I did it. I finished my third round of Whole 30! After the initial OMG what have I gotten myself into again thoughts on around day three when I would have stabbed someone for a splash of coffee creamer and a hunk of cheese. Or when I had a rough rough rough day at work and I just wanted a damn glass of wine!!!! After those thoughts, I have to admit that this has been my easiest round of Whole 30 to date. The only thing I truly missed was my coffee creamer. Dare I say that I rarely noticed that I wasn’t consuming cheese. I know. Crazy.
I do Whole 30 because it works for me. It detoxes my system and strips away all the cravings for sugar laden foods and reminds me of how awesome my body feels when I am fueling it properly. Do I think Whole 30 is sustainable past the 30 days? Not really. It is very strict and doesn’t allow for any splurges. To me, life is too short not to enjoy things you love. I have so many people who tell me they could never do it because of the cheese or bread restrictions. I used to say the same thing. It is amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it!
I have to say, I feel absolutely AMAZING!!!! The results are in, I lost a total of 8 pounds. It might not be a big number, and I have done better in the past. But I wasn’t surprised when I got on the scale this morning. The truth is, I only worked out twice the entire month. And that was this past Monday and Tuesday. I just haven’t gotten my mojo back yet, and that is going to be my focus for February. If I would have put forth the effort to work out five days a week, I know I would have seen better results. But I am ok with that. You cant put a price on how much energy I have had the last few weeks. How much clearer I am thinking. How I haven’t had single stomach ache all month. I managed to only get slightly sick once, despite the fact that Zoe has brought home a new bug at least once every week. There is something to clean eating!!! That is for sure.
I plan to try and stay 90% paleo now that Whole 30 is over. And I am introducing fitness back into my life after all the laziness on my part over the last year. I will adjust as I see the need once I dive in. And most definitely have a delicious lunch tomorrow with no cares about what is in my food.