–Hearing a sigh on the phone always cracks me up. It speaks so much more than actual words. I especially love it when I am calling rent comps for work and go through my whole spill about who I am and what I am doing…they can’t freaking wait to get me off the phone!
–I cant stop biting the skin around my nails. It is a huge problem! Last week I bought some Burt Bees cuticle cream and last night night I painted my nails. I am hoping these efforts will help break my habit!
—Chris was talking to me on gchat yesterday and he was all “Do you have your post ready for tomorrow?” I was all “no.” He was all, “Mine is epic I cant wait to link up!” Seriously? A monster I tell you!
–I hate birds. Like, I think they are so disgusting and creepy. Well, I was leaving work the other night and pulled out into the alley behind my building. A freaking bird is just chillin in the middle of the alley. I honk, no movement. I honk again. Nothing. I roll down my window and am all “Yo bird, MOVE!” Still nothing. REALLY?! No matter how much I hate the damn things, I am not going to purposefully run one over. So I get out and throw a stick in its direction, careful not to hit the bird. FINALLY it gets the hint. I mean, come on! Also, I am a ridiculous person.
–I am old. You want to know how I am old? I had to Google what “Turn down for what” actually meant because I didn’t understand from the context clues in the song.
–I signed in to my Starbucks app the other day and realized I hadn’t been to Starbucks since March 16. Obviously, I run on Dunkin’ when I have coffee out. Mainly because it is $2-4 cheaper.
–I go through phases with food. When I find something I like, I tend to eat the crap out of it until I am just so sick of it that I don’t have it for a long time. This goes for meals as well as snacks. Oops.
–I need to see my hair girl ASAP. Buttttt I know I am going to the beach next month and my hair ALWAYS turns super light when I am there so I am thinking there is really no point in having my highlights redone right now. Can I go a month looking like the hot mess express? Jury is still out.
Confessions in ecards: