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Weekend Shenanigans


Well, hello there June! You sort of snuck up on us a little bit there didn’t you? I hope that everyone had a great weekend! Let’s just get right to it, shall we?

Friday – If you remember correctly, my morning started at 4:15am when we decided to go to Walmart and pick up our copy of Mario Kart 8 to ensure a weekend of awesomeness. We got two rounds in before work.

Friday after work I stopped by Target got a few things, then Chris and I headed over to his parents house to celebrate his mom’s birthday.

Saturday Morning – My morning started out with some reading and a coffee. Like all mornings should start out!



We hung around the house in the morning and I got some laundry done. Drank more coffee. Then it started to rain. Chris fell asleep on the couch, so I did what anyone would do…I played some more Mario Kart! Unlocking three more cups and a few more characters and kart options. YES!

When Chris woke up, we decided to get out of the house for a little bit. We went to Bargain Hunt in Irondale. After there we figured we were already basically in the city, so we headed downtown to World of Beer. They had a reggae band playing out on the patio and changed up their draft list a lot. I tried a new local brew, Cahaba Brewing Company’s “Cahaba Kiwi Kolsh.” It was light and refreshing. I didn’t really taste much kiwi, but still a good one!


There were pretty crowded, which was great to see. Usually on a Saturday afternoon there haven’t been that many people there. Although, we were there a few hours later than we usually were so maybe that is why. Every table outside stayed full while we were out there.


After we enjoyed a beer, we were talking about what we might want to do for dinner. We have been waiting on Jack Browns Beer and Burgers to open up in Lakeview, but they haven’t yet. Then our meal at Southern Kitchen from last weekend started popping in our minds….sooooo….we headed on over to Uptown! There was talk for a moment about going to Mugshots, but their patio is tiny in Uptown and we wanted to soak up more of the nice weather so we put our names in Southern Kitchen and waited at the bar for a patio table. I enjoyed a nice Abita Root Beer while we were waiting.





Our food was delicious, as always!!! I had my eye on the Jackson Burger last weekend, and I decided to go for it. It consisted of black angus beef, smoked bacon, melted pimento cheese, and purple onion on a brioche bun. For a side I got the hand-cut jalapeno honey fries. I got the jalapeno honey on the side, and OMG!!!! It was seriously AMAZING!!!!! It took everything I had to leave half the fries behind. Their burger can only be cooked at medium-well according to our server, but it was perfect. The pimento cheese was a really great change up from the usual.


Chris got the blackened grouper again with the macaroni and cheese. Obviously he really enjoyed his dish since he ordered it a second time! It looked great!


Sunday – I got the meal planning and grocery shopping done and straightened up around the house a bit. My mother in law asked me to come along with her for some shopping, so I did just that. We went to Kohls, TJ Maxx and Marshalls. I scored some great beauty loot while I was there! I had also picked up my trusted Loreal BB Cream and wanted to try the Burt’s Bees Cuticle cream and the Age Rewind Eraser Concealer when I was at Target. Below is my mini-haul.


I couldn’t believe that TJ Maxx had Butter nail polish on the cheap! That stuff is usually $15 a bottle and I was like ahhhh no thanks. I scored it for $6! I also got the Rusk Hair Mask to try, on clearance for $5, whoop whoop! As well as a new angled brush, a bottle of a light pretty pink OPI and some Green Tea foot scrub. I will of course share my thoughts on the new products. So many beauty bloggers swear by that age rewind eraser so we shall see. I have about tried every damn concealer on the market with no luck. I am not holding my breath, but I was running out of my Tarte one. The Tarte concealer is ok, but not awesome.

The rest of what was left of Sunday was spent looking like this:




Also, while I was out….it had started to rain and Chris ran to let the dogs back in. He found Gracie looking like this under the over hang of the back deck. Too stinking cute! The dogs are not fans of getting wet.


Hope everyone has a great week!


Friday Favorites

It’s Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don’t even begin to pretend that you didn’t watch this show. Nor that you don’t still sing the mail song when you get the mail. Even if I was “too old” when it came on…I umm watched it because my little sister made me. Let’s go with that.

Well Fridays have become a day of favorites so lets get to it shall we?!

Favorite Song – 311 – Down – This was my jammmmmm back in the day!

Down by 311 on Grooveshark

Favorite Book – I finished reading Attachments this past weekend. When I started it, I had a good feeling about the book…and the more I read…the more I could’t put it down. Maybe it was the fact the one of the main characters is an IT/gamer nerd. (Hello husband.) Maybe it was the way the book was written? Or the fact that it takes place in 1999 and makes references to certain things of the era. I just LOVED this book! It is an easy, light read and I highly recommend it!

Favorite Blog- Well, I might have created a monster. My husband now has a blog! He even linked up with Kathy for confessions on Wednesday…so you know he is legit! His confessions had me cracking up!

Favorite Purchase – Mario Kart 8 BITCHES!!!!!!!!! Chris woke me up at 4:15am this morning and said “I had this crazy dream where it was Saturday morning and we didn’t have to work and we went and bought Mario Kart.” I laughed at him. Then he said, we are adults we can go get Mario Kart RIGHT NOW! And we did. Sorry work out, I will catch you this weekend!!!!


Sunrise on the way home (I love our mountain view neighborhood! Take that city dwellers!):


Favorite Funnies –

Pretty much….

politically correct blogger, politically incorrect blogger

The way we felt when the guy came from the back room at Walmart and handed us the game…

When I won the gold cup this morning on our second round…

How I feel about work today…

How I will feel at 5:30pm…

 Favorite Kitty Pictures – She has only been sweet this week when she sleeps…she has entered the toddler phase of kitten hood and is getting into EVERYTHING.

Also, I always sing her soft kitty.





Have a great weekend!! If you are looking for me, you can find me playing MARIO KART!!!!!!!! Red turtle shells all the way bitches!


Meet At The Barre



–This past weekend I played Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup on GameCube. We picked up the game several months ago at Bargain Hunt for hella cheap and I just now got around to trying it out. Is it sad that I was ridiculously excited? Or *spoiler alert* that I won 390 to nothing? I even got the snitch! I obviously picked Gryffindor and won the world cup!

–My nail polish started to chip and I was too lazy to repaint my nails…so I cut them instead to show less chippage(I make up words). Lazy or resourceful? You decide.

–I patted myself on the back Monday afternoon when I did my leg work out even though it was an “off day.” Old Nadine would have been like…meh you are off work so you can take the day off for fitness too. New Nadine is like…get your lazy ass squatting!!! SQUAT SQUAT SQUAT!

–Speaking of squats, side to side weighted squats will be the death of me. Holy burn!!!!!!!! If you need to tone up your legs, do some of these. I was waddling around again yesterday looking like I had rode a horse for 10 hours or something. In my head as I walked I was like step ouch.  step ouch. step ouch. ouch. ouch.

–The Birmingham Bloggers are having a meet up Thursday night and I am super excited! I follow along with so many of them and making new friends is always fun. But, what will I wear?!?! Something that is work appropriate since it is after work.

–Olivia drank out of my water glass the other day. I may have just ignored it and kept drinking out of the glass because, well, lazy.

And now for my weekly confessions in ecards:

I’m that friend…

Go link up with Kathy and disclose all of your confessions!

Vodka and Soda

Plus don’t forget to link up with Liz for the Hump Day Blog Hop!

The Hump Day Blog Hop


Weekend Shenanigans – The One With the Extra Day


Don’t you love waking up on the first day of work for the week and think “It’s not Monday!!!!!” Such a great feeling! Let’s get right to the recap, shall we?

Friday – I got to work super early Friday morning, so I got to leave work early. It was so nice not sitting in the horrible Friday night long weekend traffic. I got home and finished my book, “Attachments” and because I was feeling bad about having to miss my work out that morning…I totally got my work out in too!

Saturday – In the morning I cleaned the house and did some laundry and Chris cut the front yard. I then went shopping for a little while to the Outlets at Grand River and around Trussville. Afterwards, Chris and I had a date night. We went to The Southern Kitchen for dinner. This restaurant is located in Birmingham’s new Uptown District. The restaurant probably deserves a post of it’s own, but here is a mini version…

The inside:



The Menu:20140527-062836-23316990.jpg


The Patio:20140527-062837-23317910.jpg


The Food:



We sat outside on the patio, as it was a bit loud inside the restaurant. We only had to wait about 5 minutes for a table, which isn’t bad for a Saturday night in Birmingham. I assume it is because it was Memorial Day weekend and a lot of people were out of town.

Chris ordered the Blackened Grouper with a side of Macaroni and Cheese and I ordered the Savannah Salad (spinach, strawberries, pecans with balsamic dressing) and a cup of Corn Chowder. Both of our meals were great! That was the best corn chowder I have EVER had. There were several more things on the menu that I would love to try, like the Jackson Burger that has pimento cheese and a Brioche bun with hand cut jalapeno honey fries or the Ribeye Macaroni and Cheese that has blackened ribeye, conecuh sausage, and smoked gouda with green tomato relish . We will certainly be back!

After dinner, Chris drove me to see the light tunnels. Neither of us had seen them at night and it was on my list of things to do in Birmingham! There are three tunnels total, these are two of them. I took the pictures while the car was moving, so bare with me…







This is the outside of the Baron’s stadium at Region’s Field. So pretty! So fun!



Sunday – Olivia declared Sunday morning playtime. Look at that face!




I did the meal planning and grocery shopping, then headed over to my mom’s for dinner. My sister, her husband and two of their kids came as well as two of my step sisters. It was great to see everyone and the food was excellent.


Monday – Since we were blessed with a third day this weekend, I was NOT going to let it go to waste!!! I did two loads of laundry, cleaned the shit out of the inside of my car as well as Chris’s, washed the outside of mine, came in and did my leg work out then bathed Gracie.

There was also lots of furball shenanigans. I looked outside to see Mac sitting on the table. WTF? I guess since he the mayor of the backyard, he can see more perched upon the table? Such a cutie. A weirdo…but totally cute!


Olivia fell asleep while attempting to crawl half way up the couch.




I bought grapes while I was at the store, but I can never find any organic grapes around these parts. My sister suggested that I take a large bowl, dump about a half a cup of vinegar and about 9 cups of water and let them sit for a few minutes. Afterwards, I rinsed them again with water and drained it. You guys, all the waxy crap was completely gone and they tasted AMAZING!!!! I guess you could do that with other fruits as well to get rid of the nasty pesticides and other crap that is on them!



And I leave you with this: Olivia hiding out in the blankets.



Have a great week! It is already Tuesday, we got this!!!!!


Friday Five Favorites

Well hello there Friday! There is nothing….I say NOTHING better than a Friday with a three day weekend following. Can I get an amen? Well Fridays around these parts tend to be in fives and about favorite things…so here we go!

1. Favorite sound- Kitten purrs. You guys. I can’t even. This little kitten has the cutest purr on the entire planet. She is just a little snuggle muffin (most of the time) and she will just purr and purr and purr.





2. Blog Lovin’ – not the website, actual lovin – I got this tweet from Jana over at The Townhouse Pioneer and it basically made my Wednesday. If you haven’t checked her blog out yet, I don’t know what you are waiting for!? This girl is hilarious, has a great taste in music, appreciates a good beer, and is living the pioneer life like a  boss. If only I could do half of the shit she does. One day….one day.


3. Favorite purchase – I had to stop by TJ Maxx on Monday night to get Gracie a new dog bed. While I was there….it was only right that I look around. I mean, I am pretty sure it is against the law to go to TJ Maxx and not browse every single department. Right? Don’t fight it. Just go with it.


So I found myself a pair of Under Armour shorts that are cut awesome for my legs….and a pair of Roxy flip flops. If these flip flops don’t scream “high school Nadine” I don’t know what does. Seriously, I used to wear a lot of Roxy shit in high school and college. I thought they would be perfect for the beach and casual fast outings.

4. Favorite song- Bitch by Meredith Brooks – Who didn’t sing along to this song at the top of their lungs?!?! Ultimate girl’s night song if you ask me.

Bitch by Meredith Brooks on Grooveshark

5. Favorite New Beauty Product – When I was at Walmart (ughhhhhhh I hate Walmart) to look at litter boxes, I happened to stumble across this chap stick. I love grapefruit and use chapsticks a million times a day so it was a no brainer! I love the scent of this one!


Favorite funnies


I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend!!!!!!

I wore yoga pants