

Wednesdays. I want to love them because they are the middle of the week. I also hate them because they are the middle of the week. Either way, I have my pink on so let’s confess a few things.

Today’s work out was lower focus once again. Maybe that is why I am hating on Wednesday, it seems to be what Shaun T asks me to do the last two Wednesdays. Lower focus and ab days kill me. I have never been this sore after a work out in my life, I dont think. (Cue the dramatics. I am pretty sure I have been.) Squat. Lounge. Squat. Lunge. Squat jump. Lounge pulse. JUST KILL ME NOW!!! I went to bend down to fix Chris’s pant leg this morning after my work out and I seriously wanted to cry.

This morning I listened to the entertainment buzz on the way in. I don’t know why, I could give two shits less about most celebrity gossip. They were talking about how parents are upset about Miley’s new tour. I am sorry parents, but why are you bitching? Have you seen her on TV lately? Her tongue is hanging out, she is twerking it with everyone and smoking pot at awards shows. Why the fuck do you think her concerts are going to be rated G?!?!!?! You have no right to bitch about how shocked you were that her concert was inappropriate. She is no longer Hannah Montana.

This morning when I was driving in to work I saw a man walking with his pug down the side of the road and I just wanted to stop and say hi to the little curly tailed dog. He just looked so cute walking along side his human with no cares to give. If you aren’t an animal person, you have no soul.
Maybe I have eaten a version of taco salad five times in the last 10 days. It might also be what is planned for dinner tonight.  What’s it to you? I get on a food kick. I do the same thing with songs I like.
I am legitimately depressed that almost all of our shows are on a mini break right now. I guess it is because of the Olympics, but really….who is actually watching those? Give me back Revenge, Scandal, HIMYM, Big Bang Theory and all of my other regular scheduled programming!!!!
I have a problem with the Puffed Buffalo Wings flavored Goldfish.  I cant stop eating them once I start. Have you tried these things?! They are amazing. I am not buying them anymore. I am pretty sure that fake orange “cheese” flavor is not clean. They might be covered in crack. That is the only reason I can come up with as to why once you pop, you literally can not stop.
Now go link up with the cool people and start your countdown for Friday!


The Hump Day Blog Hop

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  • Reply Joey February 19, 2014 at 3:59 pm

    The miley cyrus thing just baffles me. How are people even 1) still paying attention to her and 2) still shocked by her? I’ll never understand it. I’ve had the urge to run out my front door just to say “HI” to a person’s cute dog as they walk by. But I’m really afraid they’ll start to call me some creepy nickname like we all call my backdoor neighbor the crazy colonel. I accidentally made taco salad for my husband a couple weeks back (he does this weird no carb diet thing–I made myself tacos and was like “oh crap, what do I feed him) and now he’s asked for it almost every single day. I make no judgements on your food kick 😉

  • Reply Ashley @ Married to the Game February 19, 2014 at 3:59 pm

    I hate leg days! Are you talking about insanity? If so, I know exactly which workout you are talking about and ouch!

  • Reply Anna February 19, 2014 at 4:12 pm

    I’m sorry but bitchy parents are the worst!

    And i’m pretty sure ALL goldfish crackers are dipped in crack. You’re right it’s the only explanation.

  • Reply SMD @ Life According to Steph February 19, 2014 at 4:25 pm

    Buffalo wing goldfish say WHAT? I need to find those.

    Seriously parents, get your heads out of your asses in regards to Miley.

  • Reply Stephanie February 19, 2014 at 4:33 pm

    Goldfish are always covered in crack, I can’t buy those things or I’ll eat them all in one sitting. I agree about the food – I could eat the same thing every day for weeks!

  • Reply kathy @ vodka and soda February 19, 2014 at 5:50 pm

    parents need to fucking chill. helicopter parents annoy me. YOUR CHILDREN ARE GOING TO BE EXPOSED TO ALL KINDS OF SHIT THEREFORE, IT’S UP TO YOU TO TEACH THEM TO PAY ATTENTION TO IT OR NOT, not shelter them from life! i straight up told kayla that she will hear all kinds of bad words/see crazy shit but she has to understand that that they are not appropriate and i *explain why* they’re not appropriate. hiding kids from that shit does nothing but make them more curious! when kayla gets to an age (around 7-onwards) where she’ll be seeing a lot more and there’s little i can do about it, you damn straight i will sit her down and talk to her about it. right now, i can control what she sees but not for long. i can talk about this all the live long day.

    and i’m with you on the shows. i know, olympics and patriotic and shit but damn, GIVE ME MY TV BACK!!

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  • Reply Brooks @ The Handey Way February 19, 2014 at 6:35 pm

    It’s insane how much people hate Miley Cyrus, yet all they do is talk about her. Funny how that works right? If she’s too risque for you now, what makes you think her tour will be butterflies and lollipops (G-rated of course).

    Can it be the weekend already?

  • Reply Heidi February 20, 2014 at 2:29 am

    We must both be craving buffalo sauce! I have had the “I’m not going to be able to walk up or down stairs” thought after lots of squats!

  • Reply Helene in Between February 20, 2014 at 2:41 am

    haha that miley pic is so awesome. i love it.

  • Reply Kate February 20, 2014 at 4:27 am

    I miss regularly scheduled programming SO much!! Bring my shows!

  • Reply Amanda February 20, 2014 at 5:09 am

    People who don’t like animals are broken. That’s science. My science.

  • Reply WilliamSuip June 10, 2014 at 8:14 am

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