–I was scrolling through my Facebook feed last week and saw all the first day of school pictures. Then I started paying attention to grades and I was like “hmm she is starting 7th grade. Wait…7th?!?! WTF???? I remember when she was born!” Then I started doing the math to check to see if that was right…well shit! I feel so old….
–I don’t really like wine. There, I said it. *And all of blog land gasps* Sorry winos I like beer and fruity cocktails. Wine makes me sleepy and usually has a bad aftertaste for me.But just think, if we hang out, you can have all of the wine.
–I eat cupcakes for the icing, I can’t lie. I could do without the cake part, give me all the icing! The cake just gets in my way.
–While we are on the topic of cake, if any of you are wondering what kind of cake to get me for my birthday it would be a cookie cake. Yum! Just call me the cookie monster. Cookie cake is my favorite.
–I feel we should always live by the words of the cookie monster. Freaking genius.
–I often ponder what has happened to our society and how future generations are going to conduct themselves. I was in the break room rinsing my dish in the sink and an intern sighs loudly, and rudely says excuse me as he is moving me out of the way and reaches over me into a cabinet to get a cup. He then proceeds to stay in my way to get some ice. I stood there dumbfounded for a second wondering if that really did just happen. I loudly said “What the fuck?” As he walked away.
Like he didn’t even wait, he just moved me. I was two seconds away from being done. And he is like 12 (ok maybe 20 or 21) but respect your elders dude.So rude!!!!!!
Confessions in ecards:
Now go link up and get something off your chest.