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Things You Need To Know About

I have so many random pictures of things on my phone I took for a recommendations post, that I am sure there are probably more sitting in there. But these are the most recent of them. I try some good stuff sometimes, and I feel like more people need to know!!!

Parchment Muffin Liners – Did you know these existed???? For the longest time, I stocked the tin foil liners because they have less stick-age than the paper. But I still have issues with them. Scrolling in Target I found these and OMG!!! I will never go back to anything else. These are seriously amazing! Truly no stick. Go order you some here right now!!!

Skinny Foam – I found this Caramel Skinny Syrup Foam at either TJ Maxx or HomeGoods a few weeks back. You guys!!!! So good!!! Save yourself $45968 on Starbucks and just squirt a few pumps of this stuff in your morning coffee at home. Easy peasy and delicious!

Calidad Tortilla Chips – These chips were found in the International Food Aisle near the taco shells at Target. They are the closest to restaurant taste and texture that you will find. So good!!!

Waterloo Watermelon Sparking Water – I have tried the grapefruit and watermelon of these and love both so much! They taste better than La Croix and I found them at Whole Foods.

Rap Snacks Honey Dew – You guys, you might laugh but seriously. These are so incredibly delicious!!! Texture of cheese puffs with a sophisticated honey dew twist. The brand makes the coolest flavor combinations ever and you need to stop by your nearest gas station and check them out. These are my favorite, but I have enjoyed a few of the others like ranch white cheddar popcorn.

Avocado Salsa – We found this unicorn at Sam’s Club and it is so good! You get the best of both worlds, guac and salsa combined. This container is huge, but it didn’t last long around our house.

Lancome Skin Feels Good Hydrating Skin Tint – This stuff is so much better than the IT CC Cream. It smells better, it sinks into the skin better, and I like the color better. It gives you light-medium coverage and has an SPF that is perfect for the spring/summer. I have been grabbing this a lot over the last few weeks.

What products are you excited about lately? I realize that all but one of mine are food related. Clearly I have priorities.


Last Weekend of Summer Shenanigans

I know that the weather will remain in the 80’s here until about November, but I see Labor Day weekend as the end of summer. I welcome fall with open arms. Bring on the football, cooler temps, pretty leaves and fall clothing. I celebrated this morning with my first PSL of the season!

This weekend, we didn’t do too much. We are all still recovering from being sick. And if I recall back to Friday night, I am pretty sure Chris worked for like five hours while I watched Young and Hungry. Do you watch that show? So cute.

Anyways, Saturday was the start of college football!!! We hung around the house all day and watched games, cleaning while Zoe napped. There is something refreshing about a bathroom deep clean, no? I steamed the floors and bleached the shit out of every inch of surface in there. Everything is so sparkly and clean! We had both TVs in the living room going with different games. I was a little nervous that Alabama started the season with such a tough first game….but we pulled out a big W!!! I kept the football snacks healthy, we enjoyed some sweet potato nachos. Chris had the Hues lights set on red all evening, hence the weird colored pictures.

We managed to have breakfast all weekend, which was delicious. Zoe and I headed out to do our grocery shopping after her morning nap while Chris cut the backyard.

On Labor Day, Chris had to go to work for a little while. Zoe and I headed over to my sister’s house for lunch and got to hang out with her family and my mom for awhile.

I made Italian sausage stuffed zucchini boats for dinner last night which turned out pretty good!

And that is pretty much our weekend! We did start Catastrophe on Sunday. So far, we like it. It is something different. Have you seen it? I am so ready for the fall shows to start back up! I hope you all had a great weekend! Linking up with Biana.


Best Bedtime Books

I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love the fact that Zoe is super into books!!! She loves looking at them, holding them, chewing on them. I love it! For only being on this earth for five months, she sure does have quite the collection!!! Can I just tell you though, like adult books, all children books are not created equal! Man, there are some real duds out there. Part of Zoe’s bedtime routine includes reading a few bedtime stories. These are our favorites!

The Going to Bed Book by Sandra Boynton

The Going-To-Bed Book

Shout out to Laura for gifting Zoe this book! This is our absolute favorite. In fact, I have the entire thing memorized and I often recite it to her while she is in the bathtub. The book goes through these cute little animal’s bedtime routine. They scrub. scrub scrub in the tub, put on their pjs, brush their teeth, exercise, turn off the lights, etc.

An Ocean Adventure a Sparkle Board Book

Join Titch on his ocean adventure and meet all kinds of sea creatures. Will he return home in time for bed? Zoe loves all the pictures in this book. This is the first book that she really paid attention too when she was younger.

Little Owl’s Night by Divya

Little Owl's Night

Little Owl meets all kinds of night time friends as he heads home before the sun comes up. The end of the book, his mama describes how the night ends and day begins and I always get goose bumps reading those few lines. The background is black instead of white, so I really think it helps the little kiddos really see the pictures.

On the Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman

Cue all the tears and emotions on this one! This was one of the very first things I bought Zoe. I stood in the aisle at Target reading this one and crying ugly tears because of how beautiful it truly is! This would make such a great baby shower gift!

Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown

I feel like this one is a little cliche, but there is a reason! Zoe just loves this book and it is one of the first ones we read every night.

Do you have any favorite bedtime books? I read these ones over and over again to Zoe and we never tire of them! I think that is what makes them such good choices.

Uncategorized, weekend shenanigans

Weekend Shenanigans

Rain, rain go away. Come again another day! Preferably one when I don’t have to drive downtown! I am just glad the threat for severe weather for our area went away for now. It is supposed to come back on Wednesday though. Woof. I HATE living in the south in the spring. Tornado warnings are scary! Anyways, enough talk about that. Let’s get to the weekend!

On Friday, Chris had a car delivered from Atlanta! He met them  in the parking lot of my office, so I got to see it when Zoe and I came downtown to meet my co-workers for lunch. His new ride is pretty sweet! It’s an Infiniti QX70.

Zoe and I had come to have lunch with my co-workers because one of them is leaving us 🙁 I hate that. He was the one that brought his lunch to work too and ate with me pretty much every day. We had to send him off with BBQ from Saw’s!!! Which, if you read Southern Living Magazine, is the best BBQ in Alabama. Yum!

Friday evening, my sister stopped by to bring Zoe her Easter present. She sure did get spoiled, look at all this stuff she got!

Included in all that were Zoe’s first set of blocks. She loves them! It is the coolest watching her discover and play with different things.

Saturday morning during Zoe’s nap, I went outside and cut the grass. I got about 60% of it done then. Man, it is so weird but I missed doing it last year when I was pregnant. I am not as in bad of shape as I thought I was, because I wasn’t really struggling much. Just with my allergies. Stupid pollen.

Saturday afternoon, we took Chris’s car downtown and he showed me where his new office is. He started a new job two weeks ago, and I am so happy for him. He is loving it and seems so much happier. I am so proud of him for the position that he has now with an amazing company. He has worked so hard to get where he is, and he truly deserves it. I know great things are in his future! He is truly amazing at what he does.

While we were downtown, we grabbed a late lunch at Skycastle. We both enjoyed a local beer too. Mmmmm.

Sunday, Chris came out dressed and ready to go on a mission when Zoe and I were playing in her room. When the Nintendo Switch came out, we had one preordered. We decided there were no decent games being released for it so we canceled it. Now that you cant really find them easily, it made us want one more. Haha. Go figure right? Chris had heard that Walmart had gotten a shipment in Saturday night, so we high tailed it over there before grocery shopping. We found it! I swear we just like the thrill of the hunt more than anything. We still dont have any games for it.

During Zoe’s afternoon nap on Sunday, I finished cutting the grass and vacuumed out my car. Talk about getting shit done! I then came back in and had a little playtime with her when she woke from her nap. I seriously cant get over how stinking adorable she is. Just full of personality too!!!! Thanks Laura for the super cute elephant romper! Zoe looks adorable in it!

And look at her “supermanning” in her crib.  I swear this child is going to be on the move sooner than later. And probably building some ab muscles in the process.

I hope you had a fabulous weekend!!!! If you live in the path of all this rain and storms, stay safe and dry my friends. Have a great week!

Linking up with Biana.


Friday Things

I cant believe Christmas is this weekend, what?!?!?! I am hosting Christmas with my sister and dad for the first time this year. It is easier to just have people come to our house this year with baby. The rest of the weekend will be spent with Chris’s family and my mom. I wrapped most of the presents today, got all of our cards out yesterday…and yet it still doesn’t quite feel like Christmas to me. So weird.


I have a few random things on my mind today. Influenster sent me some L’OREAL Ever Pure Volume shampoo and conditioner. I have actually tried another line by Ever Pure before and liked it, and I really enjoyed this volume line too. What I really appreciate is that they are sulfate free and safe for my color treated hair. I have to say after a few uses, this shampoo really does add some volume to my lifeless hair! It smells of salon quality too, which is nice. I would recommend this if you are looking for an affordable hair care line!


I have a link up announcement coming at you for January, so stay tuned for that next week to get all the details. I am super excited about it!!!

I haven’t read a single book this month. (Other than a little of What to Expect The First Years) Can you believe it?! It has been nice taking a little break, but I hope to get back my reading grove because I miss it!

I am sure blog land will be a little sparse next week as everyone enjoys the holidays. I will be checking in here and there and plan to get back on track for January. The month to get shit done, am I right?? I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!!!

Image result for merry christmas ya filthy animal