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Sephora Haul

As I mentioned in my post yesterday, I hit up Sephora this past weekend. I have been wanting to switch up my face care routine, and the last few weeks my skin has looked awful so I figured it was about that time!

I am ridiculous when it comes to purchasing (in my mind) big decision things. My skin is a temperamental little bitch. Not only is it combination skin, where I am oily on my nose and sometimes forehead, but a little dry-ish on my cheeks….but my skin is also sensitive and will randomly freak out with certain products. I did the skin IQ quiz online about 20 times in the last week seeing what results it would pull, as I wanted to compare it with whatever the sales person at Sephora told me.

My main concerns were that I break out on my chin, I have fine lines under my eyes, big pores around my nose, and I just wanted something that was going to work great and not piss off my skin.

Shiseido - Ready, Set, IBUKI Kit

When I did skin IQ quiz, almost always the Shiseido products were recommended. When I went to the store, that was the first brand that the girl recommended to me also. I have never tried Shiseido before. The Shiseido Ibuki line is basically perfect for people around my age. I can’t use the acne/oily skin teenage line but I am not quite ready for the intense anti-aging/skin correction line either. I LOVE the smell of this stuff. I have to be careful with scented stuff with my skin, and this stuff does not irritate at all.

The kit I got came with the cleanser, softener and moisturizer for $25 for deluxe sample sizes. The softener is like a toner but there is no alcohol in it. Basically it just prepares your skin for the nutrients that it is about to receive in your serums and moisturizers.

I have used this for a few days and I can not believe how awesome my skin is starting to look!!!  I can see myself purchasing all three products in the full size when my kit is used up.

A quick look at the rest of my findings:

beautyblender - the original beautyblender®

Beauty Blender – I went in with no make up on and she asked if I had ever tried the Beauty Blender. I laughed at her and said “$19 for a sponge? No.” She was like well, no harm in trying right?” She applied foundation on half my face and asked me to do the other half while she rang up a customer. You guys, this thing is THE SHIT! I love it!!! I can’t believe I am falling into all the hype of it, but seriously, my make up has NEVER looked better. If you were skeptical like me, just go play with it at your local store. Mind. Blown.

Josie Maran - 100 percent Pure Argan Oil

Argon Oil – I have been wanting to try this because I keep reading all the different uses for it. You can use it on your face, your body, your hair, your dog. I may have a whole separate post on this stuff once I experiment. So far, I love it for under my eyes and my feet.

MAKE UP FOR EVER - HD Microperfecting Primer

Make Up Forever HD Primer – I used 100 points to score a sample of this to try out. I LOVE it. I had been using Loreal’s BB Cream for about a year now, and I am just not in love with it as much as I once was. I still like it, but I don’t feel the staying power was there. This stuff has kept my make up on longer all three days that I have used it so far. I will be purchasing this in a bigger size when my sample runs out.

Benefit Cosmetics - They're Real! Mascara

They’re Real Mascara – I have been using this stuff for about 2 years now. I freaking love it. I buy the $10 size because it lasts about 3 months for me and that really all the longer you are supposed to use a mascara for so it works out perfect for me. I know some people say it is hard to get off, but I seem to do fine with it with my eye make up remover. Benefits makes an eye make up remover specially for their products so try that if yours isn’t cutting it.

Have you been to Sephora lately? What are your favorite products?



Weekend Shenanigans

Well hey there Monday. I hope everyone had a great weekend. It was unseasonably cool here in the south. In fact, on Friday evening when we were walking to the car, my teeth were chattering. We were all like gosh, how cold is it??? I made a joke saying that it was probably 70 degrees and it just felt like it was freezing because it has been in the 90’s with 349843958% humidity and we weren’t used to it. Sure enough, it was 71. Crazy, right?

Friday – Laura and I had planned a double date on Friday evening to Paramount. We have been talking about wanting to check this place out for awhile now. Paramount is located on 2nd Ave N in Birmingham. It is a bar/restaurant and they also have an arcade. Basically like a Chucke Cheese for adults.


We ordered some beers and the Dixie Nachos. I tried the Terrapin Maggie’s Peach Farm House beer. Both the Dixie Nachos and the beer were delicious! The Dixie Nachos consisted of sweet potato chips, BBQ sauce, scallions, mustard and cole slaw.


For the main course, Chris and I split an order of Rosemary Fries with Garlicy Mayo. They were wonderful! I loved the flavor combination.


I ordered the Southern Hot Dog that had pimento cheese, pickled onions and tomatoes. While it was good, it wasn’t awesome. My hot dog came out super cold, and a hot dog just isn’t good cold. So that was disappointing. Also, I would have preferred that the onion and tomato be chopped up, as it is very hard to eat served whole like that. I ended up throwing off all the tomatoes and onions.


After Paramount, we went to Boxcar Vape in Avondale. We couldn’t decide where we wanted to go after that, and ended up at our standby World of Beer. You cant go wrong there! The usual Saturday staff was working, and they had a great cover band that played awesome 90’s rock/alternative and pop songs. Here they are singing Britney Spears Oops I did it again.


We had an awesome time with Laura and Bennett, as we always do. We stayed out way past our old people bedtime and it was well worth it!

Saturday – I cleaned in the morning, and we caught up on Pretty Little Liars. I started book seven in the Stephanie Plum series. In the afternoon, one of Chris’s friends came over to hang out and stream Tomorrowland. I made a fun snack plate:


Saturday evening we decided to stay in and order Chinese food. I had Kung Po chicken, fried rice and crab angels. It was delicious!


Sunday – Meal planning and grocery shopping, a mini Sephora haul that I will share later this week, binge watching The Good Wife and then mostly this:



20140721-050103-18063269.jpgI hope everyone has a great week!



Friday Favorites

Favorite Song – Bush Glycerine – This song is on my “rock” list for Spotify and it played randomly yesterday and nostalgia came flooding in. The song came out when I was in 8th grade I believe. I freaking loved this song then, and I still do! Enjoy!

Favorite Picture: One of my favorite things about waking up at 4:30am is getting to see the sun rise after my work out. The colors were just AMAZING Thursday morning. The picture was taken through one of our windows and doesn’t begin to do it justice.


Favorite Delivery: I broke down and ordered the Julep box. I really wanted to try the nail polish itself and I wanted one of the monthly boxes. I figured you couldn’t go wrong with some polish! I am in love! I got profiled for the bombshell box, naturally. Let me know if you want an invite 🙂




I was excited to try them out and decided to go with the pink first. The pink is called Laree and it has a really pretty iridescent to it. I also used Nicole by OPI Kissed at Midnight as an accent nail because glitter is fun! I topped it off with Julep’s top coat. I love the application of the Julep polish, I didn’t make as much of a mess as I usually do. It also dried nice which is great!



Favorite Meal: I made my Kung Pao chicken and stir fry veggies Monday night and it was delish!!!


Favorite Olivia Picture: She’s sweet when she sleeps.


Favorite Funnies:

Know the difference:

Some fashion advice, because I have seen too much of each of these:

I'm sorry that you didn't get the memo to never wear leggings with a short shirt! That's why they aren't called pants!

Shorts: If it looks like your vagina is trying to eat them, they're not for you. #ecards

I wish….

Fail, you are at work, listen. I get so pissed when people selectively listen to things or worse when they don't read all of my text.

How I feel with my friends:

@Rachel Mesmer @Alexis Gill @Jenna Manz

Linking up with Amanda for the Friday Favorites!





It is confession time!!!!

–This is basically me at work since I have come back from vacation last week. It is like I will never catch up. Ever.

— Sometimes I wear all black on cardio days. I like to think of it as a funeral for my fat. Basically I hate cardio and I need something to make me excited. Like my fat dying and going away. It just wont go away fast enough!

Exhibit A:


–That is what I look like at 4:30 am with no make up and bags and dark circles under my eyes for days. DAYS.

–I just realized that my birthday is one month and a day away. WTF? Where has the last year gone?!

–This is what I say to Livvy when she is being a little bitch. Just love me kitty, The dogs love me all the time, why can’t you?!?! Cats…

–Picking out a new blog template is hard. Way harder than it should be. I am way too indecisive.

–I get irrationally angry when something isn’t the way that it is described. Like my watermelon beer this past weekend. It says watermelon, it should taste like freaking watermelon!

Confessions in ecards:


And I have a lot of them, I tell my clients something very similar

True story.

all the time

That's me

Vodka and Soda