daily.

You're not the boss of me
STILL Fiending for JOE after all these years. GcFIEND.

It is supposed to be 72 here tomorrow, so hopefully we will get to spend some time outside playing or doing something fun! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Linking up with Amanda.


Weekend Shenanigans

This weekend went by so fast! I suppose they always do. I completely forgot for pretty much the entire day yesterday that it was St Patrick’s Day. Oops! Zoe did wear green on Friday, for Green Day at school.

Saturday morning, Zoe and I met Laura and S early to do some shopping and eating! We started out at Target, ventured to Nordstrom Rack and then had lunch at Cowfish. I scored two new tops for under $20 each that I can wear for work or play. This Halogen top in the gray/green color (it looks more green to me but says gray) and this DR2 ladder stitch top in black. I want to go back and get the DR2 one in mulberry too. I love them so much! Zoe got three pairs of shoes!! Two pairs of Zaxy closed toe sandals (a clear and a blue pair, they glow in the dark!!!) that are awesome for daycare!!! And a pink pair of the Thea shoes from Rachel Shoes. She had these last year in a smaller size and got a lot of wear out of them. They held up pretty well, considering how rough she is on her shoes.

Our lunch was so delicious. We shared the parmesan fries and crab ragoon dip, and I got sushi for my main dish and Zoe ordered the kids burger bento box. So much food!! So good! Plus, Zoe really loves crab dip.

After lunch, Zoe and I headed to the outlets to do some more shopping. I love looking for clothes at H&M for her. They have the cutest stuff at reasonable prices. And it is stuff I dont see every other kid in, like Carter’s brand. Which, dont get me wrong, I like their stuff too.

After all that shopping, we made a well deserved ice cream stop! Well, frozen yogurt. Same thing. Zoe had so much fun picking her toppings! Another date to the ice cream shop needs to happen soon!

That evening, we stopped by my SIL’s house for a few minutes and got Papa John’s to go. When we were at Target earlier in the day, I bought Zoe the Baby Shark Fishing Game. She loves it so much!!! We have played every night since we got it. It plays a portion of the baby shark song and is pretty much like the regular fishing game.

Sunday we did our grocery shopping and then came home and cleaned and straightened the house up. Zoe took a decent nap that allowed me to go outside and cut our front yard. Can you believe it???? Grass cutting in March. Something so wrong about that. All our trees have been blooming down here too (started in February, really). Allergy and tornado season are starting early this year!

We listed our house Sunday night, and now we are trying to decide if this is the right time. There is literally nothing on the market that we want to buy in the area we are looking. Everything that does come along that is decent, is under contract within a day or two. It is a tough, stressful time! We had a showing booked 45 minutes after our house listed, and we had one yesterday morning. We have cameras all throughout our house, and we watched the people mess around with Chris’s stuff in the basement. The agent was totally unprofessional. It has really thrown an extra layer of anxiety on top of the situation. WTF is wrong with people???

Meanwhile, I am enjoying how clean and orderly our house is looking! I hate clutter so much, and we got rid of a lot of stuff. There is a whole guest room of shit that we probably could just let go still. I am highly contemplating that!

I meant to have this post published yesterday, but I forgot to schedule it. Happy Weekend Shenanigan Wednesday!


Friday Favorites

You guys, I am SO SICK of tornado season already!!! It has barely even started, and the last three weeks straight we have been under a tornado watch/warning at some point in the week. Last night I had so much anxiety driving home from work/daycare. I was racing with the storm. So much wind and lightening, but I managed to stay about 5 minutes ahead of it. I got home and stepped out of my car and didn’t like the way the atmosphere felt. It was eerily silent and the wind wasn’t right. I didn’t even make it through my living room before my phone and weather radio started freaking out telling me there was a tornado in my area. I turned around and looked out our front window and OMG!!!! It was right fucking there. Well I mean, like 5 miles in the distance. BUT STILL!!!!

Captioned: Things you don’t wanna fucking see when you are in a car on a rural road.

I am so glad it was going away from my house, but it was heading right towards my sisters house. It went straight up the road that we take to get to each other. Luckily, it didn’t actually hit near her house either…but it was at the tail end of rush hour and there were a LOT of trees down on Hwy 431. Lots of people on the road when it happened.

So over this weather!!!!!!!

But I am done talking about that, because I can’t get that image out of my head and cant think about it anymore. Let’s talk about lighter things, like my favorites for the week! Perhaps my first one is actually showing up to blog.

And getting to see Laura on Wednesday for lunch!!! We grabbed salads at Edgar’s Bakery, and they were delicious! We have plans to go shopping together tomorrow too, and take the kids for some delicious lunch. I cant wait!

Favorite Purchase: My fun, pink glasses I ordered from Amazon over the summer broke last week. I have been lost without them and decided to order a different pair. These came in this week, and they look and feel very designer, but at a much better price. They have a really nice case they came in too!

Image result for prive the heroine

Favorite Recipe: I make these sriracha meatballs at least two or three times a month. They are so good!!!!!

Honey Sriracha Glazed Meatballs

Favorite Funnies:

Stealing this from Kathy, literally me every single morning. Except at 6:30 am instead. It is even better, because Zoe is Moana obsessed.

Image result for moana shoes on meme

Sorry in advance... (via That Mom Lady by Shawna Gove)

Linking up with Amanda, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!