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The Facts of Nadine

I decided to link up for the Blogtober prompt today because I love reading random facts about other bloggers! You really get a chance to learn a lot about them. I have also noticed some new faces following me on Bloglovin’ lately, so hello!

–I am the most indecisive person on the planet. I drive my husband crazy with it. Sorry, Chris! I don’t think it will ever change :/

–I love animals. LOVE. If I could have a million dogs, I would. That is why I volunteer at the Humane Society. If I can’t have them all, I can at least help them! The love runs deep you guys. The other day I was driving down I-20 and there was a beagle on the side of the road that had been hit and didn’t make it. I cried the rest of the way to work.

–My mom and I are super close. She is my shopping partner in crime, and when she works first shift, I call her nearly every day on my way home from work to chat.

–I am the oldest child. My sister Tracy is five years younger than me, and we have three step sisters that are younger than her.

–My favorite kind of music is anything from the 90’s or early 2000’s. Obviously.

–My signature scent is Coach Legacy.

–Chris and I met through an online dating site. You really can find love there…insert cheesy flashback picture from 2010.

–Our two year wedding anniversary is right around the corner! 11-10-12

–I love cookies, hate cake. Cupcakes are ok, but let’s be honest…I eat them for the icing.

–I am a sentimental person, yet I hate clutter. I have a real internal struggle when deciding to get rid of things!

–I am a bit OCD. I check multiple times to make sure doors are locked, straightener is unplugged, alarm clock is set, stove is off, etc. I get on my own nerves with it.

–I am a northern born Yankee living it up down south. My accent is so screwed up, I have no clue what you would call it. You know when I have been hanging out with my mom or anyone from up north though….because the Pittsburghese always comes back!

–I have never been further west than Kansas.

Helene in Between Blogtober

Weekend Shenanigans – The One Where I Hung Like a Champ

Well hey there Monday. You sure did sneak up on me! I woke up on my own at 4:20 am this morning and I had no clue what day it was. So imagine my surprise when I realized it was indeed Monday!

Friday – I stopped at Whole Foods on Friday for lunch. I just love their sushi!


Friday evening we went to set up Chris’s DJ stuff for the party on Saturday. He felt less stressed having everything wired the night before…which was great! On our way home we stopped at Dollar General and we found the cutest stocking for Mac and a cute ornament! Previously Mac and Gracie shared a stocking, but I think it is time they each have their own. Now we just need to find a naughty kitty one for a certain Livvy.


Saturday-  We took it easy in the morning. We had a long day ahead of us! We went over to Chris’s parents house in the afternoon to catch some of the games with his dad. We then headed to La Bamba to grab some dinner and then off to the party!

The party was a lot of fun. This year’s theme was Cirque du Freak, and they went all out on the decor! There were two big top areas, one when you walked in and one on the dance floor. Lots of lights, clowns, animals, and themed drinks. We got home around 4:30 am. I was able to hang like the cool kids all night! Perhaps because I was not drinking. At all. Maybe that is the key to staying up late? Just a caffeine/sugar high! Here is the picture dump…

halloween colllage 1

halloween colllage 2

Sunday – We slept in til about 9:30 am. If you want to call that sleeping in, seeing as how it was about four and a half hours of sleep! We watched a little TV while doing our meal planning, then I headed out to go grocery shopping. I also stopped by Sephora to get a new foundation.

I looked around for awhile and tried out the Urban Decay Naked foundation. The consultant had brought me a moisturizer to try on under it and I fell in love with it immediately. It made my skin feel so soft!!!! I am returning the other one I bought a few weeks ago. It makes my skin tight and dry…everything a moisturizer should not be doing! Haha!

The rest of Sunday was spent preparing lunch (naan pizza) and dinner (buffalo chicken meat balls and green beans) as well as lunch for me for the rest of the week (cranberry curried couscous.) We watched 22 Jump Street and The Vampire Diaries and called it a night.

food prep

Of course I can’t leave you without some Livvy shenanigans. She learned how to open cabinets this weekend. Lovely.


Also, she apparently took lessons on how to pose from Glamour Shots.

IMG_3960.JPGHope everyone has a great week!!!





Weekend Shenanigans

Another weekend has come and gone! Only one more left for this month! That is just crazy talk!

Friday – We were invited to come to the soft opening of Babalu’s Tacos & Tapas, so we headed downtown Friday evening. We invited Chris’s parents to come with us. Babalu’s environment encourages socializing with friends while sharing small plates and tacos. They make fresh guac table side, have a great selection of specialty cocktails, and lots ofyummy deliciousness.


Since we were there as invited guests, our food was complimentary off a special fixed menu. We ordered the chips and pico as our appetizer.


For our side for the table, we split sweet potato fries. Let me tell you, these were probably the best sweet potato fries we have ever had. They were perfect and not greasy.


Chris ordered the pork belly tacos as his small plate.


I had the grilled chicken satay that came out over fresh rice with black beans and corn.


They also brought out a plate of small desserts to try!


Dulce de leche cheesecake, cayenne pepper chocolate truffle and cinnamon bread pudding. Each one was delicious! I think my favorite was the cinnamon bread pudding, but the cayenne pepper truffle had this little kick after each bite and it was incredible!

They play I Love Lucy on a projector above the bar, and have some different seating options like this long high top table in the middle, and nice chairs around coffee tables outside on the patio. They have screened garage doors to open when the weather is perfect, like Friday night. Overall we had a great time and will certainly be back again! Especially seeing as how it is about one block from my office!



Saturday – I had an adoption class at the humane society Saturday morning. We got done a little early, so I stayed for a little while and took some dogs out to the play yard and for a walk.

That afternoon, we met some of our friends at World of Beer to watch the Alabama vs Texas A&M game. The game was awesome! We completely shut them out 59 to nothing. I started my day with a red and white, of course! Gotta keep it festive. This was a wheat beer with some raspberry framboise mixed in. Delicious.

I hadn’t had anything to eat yet that day, so I ordered the ham and cheese sandwich with a side of edadame and gorbonzo salad. It was delicious!


Chris ordered a pretzel with beer cheese. I had two or three bites. It was so good!


The other beer I ordered was a Crispin Apple Cider. It was a pretty big bottle, so it was my last one. I loved the crispness of it and it wasn’t overly sweet like some of the other ciders out there.


Sunday – I woke up and cleaned the house, gave Gracie a bath and started cutting Mac’s fur. I say started because we were about 45 minutes in and both Mac and I needed a break. He probably lost about 5 lbs of fur! Haha! I forgot how tiny he is underneath all that fluff.

We then met up with Chris’s parents for lunch at J Alexanders and went to Bargain Hunt and Best Buy with them.

We went grocery shopping on our way home, then spent the rest of the night catching up on some shows. Of course, Livvy had to join!





–What I failed to mention about our company retreat last week, is that my old granny knee gave out on me while I was getting out of an SUV at the hotel Friday morning on our way to the airport. I fell and busted it open because I was wearing a dress…Luckily, I don’t  think I flashed anyone…unluckily a few of my co-workers saw me go down like a bag of bricks. No one laughed, except for me. Maybe I work with adults.

–Because of said fall, I have been walking around like the hunchback of Notre Dame. Don’t mind me!

–There was a super annoying kid behind me on the plane that was playing his DS at full volume. I turned around twice and gave both the kid and the parent evil eyes. They ignored me. I wanted to throw the kid DS out of the plane. Get the kid some damn headphones!!!

–I am in a lunch rut. A bad, bad lunch rut!!!! I have got to come up with better ideas of stuff to take to work. I have been eating the same boring things week after week. Please tell me what you do! Only healthy stuff…..

–….because I have been eating like shit too often lately. I had a coming to Jesus moment over the weekend. My fat pants fit. My skinny pants wont button. I feel icky. WTF Nadine?! I know this has everything to do with throwing all my hard work out the window every weekend. I want all of the bad things in large quantities. I do so well Monday to Friday morning, and then Friday night hits and I want everything. It is a vicious, ugly cycle that needs to be broken.

–Maybe you noticed that my social media follow buttons have been missing for months? I didn’t. Oops! Sooooo if we aren’t already following each other on social media, shall we? I know I am guilty of missing  a few follows myself. *shameless plug*

Confessions in ecards:

Also, if you are looking to PUMP UP your Wednesday and get into the Halloween mood, Chris has released his free Halloween mix! He is guest posting over at Magic City Bloggers today with it so you can download it from here. For Birmingham people, there is a limited time discount code in the post for Young Frankenstein at the Red Mountain Theatre Company too! So be sure to check that out! The show was funny and amazing!

Vodka and Soda
The Hump Day Blog Hop


–As you are reading this, I am probably in the air somewhere between Birmingham and Atlanta or Atlanta and Orlando. I am probably faking a look of being ok in front of my co-workers while trembling life a five year old on the inside.

–I am going to miss Chris while I am gone. I don’t sleep well in an empty bed any longer, and I enjoy the few minutes I have with him in the mornings before work…and the few hours after when we have dinner and watch TV.

— I ended up taking the entire week off last week from my work outs. It felt so good to just take a break. I was getting frustrated and burned out and when I started back first thing Monday morning….it was refreshing.

–I drank a can of full calorie full sugar Cheerwine on Monday and regret nothing.

Confessions in ecards:

Funny Pictures Of The Day - 80 PicsI like big cups and I cannot lie.... #coffee #quote

 My. Life.

Free, Confession Ecard: My best fiction writing is my daily to-do list.

I should be ashamed of myself. Let's be clear; I'm not, but I should be. | Confession Ecard |

Vodka and Soda
The Hump Day Blog Hop