Favorite Song: 50 Cent – In Da Club – Because it’s my birthday! Duh! (Well, Sunday)
Favorite Moment: I met up with some of my favorite blogging pals last night at Jack Brown’s Beer and Burgers! Bloggers – check, burgers -check, beer – check check. What more can you freaking ask for?
Favorite Drink: I have been trying to only have diet sodas out at restaurants when I really want one. I had slipped in to a horrible habit of having them at work again and I needed to stop. I had replaced diet coke with the Zevia ones but still. I was obsessed with the Twinings Blackcurrent tea last year and I fell in love with it all over again. I like to steep it then pour it over ice. I don’t even miss the diet coke.
–I was scrolling through my Facebook feed last week and saw all the first day of school pictures. Then I started paying attention to grades and I was like “hmm she is starting 7th grade. Wait…7th?!?! WTF???? I remember when she was born!” Then I started doing the math to check to see if that was right…well shit! I feel so old….
–I don’t really like wine. There, I said it. *And all of blog land gasps* Sorry winos I like beer and fruity cocktails. Wine makes me sleepy and usually has a bad aftertaste for me.But just think, if we hang out, you can have all of the wine.
–I eat cupcakes for the icing, I can’t lie. I could do without the cake part, give me all the icing! The cake just gets in my way.
–While we are on the topic of cake, if any of you are wondering what kind of cake to get me for my birthday it would be a cookie cake. Yum! Just call me the cookie monster. Cookie cake is my favorite.
–I feel we should always live by the words of the cookie monster. Freaking genius.
–I often ponder what has happened to our society and how future generations are going to conduct themselves. I was in the break room rinsing my dish in the sink and an intern sighs loudly, and rudely says excuse me as he is moving me out of the way and reaches over me into a cabinet to get a cup. He then proceeds to stay in my way to get some ice. I stood there dumbfounded for a second wondering if that really did just happen. I loudly said “What the fuck?” As he walked away.
Like he didn’t even wait, he just moved me. I was two seconds away from being done. And he is like 12 (ok maybe 20 or 21) but respect your elders dude.So rude!!!!!!
I think it is time for another edition of Sh!t Chris Says!!!!
–I played the Ariana Grande song “Problems” for Chris in the car one morning because he hadn’t heard it yet and I thought he would like it because he likes Iggy. He responds with:”Is this subliminal messaging? Are you trying to tell me something?” right after she sings “One less problem without ya.”
–Olivia runs into our room and under the bed. I am pleading with her and asking her to come out. Chris says, “The only thing to get her out is bells. She doesn’t understand English, that’s probably her worst flaw.”
–We are driving home with a pizza from Fox’s. Chris says, “I am going to murder that pizza with my mouth!”
–We are driving through a shady spot in town. I see a cop ahead and let Chris know. He responds with, “Good eye, but the cops aren’t going to get you for speeding through here. In fact, they probably encourage it.”
–We are at World of Beer and Chris orders another beer. I look at him and he says, “I drink all this beer to save the children. Less bottles out there are less for them to consume.”
And there you have it folks. That is the shit that Chris says. You can see even more of what he says now that he has his own blog.
Friday – My “lunch club” met up at Tazikis on Friday afternoon. I ordered what I always order, the Basil Pesto Chicken Gyro with pasta salad. It was freaking delicious!
Saturday – My mom and I got started early on Saturday morning. We were at Nordstrom Rack at 10:00am when they opened. We spent almost three hours in there shopping! I wanted EVERYTHING. Ha! They have the most amazing selection of shoes, clothes, purses, jewelry, sunglasses, etc.
My mom got me a pair of Jimmy Choo sunglasses from there for my birthday. Jimmy freaking Choo. I just stared at them in the car on the way to lunch! Love them!
We had lunch at Ashley Mac’s, one of my favorite spots. My mom had never been before and she loved it just as much as I do! I ordered the half chicken salad sandwich on croissant with the baby blue salad and a sour cream biscuit. It never disappoints! Ashley Mac’s is the cutest little place to have a girls lunch. The interior is pink and brown and very delightful.
After that we hit up The Summit. I scored an amazing deal on a dress at Anthropologie!
The Loft was having 60% off their clearance items, I got a sweater for $16!!! SCORE!
After all those great deals, it was time for a little treat. Yogurt Mountain? Yes, please!
After The Summit, we headed to Brookwood Mall for awhile. Then we were off to the Grand River outlets in Leeds. For dinner we had Auntie Anne’s pretzels. They are the only pretzels in my opinion!
We shopped until the stores closed basically. My mom and I don’t play 🙂
When I got home, Chris surprised me with a Puggle painting! You will recognize it from my birthday wish list!
So sweet of him!!! I love little surprises like this!
Sunday – We hung around the house most of Sunday. I got meal planning and grocery shopping done. We started watching Homeland. I think we are going to like it. We also tried an episode of Shameless, and I liked it too.
Chris went to World of Beer on Saturday with our friends from Huntsville, but I am going two weeks without a drop of beer. Can you believe it?! I am sure that will be fixed on Thursday nights with talks of shenanigans conspiring between a few of my favorite blogging buddies 🙂
And that is how you spend the last full weekend of thirty! One more week of 30 coming up, and I am going to do it right!
Favorite Song: Promises by Nero – I have always loved this song. Its a great one to lift weights to.
Favorite thing to be excited about: My mom is taking me out shopping for my birthday tomorrow. She has a crazy hectic work schedule and I don’t get to spend time with her near as much as I would like. I can’t wait to spend the whole day talking, chatting, reminiscing, and eating yummy things! My mom has always been my shopping partner in crime.
Favorite Product: This one is sort of an obvious one, but not one to be forgotten. I had strayed away from the B&B Works stuff for a little while out of convenience and I paid for it. My skin started to dry out after my showers and become flaky. Lotion could only do some much. I have been back to these for about 2 months and my skin has never felt better. I wont stray again!
Favorite Recipe: Chicken Enchiladas – I made some enchiladas for dinner Tuesday night. Enchiladas are my FAVORITE thing to order at Mexican restaurants. You know, right after chips and salsa/guac, duh! They are so damn easy that it is stupid why I don’t make them more often. Also, Chris made the comment “best new dish of 2014” after consuming them.
Basically I just take 2 -3 chicken breasts and place them in a crock pot with 1/2 a packet of taco seasoning and cover it with chicken broth. I let it cook all day on low while I am at work.
Then I shred the chicken, and mix it with 1 cup of cheese and 3/4 cup of enchilada sauce. I then take that mixture and spoon it into flour tortillas (about 8). Then cover them all with an entire can of enchilada sauce (and the remaining sauce in the other can) and some cheese then cook for about 20 minutes on 350 degrees. Wam bam thank you mam!
Favorite Funnies:
Go link up with the beautiful Amanda and get your Friday on!