I decided to link up for the Blogtober prompt today because I love reading random facts about other bloggers! You really get a chance to learn a lot about them. I have also noticed some new faces following me on Bloglovin’ lately, so hello!
–I am the most indecisive person on the planet. I drive my husband crazy with it. Sorry, Chris! I don’t think it will ever change :/
–I love animals. LOVE. If I could have a million dogs, I would. That is why I volunteer at the Humane Society. If I can’t have them all, I can at least help them! The love runs deep you guys. The other day I was driving down I-20 and there was a beagle on the side of the road that had been hit and didn’t make it. I cried the rest of the way to work.
–My mom and I are super close. She is my shopping partner in crime, and when she works first shift, I call her nearly every day on my way home from work to chat.
–I am the oldest child. My sister Tracy is five years younger than me, and we have three step sisters that are younger than her.
–My favorite kind of music is anything from the 90’s or early 2000’s. Obviously.
–My signature scent is Coach Legacy.
–Chris and I met through an online dating site. You really can find love there…insert cheesy flashback picture from 2010.
–Our two year wedding anniversary is right around the corner! 11-10-12
–I love cookies, hate cake. Cupcakes are ok, but let’s be honest…I eat them for the icing.
–I am a sentimental person, yet I hate clutter. I have a real internal struggle when deciding to get rid of things!
–I am a bit OCD. I check multiple times to make sure doors are locked, straightener is unplugged, alarm clock is set, stove is off, etc. I get on my own nerves with it.
–I am a northern born Yankee living it up down south. My accent is so screwed up, I have no clue what you would call it. You know when I have been hanging out with my mom or anyone from up north though….because the Pittsburghese always comes back!
–I have never been further west than Kansas.