–I can’t help but laugh at Gracie. We buy the dogs $35 grain free special food because of all Gracie’s allergies and I am finding myself yelling at her every day to stay out of the cat littler box. WTF. I guess it is a good thing Olivia eats grain free too? Gross.
For shame Gracie, for shame!!!!
Gracie’s face when I told her I was going to tell all of blog land her dirty secret.
–Chris discovered that Olivia doesn’t like being chased around the house with a light saber. We, on the other hand, think it is pretty freaking fantastic. Guess what our new favorite game is? She is not amused.
–Upon arriving home on Saturday evening, we discovered that our house was being held hostage. By a nasty ass fucking spider. Now, I will squash a spider with a shoe, but upon researching what it looked like online real quick with our phones…it turns out it looks an awful lot like a brown recluse. Fuck that noise. We thought we were going to have to go through the front door, grab the animals and move to a new house. Luckily, Chris had an airsoft gun handy and asked me to back the car back out of the garage. He shot that bastard into two pieces. Only then did we feel safe to enter.
The Spider is in the corner of the door frame. This is how a real man kills a poisonous spider, obviously.
— We have been binge watching The Good Wife like it is our freaking job. Every night after work we squeeze in a few episodes, and most of our day Sunday has been spent indulging. I have a feeling we will be caught up with the current season in plenty of time before it starts!
–When I first saw this meme, I couldn’t stop laughing. Probably because it is SO TRUE!
Also, this one:
And now, of course, it is time for some ecard Confessions:
Go link up with two bad ass bitches this Wednesday!