Like most bloggers, fall is my favorite season. Football, TV shows, foliage, sweaters, jewel toned colors, boots, apple everything, pumpkin everything, and most importantly COOLER WEATHER! I make it no secret that I hate the heat. I want to make the most of my favorite season, so here is my fall bucket list for this year!
Watch Hocus Pocus ten times
Drive up the mountain to Benedikt’s in Oneona for lunch when the leaves start to turn
Visit Oak Mountain where we got married on 11/10/12
Make an apple pie or fall themed dessert
Decorate our house for fall
Dress the dogs up for Halloween (Mac loves costumes….not!)
Have a craft day with my mom for fall/winter crafts
Make a new soup/chili recipe that I haven’t tried yet
Hey there almost Friday. I decided to link up with Kristin today for my first Stuff and Things.
–Yesterday I went to upgrade my iPhone to iOS 8 annnnnnd it told me I didn’t have enough space. WTF?! Sooooo now I really REALLY want the new iPhone 6 in gold with more storage than my current one right NOW! Of course, I didn’t pre-order the stupid thing so I am guessing I wont have one for awhile. First world problems.
–I got a bzzagent package in the mail this week that I am super excited about!!! It is the Resist C15 Super Booster by Paula’s Choice. It came with coupons for her website and these awesome skin care books with all sorts of information in them. I skimmed through it yesterday and already learned a ton of stuff that I didn’t know! I am going to try this stuff out for a few weeks and let you know how it goes! It is supposed to be great for reducing dark spots, brightening the skin and helping the skin look firmer. It is sort of like an oil that you can mix into your serum or use before you moisturize.
–I am just cruising through these Stephanie Plum books. I am over half way done with book thirteen already!!! I think I am going to be really sad when I finish book twenty one. Like, I wont know what to do with my life! But then I will get over it and finally read Joey’s book!
–How I feel about today…
–To my Birmingham peeps – Best of Birmingham event is going on tonight at Railroad Park! It is from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm and it is free to attend!
–While doing my fall TV post yesterday, I learned that Twisted was cancelled. Sadness came over me. Then anger. WTF ABC Family. You ended a show without a real finale!!! I have no clue what happens after all my invested time watching. It makes me so angry!!!!
–I am also angry with Jillian right now. Work out 7 and 8 of Body Revolution are ridiculous! I am fairly certain she is trying to kill me!!! I was actually excited that today was cardio day, it is sort of a break from the insanity! And you know how much I HATE cardio! WTF Jillian?!
She be like:
And I am like:
–The highlight of my day during the week is my afternoon snack, a Quest bar. Be it cookie dough, cookies and cream, strawberry cheesecake, apple pie or raspberry white chocolate…it tricks me into thinking I am eating dessert when in fact I am trying to get my protein levels up! That is what I call winning!
–Every time I wear my nude Michael Kors wedges I swear it will be my last. I can walk just fine in them, but they pinch/rub the bone that sticks out on the inside of my feet so bad. It never fails, one morning I look at them in my closet and cant remember why I don’t wear them because they feel fine walking around the house. Then around 1:00pm at work I am like oh yeah….this is why!!!!!! But they are so pretty!!!!!
The culprits:
Why you gotta hurt so bad?
Oh well, what do the say? In the name of fashion! Or some crap…
Confessions in ecard
Does anyone else feel like saying this while ordering?
Or do you feel like this when you are cleaning???
This is so damn true!!!
Tell me about it!
Go link up with Kathy and Liz because on Wednesdays we link up with those bitches! Duh!
It is no secret that I love fall. Cooler temperatures (well, maybe not for a few more months), football, and…..all of my shows come back!! With The Mindy Project starting back tonight, I thought I would share the run down of all the shows I can’t wait to start watching again!
The Mindy Project – Chris and I binged watched the first two seasons over the summer and I am in love! I feel Mindy and I would be friends. And hello, Danny is yummy!
The Good Wife – This is another that we binged watched over the summer. We did five seasons in a matter of a few weeks, so that tells you how serious I am about my love for this show!
The Big Bang Theory – This is my favorite show ever. I can watch the reruns a million times and still laugh. I am interested to see the new dynamics that they speak of in spoilers.
The Originals – Mmmmm Elijah. I mean….this show always keeps my interest. Vampires, wolves, witches, hybrids, oh my! And…..Elijah.
Vampire Diaries – This show used to be AMAZING. It has lost some of the appeal but I still hold on. If Damon and Caroline joined the Originals, they could cancel this show.
Grimm – This is a weird one, but I am hooked!!! It is sort of like fairy tales, but dark and twisted.
Law and Order SVU – I have loved this show since the very first episode. People have come and gone, but my heart holds strong!
Modern Family – I just love everything about this show! And the Phil-osophy!
Revenge – I wasn’t sure how they were going to keep this show going, but I can’t wait to see what happens!!! I love it!
Scandal – Sometimes I get a little bored, then shit hits the fan and it keeps me coming back for more! I also get annoyed with the relationship between Olivia and the president. Like…she is such a strong person, how can she be so weak for him?!
Shark Tank – I really need to come up with something brilliant and go on this show!
I am not quite caught up with New Girl but will be excited about that as well!
New shows I might try: Gotham, How to Get Away With Murder
I am also guest posting over at Magic City Bloggers today! If you live in the Birmingham area, you should join them! Such a great blogging community that has just started and really growing quickly.
Also, Kate Spade is having a surprise sale! Hello up to 75% off! You’re welcome!
What shows are you excited about? What should I try that isn’t on my list?
Friday-Friday evening Chris had one of his friends over, so we stayed in and hung out with him for awhile listening to music, telling old stories and snacking.
Saturday- I worked out first thing. Yay for week three in a row of 6 day a week work outs! I got a lot of cleaning and laundry done. I also finished reading the twelfth book in the Stephanie Plum series! We decided to stay in to watch all of the games for the day, and that is just what we did. We watched game after game after game! Happy with Alabama’s win, and sad that the Dawgs lost to South Carolina. Then we watched the game that wouldn’t end with Florida and Kentucky. Three overtimes? I was so ready for it to be over! Not that I really cared who won, it was a good game to watch though!
Sunday – In the morning we hung out and had breakfast and watched some TV. We then got ready and headed downtown for Trucks by the Tracks. It is an even at Railroad Park where all the food trucks are at the same place. It was super crowded down there! So many food trucks! So many people! So…much….heat. Fall, you can’t get here soon enough!!!!
We walked around for awhile and enjoyed seeing all the different trucks and people out and about. And all the dogs!!!! So many doggies! But then this northern blooded girl couldn’t take another second of the heat. I cant enjoy eating hot food when it is 934859348690468 degrees outside, so I asked Chris if he minded we head elsewhere. He was down with that since World of Beer or Jack Brown’s were his choices 🙂
We met a bartender that we hadn’t met before since we usually don’t venture downtown on Sundays. He was super nice and knew all the right beers to have Chris try. I ordered the Tavern Taters with beer cheese and Chris ordered the Golden Ale Shrimp. Both were delicious, as always! Duh!
Food porn, you’re welcome. Trust me, I hate myself Monday mornings when I see all this food that I only allow myself on the weekends while I await my all veggie healthy lunch that I repeats all week. Damn metabolism!
After WOB, we wanted to check out Asian Rim off Hwy 280. They told us about their Watermelon Margaritas….so we needed to check them out! Chris really liked them, I myself am not a huge fan of tequila based drinks in general, but it was good. And pretty!
We will certainly be back there again one day for their sushi!!!! I <3 sushi so hard!
The rest of the evening was filled with grocery shopping without a list (my OCD self had a mental list I checked three times in the store) and working on some blog related things.
Livvy tried to serve herself up on a place mat. Strange cat.
I hope everyone has a great week!!! I am guest posting today over on Jana’s page while she is out of town. Please go check it out and leave some love 🙂 Jana is awesome and I am very certain that if we lived closer, we would be hanging on the reg. The girl has impeccable taste in music, beer and humor. Can you really ask for anything more? No.