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Weekend Shenanigans

I kicked off my Friday the best way I knew how, with a Caramel Brulee Latte and a Cranberry Bliss bar from Starbucks!


Laura had to cancel our burger date for lunch, totally lame Laura!!! (It’s ok, we are going today instead!!!) So I decided to grab some Chick Fila and run some errands for lunch.


Friday evening, Chris and I headed to World of Beer to meet with his new hire for awhile. I guess it was our last hurrah? I stayed out way past my bedtime, we were out after 10pm!!!! It was fun though and I was proud of myself for hanging.

Saturday morning was operation do all the things. I cleaned the house, organized some baby stuff and then Chris and I put together a shelf for her closet and I got to finishing her closet as well. Hopefully her dresser will be in our house this week and I can finish setting up everything…well except the curtains. I forgot we haven’t gotten curtains yet. Always something, am I right??? The rest of the day was about football so we ordered some Landmark BBQ and enjoyed the games.


We were also able to squeeze in a quick viewing of Elf before the Alabama game came on!!! That is one of my favorite Christmas movies and I am trying to get in to the November/December spirit since it was still hot. Here is proof, the radio station is playing Baby, It’s Cold Outside but clearly my car had to squash that dream by telling me it was 73 degrees. Better than 83 I suppose…but still!!!!


That Alabama game was something. I found myself yelling at Kiffin several times. As in “RUN THE BALL!!!!!” I can’t tell you how happy I was when Hurts finally ran one in the end zone and Griffith made a field goal. There were so many mistakes in that game and it was intense all four quarters! I thought I might put myself in to labor.

Sunday I started putting together the pack and play and then ran to the grocery store and got all that taken care of because Sunday afternoon I had a sweet little one year old birthday party to attend!!! After I got home, we caught up on a few of our TV shows and called it a weekend.


I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Linking up with Biana.


Cultivating Relationships (and Keeping Them)

For Alyssa’s prompt, “one thing about today you wish you knew one year ago,” so many things swam through my mind. The one that really stuck out for me though? The fact that no matter how good your intentions are to keep friendships going, if you don’t continue to cultivate them….you will lose them quickly. Cultivating relationships of any kind is so important for happiness.

It is hard to make friends as an adult, can we all agree on that? There are so many different “life stages” to go through and we all hit them at different times. I am 33 and some of my friends had kids ten years ago and are immersed in football games, cheerleading competitions and hosting sleep overs at their house. Other friends had babies in the last year or two and don’t really get out much because babies are a lot of work! So they really only hang out with other friends that have kids around the same age and understand. Then there is the group of friends that are wild and free and are out partying it up every weekend and that just sounds exhausting. We all have work, family or personal obligations, organizations we belong to and really just our own shit to deal with.

What I have learned is, if you don’t continue to make the effort to hang out….then you never will. Sure, you might get that reminder on Facebook that so-and-so’s birthday is today so you leave a message on their wall telling them that you miss them and you should get together soon. You never do. Or while you are standing in line to check out at a fast-casual restaurant, you run in to an old co-worker you used to hang out with all the time and you mention that you guys should grab lunch soon, but don’t set concrete plans.

This is how we lose our friends. You need to do more than just have good intentions, you need to have follow through. I very much regret not keeping in regular contact with a few people that I was very close to when I lived in Atlanta. I regret very much not making actual plans with a girlfriend that I ran into grabbing lunch one day last year. Because you know what, I haven’t seen or spoken to any of them since. And that makes me sad.

I can sit here and say, well they never reached out to me either. But how does that make it better?

So what I wish I could have told myself one year ago, is to keep cultivating the relationships with those that I enjoy having in my life. Life gets busy, but it isn’t an excuse to not make the time to grab a drink or get the kids together for a play date.

What is something you wish you knew a year ago?


Things I Want For My Daughter

I posted this over on Mommy Babbles today, but I wanted to post it over here too and link up for Blogtember today since it goes along with the theme.

One of the many many things that worries me about having a child today, is how scary the world can be. I know that every generation thinks that when they grew up things were different compared to now, that is just the way time works. But in today’s society, I feel like we have all taken several steps back in our evolution of peace and tolerance for others. With all the racial related hate and shootings, people fighting against gay marriage and simple human rights, huge terrorist groups killing just to kill. It is a scary place out there!!! I just want me daughter to know that you can always find good in other people and the world.


I want my daughter to love all people.

I want my daughter to feel safe.

I want my daughter to not ever think of herself as fat or less than.

I want my daughter to believe that she can be anything she wants to be with a little faith and hard work.

I want my daughter to see the good in other people, but not be naive.

I want my daughter to believe in love and love fully.

I want my daughter to believe in the spirit of Christmas, the magic of the tooth fairy, and all the other things that we let slip as we get older.

I want my daughter to know good from evil, right from wrong and be able to make the right choice.

I want my daughter to encourage positivity and avoid negativity.

I want my daughter to know that the more your give, the more you get.

I want my daughter to be able to chose forgiveness. Bitterness and jealousy can ruin your life.

I don’t want my daughter to ever settle.

I want my daughter to believe in compassion and practice that belief towards other people and animals.

I want my daughter to know that it is never too late to change your course in life.

I want my daughter to know that I will love and support her through all that she does.


You Might Think It’s Punny

One of my favorite memories from when I was younger, is playing games with my family. My mom, sister and I would sit for hours playing board games and card games. I still have plenty of those games and have since added some but we never seem to play them. One of my goals is to play them more often, especially at family get togethers. For my mom’s 50th birthday last year, my sister and I set up an entire day filled with food and board games for my mom. It was so much fun and my nephews still talk about how they want to do it again.

Enter Punderdome. If you have a corny sense of humor or like bad jokes, this game is for you! Here is how you play.




Who does’t like a good pun??? Here are some examples…


While I don’t think Punderdome “will replace Cards Against Humanity,” I do think it is a fun game to play at a get together. Especially if you are trying to keep it cleaner, as the game is 12 and up. We came up with some pretty funny and pretty terrible puns. I just think you have to have the right group of people to make the game fun and it sure can pass the time.

What is your favorite game?

**I received Punderdome from Blogging for Books for an honest review. All opinions are of my own.**


Lesson Learned

Sometimes life likes to teach you a lesson, when you are ready for it or not! We have all been there, right? A good smack up side the head from life. Lesson learned.

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–Technology will always fail you when you need it the most or are in a time crunch. Exhibit A: Last Friday when I gave up and left work at 4:30pm because our entire system went down when I had two more jobs to finish. I am claiming not my fault on that.

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–Everything always goes on sale. If you are shopping in a retail store (Kohls, Macy’s, Loft) and you fall in love with an $88 sweater remember these words: IT WILL EVENTUALLY GO ON SALE. And if you ignore those words and buy it anyways, next weekend it will be on sale for at least half off AFTER you already took the tags off and wore it. Just wait!!!

–But don’t wait to buy anything at TJ Maxx, HomeGoods or Marshall’s!!! Marshall’s Law states that if you see something you love and you come back for it later it will be gone. Do not test this theory, you will be sorry.

–If you don’t stop and fill up your gas tank on the way home, I promise you that you will be running late the next morning and completely forget that you need gas until you start your car up and then you are FUCKED. Mine as well stop and grab a Starbucks too because you are already late.

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–Avoid Petsmart at all costs on Saturdays. There is always a doggie adoption going on and you are going to spend 20 minutes staring into those sad  eyes wanting to love them all and bring them home but you know you cant. Then you start sobbing as you wait in line at the register to buy dog food for your spoiled mutt at home and think that life just isn’t fair.

–When you are thirty and up, you just simply cannot drink like you could in your twenties. It is scientific fact that on your 30th birthday the switch changes and you are done.

–Anytime you spend time or money on washing the outside of your car, it will without fail rain within 24 hours. Perhaps the next time there is a drought, they shouldn’t ban car washing. That is the only rain dance the rain gods listen to.

–No matter how good the TV show or book is past 10pm on a week night, just stop. You are too old to stay up until midnight then wake up at 4:30am and be a functioning human.

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What are some life lessons you have learned?

Linking up with Mattie!