–I can’t stand when I am in a car and the windshield wipers are on faster than needed. The sound of them scraping the window is maddening to me and I must stop it immediately. I don’t care if I am not the driver, I will shut that shit off so fast!
–I sort of love that this is my view on my way home to work. Nothing like passing by a farm. So peaceful. You know you live outside the city limits when you pass a field of cows.
–Speaking of cows, when I was in 5th grade, we were in Canada for a few weeks while my dad worked. (Hawkesbury, ON) Anyways, we actually drove past some cows and my dad informed my sister and I that french cows said oom instead of moo. We totally believed him. Asshole. Every time we drove past that field, Tracy and I would roll down our windows and try to hear the “french cows.”
–Sometimes I get a hankering for something and I just have to have it. NOTHING will satiate me until I get what I want. This happened Monday night. Chris was on his way home and I asked him out of complete desperation to please pick me up some Starbursts on his way. He obliged, so sweet! I guess I will keep him around.
–Some people (ehhem, Lauren) called me out on Monday morning when they discovered that World of Beer was not on our Saturday agenda. In fact, no beer was consumed this weekend. I just….didn’t want any. Crazy, right?
On Monday when I walked in to my office, my co-worker doesn’t even say hi he just says, “How was World of Beer this weekend.”
I said, “Oddly enough we didn’t go. I didn’t even have a beer this weekend”
He said “No beer??? What are you even doing with your life?!”
Don’t worry, I plan on fixing that Friday night. No worries.
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