Whale, Whale, Whale (spelling is correct, look below) what do we have here!? Apparently it is time to link up with Kathy and spill all of the secrets.
–Whale Whale Whale is one of my favorite memes ever. I can’t help it. The first time I saw it, my husband had sent it to me and I couldn’t stop laughing. It makes me smile every time!
–I told you guys last week I get on a food kick, and right now it is peaches. I have been snacking on peaches like crazy business. I can’t eat a peach without singing the peaches song though!!!! Please tell me you know the song!!! (I am not talking about Peaches and Cream by 112, as good of a song as that is.) I am speaking of Presidents of the USA Peaches.
Millions of peaches, peaches for me. Millions of peaches, peaches for free. You know it is stuck in your head now!!!!
–Speaking of Peaches and Cream by 112, I was senior in high school when that song came out. I had no clue what it meant and sang those lyrics loud and proud all the time. It is crazy to look back on songs that I used to sing along to when I was younger and had no clue the meanings. Just a young, naive Nadine. What did my parents think? Probably that I was an idiot. Ignorance is bliss.
–It made me feel really good last week when I admitted that I had to Google what turn down for what meant…and all of you had no clue either!
–I was getting dressed Monday morning and i thought to myself, this outfit would look so cute with my nude Michael Korrs wedges! I put them on and looked in the bathroom mirror. These wedges are like 4 or 5 inches tall. I said to myself out loud, of course, “Nadine who are you kidding…these shoes are going to have you cursing yourself in about an hour…go get the fancy flip flops and stop pretending you care.” I listened to myself, thank God.
–I am way to exciting and impatient every week for Pretty Little Liars. Why must I like that show?!?! It is absolutely ridiculous and we never get any damn answers!!!
Confessions in ecards: