I made the mistake of updating WordPress this morning, and everything looks different. It has been the same since I made the switch several years ago and I feel so lost! Anyways, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!! I wanted to link up with Kristen last Thursday for What’s New With You, but life happens and it didn’t work out. So here I am a few days later.
Reading: I have been reading The Lies We Told for the last month. It isn’t the books fault, but rather adulting. I have spent every free moment before Zoe wakes up and during nap time painting and setting back up our spare room. When I do pick it up, I am enjoying it.
Listening: I am almost done with Grown Up Kind of Pretty on audiobook, and hope to have it ready to go for the book link up tomorrow!

Watching: Blacklist!!! We started binging this last week and we cant stop wont stop!

Enjoying: The weather!!! It has basically rained here for a month straight, but this weekend was sunny and in the 60s! We made the most of it, and played outside for quite awhile Saturday.

Eating: We are still going strong on Whole 30. Honestly, I am not enjoying it at all this time around. It isn’t even hard for me anymore…which is nice. But it is bringing me no joy. I am mainly pissed off that I cant have my one joy in the mornings, my creamer. And I still feel bloated and gross and see much faster results when I am tracking points with Weight Watchers. I am not sure if I am going to continue on past this week. I have done this enough times now to know what makes me feel like shit and what doesn’t, and I know it isn’t a lifestyle I want to maintain.

I did make some yummy spicy chicken stuffed sweet peppers and loaded sweet potato fries this weekend. Honestly, most of our weeknight meals are Whole 30 compliant anyways.
Excited: I scooped up some Valentine’s day treats for Zoe’s friends at school at Target yesterday while the getting was still good! She will be giving them heart bracelets, bubble wands and she picked out Vamparina cards to go in heart treat bags. I think I am going to get some fruit snacks too. She is already excited for their Valentine’s Day party since she missed the Christmas party last month due to a fever. The holidays are a million times better with her, even the little ones like this that I don’t really care about.
We are ready for the Championship game tonight!!! Roll Tide!