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Friday Favorites

First things first, a big shout out to Amanda!!! Today is her wedding day and I just know that she is going to be one beautiful bride!! Congrats and best wishes!!!

Favorite Song -Keeping it gangsta this Friday, Bugatti by Ace Hood. I like to roll down the streets in my badass Rogue listening to this song. Hells yes.

Favorite Purchase -I was in need of some actual lip products with lip color more than just a color lighter or darker than my natural color. You know, adult stuff. Joey gushed about Rimmel Provocalips and wanted to buy them in every color, and since I trust Joey’s recommendations….this happened! I got I’ll Call You and I love it! The color lasts at least half the work day for me without reapplication, which says a lot! Usually a color lasts maybe 20 minutes. I will be talking about this and a few others that I tried *hopefully* sometime next week.

Favorite Lust -Yesterday Pamela posted the cutest jacket from Old Navy! For a few years I debated the army green jacket but never actually took the plunge. I think this is a perfect transitional piece from winter to spring and summer to fall! I may have to see if ours has it so I can try it on 🙂

Favorite Winter Product -My face has been through hell the last few months. To top off all the break outs, I always get patches of dry areas that don’t look so hot with make up on. The St Ives Apricot Scrub has really helped with how my face feels. It leaves it soft and sloughs away those dry spots. I us this every other day at night and I am really liking the way it leaves my skin feeling.

On another note, did anyone watch Two and a Half Men last night?!?! That was the worst episode I have ever seen of any show ever. It was absolutely ridiculous and Chuck Lorre is a big ass baby to let the show end the way that it did. Yeah, Charlie Sheen had a mental break down and has done some crazy shit….but he made that damn show for eight years and I just can’t even describe how angry I am that I wasted that hour of my life that I can never get back. Rant over.

Favorite Funnies –

How I feel in line at the store sometimes…

Any time I find myself in Walmart…


Friday Favorites

Hey there 2015!!! I hope that everyone had a fabulous new year! We were hardcore on NYE and fell asleep on the couch watching the Mississippi State game. I woke up around 10:40 pm turned on Ryan Seacrest and T Swizzle, celebrated the eastern ball drop, woke Chris up and went to bed. I was born in the eastern time zone, so that is totally legit.

Yesterday was a super disappointing day in football for the SEC. I can’t even talk about it…on to next year! The only sweet spot was watching that tool bag Jameis Winston fumble the football as he fell on his ass and Oregon put the beat down on him. That part of the day I did enjoy quite much.

Favorite Song – Taylor Swift – Wildest Dreams – I just love this song! Laura got me the CD for Christmas and I felt like the 90’s as I flipped through the book and pictures that came in the packaging!

Favorite Meal – My mom and I went to Blackwell’s Pub in Cahaba Heights for lunch on Tuesday. I just love that place! I always get the same thing when I go there, and I wanted to change that. I had been wanting to try their “award winning” PB & J Burger for quite some time and so I did! Peanut butter and blackberry jelly atop a wonderful juicy medium burger. Yes, please! Their burgers are delicious!



Favorite Motivational Phrase –

Make Yourself Proud

Favorite Purchase – I stopped by CVS to see if they had any good Christmas stuff left over and sure enough they had the Snoopy hot dog toaster that I had seen back in November! Score!!!! This is the best $10 we have ever spent. The hot dogs turn out so delicious and were perfect for game day!

IMG_4443 IMG_4445

Favorite Funnies

When you don't feel like sharing:

You know it! Hahaha!

Well….31….but same thing….



Kids tell it like it is!

Haha! Truth.

"Suggestions without options"....I like that. A lot.

Have a great weekend!!!

Meet At The Barre


Weekend Shenanigans – The One With Christmas

I am still having the hardest time believing that Christmas has really come and gone!!! Perhaps it was the mild and rainy weather we had, but it sure doesn’t feel like Christmas was just a few days ago! And just like that, the tree was taken down, ornament by ornament and the stockings are no longer hung on the fireplace with care.

I will say, I try to put a positive spin on the end of such a joyous time by thinking of the new year as a clean slate. Those goals I didn’t quite finish this year can become goals for the next. All of the bad foods I ate last week, and the cookie I am nibbling on now will be a thing of the past as I have a fresh look on my health and fitness for the new year.

Until then, let’s take a look at the last few days, shall we?!

Christmas Eve I worked until, about 1:00 pm, and was so kindly told to go home. Why thank you, I think I shall! Chris met me back at our house shortly after, and we headed to his parents house for Christmas Eve festivities. We had a great dinner and got to spend some time with Chris’s parents, his grandma and  my sister in law and her family as well.

We came back home that evening where I forced Chris to watch The Grinch. He likes the cartoon version, but not so much the Jim Carey version but he kindly obliged. I just love that movie!!!

Christmas morning Chris and I woke up and exchanged presents, fed the dogs a surprise bowl of wet food…then headed to his sisters for Christmas Breakfast as we do every year. After breakfast, we came home and played some Mario Kart and watched some TV then headed to my mom’s for Christmas dinner. I got to see my mom, step dad, step sisters, and my sister and her family.

Chris and I, don’t mind the loss of shoes. Those things happen when you wear heels and sit on the floor!

Me, my mom and my sister 🙂 🙂

My niece Berkley along with my step sister’s Emily, Savannah and Annabeth (my my brother in law Mike in the background)


My sister’s clan! You should have seen how many pictures we had to take to get them to all smile and behave themselves. And my sister and oldest niece are picture Nazi’s and must approve it which meant even more pictures!

imageMy sister and Mike <3

Oh and did I mention that I got to finally meet Maggie and Molly?!?!?! I forgot how soft puppies are! These two are just so sweet!!!

Be still my heart….

The day after Christmas, Chris and I headed back over to his parents house for the day because his brother came in to town with two of our nieces. We hung out, ate food and that evening we played some serious Mario Kart! I got to have my O’Fallon Cherry Chocolate Beer too! It is only brewed two months out of the year so I had to pick up a case!

Over the weekend, we took it easy for the most part. It was rainy on Saturday and we went to Catina Laredo for an early dinner appetizer of Queso Laredo (cheese dip with taco meat). We would have stayed longer and watched the South Carolina game but the bartender was awful. Chris’s soda went empty twice and stayed empty for several minutes without being refilled and the guy had zero personality and came off as an ass. So we decided to head to Publix and pick up the stuff for Cajun Chicken Pasta. Yum!

Sunday was meal planning and grocery shopping. We also played a game of Monopoly on the xbox last night and it was so fun!

I hope that everyone had a fabulous holiday and weekend! It is another short week for me at work. I hope to recap my fall goals and have my winter ones up tomorrow. Winter? Can you believe it? It sure doesn’t feel like winter around these parts. We had our AC on yesterday. Boo! Happy Monday! (We can say happy since it is a short week, right?!)



Things I Learned From the Grinch

One of my favorite Christmas movies that I have to watch every year is The Grinch. Both the Jim Carey version as well as the cartoon! I mean, you learn a lot of life lessons from that wise hairy guy!

Scheduling and Time Management – You always need to make time for yourself, even if it is for self wallowing.

Have all of the feelings!

It’s ok to not like everything

That sometimes I eat because I am bored…

That even the Grinch himself has wardrobe problems from time to time

And the true meaning of Christmas….

I hope that each and every one of you has a very Merry Christmas!!!!

Uncategorized, weekend shenanigans

Weekend Shenanigans


It’s the week of Christmas!!!!!  I’ve been a little scarce around these parts lately. Let’s take a look at what I have been up to!

Thursday night we hosted the Magic City Bloggers Food Drive at World of Beer. We had a great turn out and there were lots and lots of cans donated to the Firehouse Shelter!!! Here are a few of the girls….

Friday evening we ordered Chinese food and stayed in. We watched Home Alone 🙂


Saturday – We finished up our Christmas shopping, had lunch at Cantina Laredo in Uptown and spent the evening watching Home Alone 2 and Harold and Kumar’s Christmas. Also, some weird Hot Tub Time Machine movie that was oddly rather tolerable and border line good, despite the weird name and concept.


Sunday – I woke up super early and wrapped all of the presents. When Chris got up, we decided to head out early to do our grocery shopping. When we got to the Pinnacle we realized some shops had opened early and Belk was giving away $10 gift cards to the first 300 people in the door. Score! We picked up some stuff for Chris, then headed to Best Buy. We got the Nintendo Amiibo’s (Chris chose Yoshi and I got Peach) then we proceeded to Target where we spend way too much money. As always.

That afternoon I made flat bread pizza’s and we also had homemade hot chocolate. (Not together, because ewe.)


My sister sent me a picture of Maggie and Molly with the caption “Jealous?” Bitch!!! How dare she visit the puppies without me! I mean, look how freaking cute these two are…


I might have puppy fever after seeing that picture!!!

In other news, I got the iPhone 6 Plus last Wednesday. I haven’t really had the chance to actually play with it yet, hence why there was no post on Friday. I didn’t have WordPress set up to import my pictures and what kind of Friday Favorites post can you have with no pictures? I am also super behind on my own Instagram challenge because I fail at life. Prepare for Barbie overload this week.

Who else is super excited about two short work weeks in a row? The last few months have been crazy, and honestly…I am looking forward to a little break to rejuvenate and relax. We stay in state for Christmas, luckily both of our immediate families live in Alabama. There might be a 30 minute to hour drive between some houses…but I am thankful for the closeness.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, and even though it is Monday….I think it is going to be a quick day 🙂
