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Stuff and Things and Things and Stuff

–Remember that one time when I started back to the 30 Day Shred because I thought it was a great idea to reset my work outs. Yeah I remember that time, it was Monday. And Jillian has been kicking my ass every day this week. I blame this on Morgan and my big mouth saying I would join her. Fine, I suppose it is an ass beating in the best kind of way…

–I haven’t been reading as much as I would like to this month. I am about to finish book 16 in my series. Every time I read a good book review, I add it to my “to-read” list and well that list looks super overwhelming now! I am almost scared to finish this series and not know where to start! #booknerdproblems

–You know what makes me really really ragey? I called my doctor on Tuesday to get an appointment and the next available isn’t until February. Well I mentioned that I might need to come sooner because of some issues and I got transferred to her nurse to see if she could squeeze me in. Welllll I still haven’t heard from that bitch. Good thing it wasn’t an emergency issue. The thing is, I really like my doctor and have been going to her for over ten years so I don’t want to switch just because her nurse is a dimwitted fool. RAGE

–I did a WordPress theme update and it messed up my menu banner up top. I am aware it looks wonky, I am just too lazy to figure out how to fix it right now.

–How is Christmas two weeks away? No, seriously? I feel like this year has just flown by incredibly fast. I have been trying to indulge in some Christmas things lately to enjoy the season but I feel like it is slipping away from me.

–Have you been keeping up with Jana and I on the #inthedrawer challenge. It’s not too late to join in on the fun!


11 Answer You’re Dying to Know

I was tagged by Julia to answer some questions. I love reading random facts about all of you, so I figured why not?!

1. If you could up and go to anywhere in the world for the rest of the day, where would you go, who be your travel buddy, and what would you see/do there?

Disney World. Duh! With Chris of course. I would be acting like a five year old, wearing all the Disney Gear and basking in the awesomeness.

2. You’ve just had an insanely ridiculously tiring and stressful day at school/work/blogging. Top 3 ways to de-stress?

1. Binge watch TV

2. Read a book

3. Shopping

3. Who do you think are the two most influential (guy and girl!) people in the world today?

Hmm this one is a tough one for me, as I usually am not easily influenced or amused by celebrities or “famous people.” Unfortunately, I think that who has the most influence today has shifted from people that are doing extraordinary things to people that do little good. The Miley Cyrus and Justin Biebers of the world are who kids look up to these days, and I find that sad.

4. What song best fits your personality?

Just one song? Are you nuts?! I would probably say Shake it Off by Taylor Swift. There is more to me than what meets the surface, and I try to shake things off the best I can.

5. If you could re-name yourself today, what would it be?

I woudn’t. When I was a child, there was a time where I would have given anything to have a “normal” popular name so that I could have it on pencils and books bags and all that fun stuff, but as I got older, I really appreciated that my name is different. Even if the people at Starbucks never get it right no matter how many times they make me repeat it.

6. Best blogging tip you’ve ever received?

When I first started, someone told me to just be me. I think that is perfect advice for anyone in the blogging world and in real life!

7. The most popular 3 websites in your computer history?

1. Bloglovin

2. Pinterest

3. Facebook

8. Go-to piece(s) in your wardrobe right now?

Since it is “winter” (Ummm in the 70’s last week, WTF Alabama???) I have been loving all of my sweaters, skinny jeans and flats or boots.

9. What are you most excited for right now?

Christmas! Duh! Well, really this whole season. I love everything about it! Driving home at night and seeing so many houses decorated and trees shining through the windows, the music, the movies, the magic of the Christmas spirit.

I am also excited about the Magic City Bloggers meet up! It is a food drive to benefit The Firehouse Shelter. Such a great cause!!!


Also, this weekend we are going to the premier of the Dean and Company Christmas Special at Bottletree. It is the show that Chris and I filmed for last month. They released the trailer for it, can you see me? 🙂

10. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten?

That you can’t please everyone. As a people pleaser, it was hard to understand and accept that fact. At the end of the day, there will be people that don’t like you or what you are doing no matter how hard you try so just focus on being you! Being the best you that you can be.

11. Do you watch Scandal? (If not, get on that).

Duh! Only one of the best shows ever!

I invite any of you to answer these questions! It is always fun to learn new things about our favorite bloggers.

Thanksgiving, Uncategorized

On Being Thankful

Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and everyone likes to take time to reflect on what they are thankful for. I have plenty of things to be thankful for; my husband, family, dogs, our home, my job, friends, health, food, this blog and all the people I have connected with.The thing is, shouldn’t we be reflecting on that every day? Not just the big obvious things either, but all the little things we take for granted…

Pain relievers, toilet paper, extension cords, soap, washing machines, light bulbs, coffee, cars, beer, HVAC systems, chocolate, and the list goes on and on.

So as we enter in to this holiday season, every time you get frustrated because four different people want you to come to their house to celebrate on the same day…be thankful that you have those four people in your lives who care enough to want you there.

When your child is screaming in the store and wants all 987 toys they see in front of them, take a deep breath and be thankful that your child is healthy enough to want those toys. Some parents will spend their holiday in the hospital with a child fighting for their lives, or mourning the one they lost or never got to meet.

And when you are stuck in the holiday mall traffic, be thankful that we have men and women every day who are risking their lives for our country to have freedom and petty things like commercialism.

And of course, Wednesday isn’t really Wednesday without a few confessions.

Confessions in ecards


The greatest loss of the 90's.

This is true.

You know it!


So many of my friends will attest to this

Houston, Uncategorized, weekend shenanigans

Weekend Shenanigans – Texas Style

Oh, sweet home Alabama! Or at least that is what Chris (girl friend Chris,not to be confused with husband Chris) and I said as we crossed in to Alabama last night! In the past 48 hours, I spent 24 of them in a car. Fun times!

Friday – I headed to Pelham at 4:50 am to drop my car off at Chris’s house (friend not husband) and we headed to Big Bad Breakfast for a blogger breakfast. I loved that when I asked Chris if she was cool to go, she got all excited and said of course! We met some really nice people and enjoyed a lovely breakfast! I ordered the Hog Parlor Croissant that had ham, swiss cheese, pesto aoili, and dressed greens. As my side, I chose the home fries which were diced potatoes and onions. It was AMAZING.

photo (9)

After breakfast, we parted ways with the other bloggers and headed out to the open roads! We traveled through Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, then finally, Texas! It rained a good part of the way, and at one point it was so bad it looked as if we were driving on a lake! The weather turned out 10 hour trip in to a 12 hour trip. It was ok though, we made it in one piece and Chris and I had lots of girl talk the entire trip. We grabbed out third friend from the hotel, and headed to the bride’s parents house. The bridal party had run late with their rehearsal dinner as well, so we arrived at the out of town guest party right on time!

The party was just desserts, and since we hadn’t had dinner….we stopped by Taco Cabana on the way back to our hotel room!



Saturday morning I was super excited because Lauren and I had plans to finally meet in person!!! You guys, can I just tell you how surreal it is to travel to another state and have a friend there to meet up with? I just love blogging!!!!

Lauren came and picked me up from my hotel so that I wouldn’t get lost, and took me to Fielding’s! I got to experience a Houston Top 100 with her 🙂


We each ordered a pastry to share – The Nutella and Bacon Bombolini and a Vanilla Cream Beignet and then we each ordered bacon and potatoes as well. Each with a different dipping sauce to try!



The breakfast was delicious, I will dream about that Nutella and Bacon Bombolini forever. And the company, the company was superb! After we were finished eating, Lauren and I headed to the shopping area near by for her to run an errand and we snapped a few mandatory blogging pictures with Christmas as our background!

Normal faces


Blogging faces!


She left me with the sweetest present of a local Christmas ale, local coffee and a Christmas mug that said Greetings from Houston and other Texas like sayings. I love it!!!!


Afterwards, I met back up with Chris and Rashmin, and we headed back to the shopping area that Lauren showed me. Rashmin and I tried Jamba Juice and it was delicious! We walked around some shops, and then had Pot Belly for lunch. I ordered a grilled chicken salad that had apples, cranberries and grapes and it was delicious!!!



It was then wedding time!!!! I only have two pictures from the wedding, as Chris took the rest with her camera and I may share a few of those another day.

First danceIMG_4198-0.JPG

Father/daughter embrace as Courtney’s dad presented her with a beautiful present before their dance.


The wedding was lovely and we had fun!

Sunday – We had breakfast at the hotel before hitting the road and saying goodbye to Rashmin.

At a gas station stop, we saw this old hunting dog passed out in the drivers seat after a hard morning’s work. I had to snap a picture!!!! There must have been 8 dogs in this truck total between the back seat and the bed. All yellow labs, all adorable!

IMG_4202.JPGAnd that was my weekend in Houston!

I am off today to clean the house, go grocery shopping…and hopefully get that Christmas tree up!!! Have a great week!


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friday favorites, Uncategorized

Friday Favorites

Hey hey everybody! It is Friday!!!! Chances are that I am somewhere between Birmingham and Houston on the road right now. Houston, we have a problem! Haha! Fun fact, when AIM instant messenger was the shit, my friends and I would go in to the Houston Chat room, say “Houston we have a problem!!!!” then leave. People called us lame, it was funny as hell I don’t care!

Favorite (Christmas) Song – Christmas Canon Rock by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra – I just love this song!! It has mostly instrumentals, as you would expect…but there is also beautiful vocals in this song and when the guitar solo drops…..chills.

Favorite Inspirational Quote

Favorite Blog Posts – There were two blog posts this week that I read that I just have to share!!!

Brooks posted DIY gift ideas that are so awesome and unique!!! So pinned it for later! I think these gift ideas are perfect for any time of year, not just Christmas!

Lindsay shared some barre works outs for the home. I don’t know about you guys, but dang barre classes are expensive!!! (Sorry Amanda!) I love that she found some great at home ones to try!

Favorite Recipe to Try – This cranberry cheese ball looks amazing!!! Can you imagine how colorful and festive your table will look by just having this at your holiday party.

Cranberry Pecan and White Cheddar Cheese Ball. Cranberries, Pecans, cream cheese and sharp white cheddar. Perfect Thanksgiving appetizer!

Favorite Funnies

Happens to me all the time…

This: | 25 Awkward Moments Every Girl Understands HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

First take a picture, then help!


There is the I in team

LOLOLOL basically….

Here is my exclusively dedicated Youtube Channel TheCarcrashesvideos on Car Crashes videos for more visit and subscribe, click on below  For More Videos visit and subscribe my YouTube Channel

My entire life…

Have you found your name yet? Dam you coke!!!!

My life goals on a shirt!

i just want to drink coffee, save animals, and sleep

Speaking of shirts, why do I think this is so funny?

I have to make this room a permanent part of my vocabulary.

Awwwww I imagine this is how Mac has felt all his life…

Attack Of The Funny Animals - 24 Pics

Basically anywhere I go….

"The party don't start 'til I walk in." | Toy Story/ I'm doing this next time I go to a party

I hope you guys have a fabulous weekend!!!