Well hey there Tuesday! I wish that three days of the work week would go by as quickly as three day weekends! Let’s get to it, shall we?
Friday – It was game day eve, so I had to represent. My thoughtful mother picked up the houndstooth elephant necklace and bracelet for me last year and they quickly became my favorite go to game day pieces!
I stopped by Whole Foods for lunch Friday because their brown rice sushi is my favorite! I got the salmon/avocado and tuna/avocado combo. It was delicious!
I was really hoping that we were going to be able to close early on Friday, but no such luck. When I got home, I was tired. It had been a long week! I read some, made chili nachos and we watched TV.
Saturday – I woke up Saturday morning and did my cardio work out. Part of my fitness goals for September is to start working out six days per week. (Normally I do five.) After my work out, I deep cleaned the kitchen and got ready for game day! We headed to a friends house to catch some of the games. Alabama wasn’t looking so good on Saturday and it caused me to drink a beer within the first five minutes of the game. Raceway in Trussville had my Ace Pineapple Cider and I was so excited! It was freaking delicious!
We decided to head home during half time. Luckily we pulled a W. Even if it wasn’t pretty. I also watched the Georgia vs Clemson game and my Dawgs were looking GREAT second quarter!
Sunday – I woke up and cleaned the rest of the house. I started to put our new shelves together, but after spending quite some time un-boxing them and laying out all the pieces…I discovered the very bottom piece was broken. $%*&*$%*$%*$&%)(@# After lots of bad words, we decided to take the shelves back to Target and look for some replacements elsewhere. Target, I love you….but you really pissed me off with this one!
We were also searching for a desk for Chris’s DJ stuff. So after hitting up several stores, someone on Facebook told him they were selling exactly what he was looking for! Yes!!! So we met up with her, then headed to Chris’s parents house for dinner. They fixed grilled shrimp skewers with pineapples and bacon, pork fingers and some sides. It was delicious!
Monday – I woke up and started Phase 2 of Body Revolution. After that, I made breakfast for us then headed out to cut the grass. I spent over two hours (we have a push mower) out in that hot heat cutting away. I was drenched when I came in, and have blisters larger than quarters on both hands. OUCH! I even wore gloves, but apparently they were worthless. I need to find some with padding or something. Any suggestions?
I got ready, and Chris and I headed out to run some errands and grocery shop. He had the most brilliant idea to stop at Sonic for a snack before we got started. Yes, please!! I think I deserved this butterfinger blast, dammit!
When we got home, it was time to build some shelves! They turned out great!! We ran out of space though and still have more games to find a home for! These are the retro system games we keep downstairs, from Atari and regular Nintendo up to Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3. The new systems and games are kept upstairs.
After all that work, it was time for some dinner and relaxation! We watched some old Modern Family reruns and called it a night!
I am participating in my two favorite Stephanie(s) monthly goal link up! Each month they will have a focus and you pick what your goals are going to be. The focus this month is on fitness, which is perfect for me because it is time to step up my game! My goals for the month will be:
1. Work out six days per week (adding an extra work out from my normal five)
2. Start logging food into Myfitnesspal, again. (Even thought it sucks the life out of me and I hate it.)
3. Purchase the next set up of weights. It is that time!
4. Really watch portion control.
5. Get that scale to finally budge!!!!