Sometimes you don’t have your life together for a Monday post, it happens! It has been a crazy week at work. Every time someone comes up to my desk, it is for a new project for me to work on. I love the pace and all that work just means job security and great things for my company, so bring it! Still though, I am worn the slap out at the end of the day when I finally arrive home and have to go through the nightly routine of cooking for Zoe, having a quick playtime, getting her bathed and clothed and ready for bed….then cooking our dinner and eating and doing dishes and trying to wind down for the day.
This past weekend was wonderful. I kicked it off Friday, trying out a new to be place for breakfast, Great Harvest Bread Company. I had the most delicious blueberry cream cheese scone and toffee latte!!!

I decided to take myself to lunch on a nice walk to Ono Poke for a Spicy Tuna Crunch Bowl at lunch. It was DELICIOUS!!!!

Saturday, Chris had plans to go to a LAN party at my BIL’s house to beta test a new video game that comes out in March. My mom called me last minute and asked me if I could meet for lunch, YES!!! Zoe and I met up with her and we did some shopping, ate a delicious lunch at Jim n’ Nicks and even took Zoe to get an American Cookie Company cookie. We had so much fun!!! Zoe was really sad when it was time to part ways, she cried “My Grandma!!!!!” the entire way home. It makes me so happy to see her so excited about her family though. Burgers and cookies make her happy too!

Sunday we did our grocery shopping, and after Zoe’s nap we headed over to Bargain Hunt and grabbed large diet cokes from Sonic for the drive home. I scored a major deal at Bargain Hunt on some shoes!!!! I got the black pair for $2 and the pink for $3. Brand new, never worn, tag still on shoes from earlier in the season from Target and JC Penney. SCORE!

In other news, I was sad to get a text from my dad on Saturday saying that America passed away.My sister and I got America for my dad for a fathers day present 11 years ago. She was a sweet sweet girl and we found out a few months ago she had a tumor and it took her a bit too soon. RIP sweet Miss America!