–Chris and his friend were talking about the apple cloud hack and Chris says, “If you post your tits on the cloud, you will make a lot of men proud.” (notice he rhymes)
–We were watching a football game at World of Beer and Chris says, “New England hasn’t seen a rape like that since the Catholic Church scandals.”
–While watching TV, a hot pocket commercial comes on. It is the one where the pinata hits the ceiling. Chris says, “Damn! What’s in hot pockets? Crack? Cocaine? Meth Pockets!!!!!!”
–Chris sends a text to someone who was asking if a date change on an event would work for him. Chris says to me, “I just said I’ll see what I can do with a side ways smiley. So basically….it’s not looking good.” Obviously, the universal code for :/ is not looking good folks….
And there you have it! Another installment of Shit Chris Says!
Oh hey, Monday! You came way too soon. WAY TOO SOON! I had a super busy weekend, so let’s just get right to it…shall we?
Friday – I met up with my friend Chris for lunch Friday. We met at Jimmy John’s down the street from my office and it is always a pleasure to have lunch with her 🙂 I ordered the beach club…because avocado….and it was delicious as always!
Friday after work I met up with Laura to go to the Southern Women’s Show! It was ladies night out on Friday Evening. There were a ton of venders there with cosmetics, clothes, services, etc.
At 6:30 pm there was a firefighter fashion show to benefit breast cancer. Laura and I are glad that we stuck around for it! The show was PG 13, the guys came out in some very nice outfits provided by Macy’s…and they might have started taking off their shirts 😉 Then at the end they all came out in uniform. The sacrifices that Laura and I make on a Friday evening for charity…and blogs….ya know….
Saturday – I woke up early Saturday morning and got a few things done around the house. I then got ready and met up with my mom in Trussville for a little while. She was at Kohl’s when I got there so we walked around there for awhile. I tried on some things just for fun and she ended up buying me a bunch of it for Christmas! Soooo can December get here please? After that, I headed out to my friend Courtney’s bridal shower.
Chris, Rashmin and I will be heading to Houston Texas for Courtney’s wedding in November! Girls trip!
The bridal shower was at 2:00 pm and the Bama game started at 2:30 pm, so after the shower I raced back to Trussville to meet up with Chris at his parents house to catch the last quarter of the game. It was a sad day for Bama fans as we fell to Ole Miss. At least my GA Dawgs won.
Sunday – I woke up early Sunday morning and finished cleaning the house. We met up with Laura and B at World of Beer for a mimosa before we headed to Breaking Bread.
We had media passes for the Breaking Bread and we were super excited! Laura and I talked about how when we were in high school, we both really wanted to be in journalism some how when we grew up. While neither of us are writing for a newspaper or TV station….having those media passes made us feel super awesome!
This event was amazing!!! We could not have asked for better weather for the day! It was perfect! There were a lot of people there, but not so many that it was uncomfortably crowded or anything like that. We didn’t really have to wait in lines for food either. You basically walked right up to each restaurant and could talk to each of the people working about the food, or their venue, or anything else you wanted.
And you guys….the food…..the food was AMAZING. Some of the best restaurants in Birmingham were represented and you could tell! I let Laura take most of the pictures for with her fancy camera, but I did snap a few with my phone for this post today.
Braised short rib over slaw
Homemade ice cream with warm apple cobbler
Salmon on a sweet potato chip
ham and cheese sandwich
different types of sausage, one was dipped in pepper jelly and there is a sausage spread on the piece of bread that was just delicious!
Not pictures was tons of amazing food! Hot waffles with pork and a balsamic glaze reduction, sausage over corn bread pudding, scallops, sausage sliders, pumpkin cheesecake, chocolate beer pudding, and so much more!!!!
I am so happy how far Birmingham has come. It really has turned in to a foodie town and these restaurants make me proud. The event was held at Railroad Park, which in itself is another huge accomplishment for Birmingham. The park is beautiful! I may share some of Laura’s pictures later this week with you!
After eating all of the food, sitting through a wine tasting and drinking lots of local craft beers in the beer garden, we made our way over to the lawn to sit and listen to some live music. They had a great band there that was playing what Chris called “whiskey music.” Just take a look at how beautiful the sky was!
I tried to be all artistic and get the skyline in Chris’s glasses
After we left Breaking Bread, Chris and I headed to Target to get some groceries for the week and came home and called it a night…watching reruns of How I Met Your Mother while doing some laundry.
Favorite Thing to be Excited About: Breaking Bread – I am beyond excited about this Sunday you guys! Breaking Bread in an annual event in Birmingham that is being held at Railroad Park. While the main feature of this event is the food (yum); there will also be a beer garden featuring local brews, wine seminar and tastings, activities and live music, animals from the Birmingham Zoo, pumpkin carving, boat races, and REV Birmingham will be offering a farmers market where local produce may be purchased.
Here is a list of the food and beverage presenters:
If that didn’t sound awesome enough, did I mention that it is unlimited food and drink with your $50 ticket purchase? Because, it is! You also get a gift card to a participating restaurant of your choice. Most importantly, this event will benefit Camp Smile A Mile and Make A Wish Foundation of Alabama, two local charities that are doing a lot of good in our community!
So if you live in the area, be sure to wear some stretchy clothes (so you can eat of of the yummies) and come hang out on Sunday because this is going to be awesome!!!! The event is from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and you can purchase tickets here.
Favorites Song: Plumb – Don’t Deserve You
Favorite Delivery: October Julep box. Not only did this box have a beautiful deep purple and sparkly silver foil color with some hand cream, it had candy corn. Um, yes, please! When I get around to painting my nails, I will share this color in more detail!
Favorite Recipe: I make a Kung Pao chicken that I really enjoy, but I think I might want to switch it up and try this…
Favorite Funnies:
How I feel when I go out:
How I look when Chris asks me to watch his DJ stuff if he has to walk away for a minute
How I look when I walk in the break room and some rude person brought delicious foods to torture me with
Laura and I are hitting up the Southern Women’s Show tonight, tomorrow I have a bridal shower to go to for a dear friend of mine (during the Alabama game so you know I love her) and Sunday is Breaking Bread! Busy, busy, busy! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
Friday for lunch, I decided to go to Brookwood Mall because I saw that the Loft was having a 40% off sale. Um, yes please! I scored two super cute tops and then did something I haven’t done in over a year. I ate Chick Fila for lunch. It was so….gooooood.
Love leopard. Love love love.
Similar to this one, but a medium gray color instead…
Friday evening we stayed in. Chris streamed Tomorrow World Live and I went to bed fairly early.
Saturday- I got up, got some Italian Sausage going in the crock pot, made breakfast then cut the grass Saturday morning. Then I came inside and cleaned the house. I was exhausted after all that work!
We watched some of the GA vs TN game and Chris’s dad came over to help him install our new thermostat. It is all fancy and is hooked up to our wireless internet and you can control it with your phone and set it for certain times and all that jazz.
The rest of the evening was spent hanging around the house, snack on some yummy food and listening to Tomorrow World. I also beat all the courses and adventures in the Hello Kitty racing game for the Wii U 🙂
Italian sausage, fresh french bread, greek yogurt vegetable herb dip and celery sticks.
Sunday was spent watching TV most of the day! We started watching Chicago PD and then we had a How I Met Your Mother Marathon. Of course, Livvy hammed it up all day. She was super snuggly for some reason.
That moment when you realize that Robin’s little sister is actually Aria from Pretty Little Liars!
We also did a little Halloween decorating. Chris bought this super cute Snoopy Pumpkin!
And I scored these fun glitter decoration in the dollar bins at Target! I need to pull out the rest of our stuff!
Favorite Song:Two Princes – Spin Doctors – How can you not love this song from the 90’s?!
Favorite Outing: Wednesday night Laura and I met up at Octane and I had the prettiest latte. Have you ever been there? Their lattes are delicious!
Chris met up with us there to chit chat about some projects that we are working on, and soon after B joined us too! Â The four of us headed over to Southern Kitchen for some dinner. I ordered the citrus salad. It had grapefruit, oranges, cucumbers, tomatoes, goat cheese and arugula with citrus vinaigrette dressing. Delicious.
Ok fine, I ordered the salad so I could get a side of the jalapeno honey fries and not feel so guilty. The honey jalapeno sauce is really amazing.
Favorite Gift: Chris ordered me the Hello Kitty racing game for the Wii U! Laura and B are supposed to come over to our house Saturday….I have a feeling Laura and I will be playing this!
Favorite Snack: I love peanuts. Lately, I have been snacking on the Redskin Spanish peanuts. They have always been one of my favorites.
and also the Chipotle ones…mmmmmm
Oh, and wasabi peas! Give me all the wasabi peas!
Favorite Funnies:
Chris is excited because Tomorrow World is this weekend, and while we wont be in Atlanta at the festival…we will be streaming it live on our projector in the man cave and jamming out. I have a super busy week coming up next week, I plan on relaxing this weekend! What are your plans?