Have I ever told you the story of the day that I met you? I was actually there for someone else. Sounds ridiculous, right? There was a male pug that I had come back for that I was going to name Winston. But he had to be kept longer for observation. I remember looking into the room where you all were, and I caught eye contact with you. The other puppies were going nuts and you just sat there staring at me.
A girl came and and got you, I thought maybe someone had come for you or it was time for your bath or something. Next thing I know, she was walking you over to me and putting you in my arms. I was hooked. There was no turning back now. I knew you were meant to come home with me that day and we have been best friends ever since.
You have been through so much with me. I was just out of college when we met and trying to get a “real job” while holding down three part time jobs. I was a mess and you gave me grace. Our life wasn’t perfect but you didn’t care.
You were there for every move I made while working in residential management. There sure were a lot, weren’t there?? You never complained, you always adjusted just fine.
You saw me through a string of bad relationships and breakups, always being there to lick away my tears.
You were there when I met Chris. You didn’t even hesitate to jump in the car the day we left Atlanta to move to Birmingham.
You became a big sister to Mac. Sure, you were a little apprehensive at first but you were quick to become best friends.
I will never forget the first time I came to pick the two of you up from boarding. The vet tech told me that you wouldn’t let Mac out of your sight the entire time we were gone. It melted my heart.
Gracie, you were never just a dog. You were family. My best friend. The most loyal companion. Your love was unconditional. There was not a day that went by that you weren’t ecstatic to see me. And to be honest, I felt the same way about you.
Yesterday was hard. I didn’t want to say goodbye to you. I think we both knew this day was coming. I could tell it was hard on you too. You wouldn’t even look at me when I gave you our last hug. It’s ok, I know you love me. I only hope that you know how much you were loved too.
Gracie Lou
March 10, 2005 – June 23, 2016