Hey there! I have been wanting to write sort of a life update post, and I just haven’t sat down to do it. I have been getting a lot of messages on Instagram asking me if I have started a new diet or program recently. The truth is, I am almost two full weeks into it, and I haven’t yet talked about it. I mentioned a few weeks ago that I started seeing a functional medicine doctor. During that visit, I had a lot of blood taken to run labs. She ran everything from vitamin levels, hormones, cholesterol, iron, glucose, thyroid, inflammatory markers, etc. I went back two weeks ago, the day before we left for the beach actually, and got my results. She gave me pages and pages of print outs of my labs. The good news is a lot of my stuff came back great.
The main thing I need to work on is my hormone levels. They are soooooo out of wack. I am very estrogen dominant, and lacking in progestogen. I also have an elevated inflammatory marker. Neither of these things was all that surprising. My doctor said that the best way to regulate hormones is to do intermittent fasting, and make sure I am hitting the correct macronutrients with whole foods. She suggested that I sign up for a round of Faster Way to Fast Loss. As this program does intermittent fasting, carb cycling, macros and fitness. I was already following someone who does rounds of FWTFL so I signed up with her coach and it started the day we were traveling back from the beach. (Last Monday)
I will be honest and say that I lacked planning last week as I tried to reacclimate myself back into work and our routines after a few fabulous days at the beach. I didn’t quite hit my macros those days. I did get in all the FWTFL workouts, and this week I have been killing it on all fronts. I also committed to doing a mile a day in May with Heather from My Life Well Loved.
I will definitely come back and share my thoughts on the whole program after I have completed the six weeks. So far, I am really enjoying it, I have already seen results, and I like the workouts way more than I thought I would. I am happy to answer any questions in my DMs about it.
Favorite Finds: Since I am striving to hit all the macros, I am basically having a smoothie every day. There are so many combinations, so you don’t get bored. I didn’t want to clean out the huge Ninja blender every day, so I grabbed this one. It has been perfect and I highly recommend if you are in the market. It is on sale right now here, this is how much I paid for it.
I really want some platform sneakers for summer, and I saw these styled several ways. Love the espadrille look of them, and they are such a great price! They just really elevate any outfit.
I grabbed this sports bra and plan to get more from them. Really holds the girls in place and perfect for my strength days to keep everything divided and comfortable, especially when I am doing upper body. I also love them for walking/jogging. I cant do the regular sports bras that squish everything into a uniboob. You big chested ladies know what I mean! Bonus for certain colors being on sale! But worth it full price too. I am slowly replacing all my old ones with this type.
Favorite Listen: I really enjoyed this episode on the Well Fed Women podcast. She interviews Dr. Aviva Romm, who I follow on Instagram and have listened to on other podcasts. There is so much good information in this one on hormones, PCOS, endometriosis, and other nuggets pertaining to women’s health. There are a lot episodes that are on this podcast I want to go back to listen to. But if you are having any issues with your period, hormones, etc, I would definitely check out this specific episode.

Favorite Recipe: This recipe for chocolate peanut butter chia seed pudding has been going strong for something extra to hit my macros. A throw back from when we used to swap recipes on Tuesdays with Kate and Emily!
Favorite Funnies:

Linking up for Friday Favorites! I want to wish all your ladies out there who are moms a very Happy Mother’s Day! No matter what stage of motherhood you are rocking, you are a superstar to your kiddo(s) and I hope you have someone in your life telling you that on the regular.
Good sports bras for big boobed people are so hard to find – I’ll have to check those out! So glad that program is working out for you!! Those sneakers are so cute – I love them! I may need to get myself a pair too! That’s so me on the are you busy tomorrow? Tell me what you want me to do, and then I’ll let you know. Hope you guys have a good weekend!
I find it hard to get a good sports bra and I’m an A-cup lol. I hate hate hate ones that are too tight so I rarely bother looking for new ones.
I make a smoothie almost every day..so I definitely clean the blender a lot.
I cant wait to hear your thoughts on FWTFL and all our results!! I have yet to find a good sports bra – its like a unicorn to find LOL
I will be anxious to see how the FWTFL went. I saw you post a bit about it this morning. I haven’t found a good sports bra since my VS ones and they are not as good as they used to be.
Ooh I’m curious about those sports bras. I could really use some new ones!