
Life In Numbers – Quarantine Edition


5 – the time I wake up in the AM to get my workout on and start work before Zoe wakes up

7 – the number of days a week UPS, USPS, FedEx and Prime deliver packages to our house

32 – the amount of snacks Zoe asks for in a day (probably not accurate, but it sure feels like it)

3 – the number of cups of coffee I drink in a day. Minimum.

3249875 – amount of times I wash my hands a day

15 – number of times a day I wonder how life will ever go back to normal after this

2 – number of times I hide in the bathroom or closet to take a breather each day

35 – how many books I have read so far this year

12,466 – steps I averaged each day for the month of April

4– times I have done my makeup since March 13

18 – how many times a day Zoe changes her clothes

64 – days I went without Diet Coke before I caved and ordered three cases on a Sunday for Shipt to deliver

10 – number of years I have lived in Birmingham and how old Mac is going to be in August

22.5 – amount of inches I have lost around my body from 1/11/2020 to 5/19/2020

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  • Reply Andrea Nine May 20, 2020 at 6:57 am

    You’re AHHHMAZING! This was so fun and I can truly relate! I can also see Zoe changing her clothes a lot! Bless her!

  • Reply Biana May 20, 2020 at 10:56 am

    UMMM the amount of inches is insane!! I consume one can of coke a day – we have so many cans to deposit when this is done LOL!! I need a breather like 100 times a day 🙂 xo, Biana

  • Reply Kate May 20, 2020 at 11:16 am

    Get it girl with the steps and the loss of inches! AMAZING! And the snacking is out of control – as I type this she literally just asked for more of what she already has.

  • Reply laura May 20, 2020 at 11:19 am

    LOL 7 days a week delivery — us too!! If I had fun costumes to change into 18 times a day, I’d totally do it too.

  • Reply Danielle May 20, 2020 at 7:20 pm

    I was very similar on my makeup situation, but I started to do my makeup at least partially everyday starting this week. Just in case we go back into the office soon which they say might happen in June. My kids eat thousands of snacks too. And we get deliveries everyday now. Ha.

  • Reply Kristin May 22, 2020 at 10:41 am

    If there’s a day when we don’t get a package, I think something is up.

    Our dog turns 7 next week and I’m in denial.

  • Reply Rebecca Jo Vincent May 22, 2020 at 2:05 pm

    Good for you doing those work outs early!!!
    I have had ZERO days of putting on make up – even thought last night I need to order new mascara since it is probably getting all dried up.
    3 coffee’s minimum is a requirement for a new mommy!

  • Reply ShootingStarsMag May 24, 2020 at 11:09 pm

    Look at you and your steps! And congrats on the inches lost. I’m obsessed with Coke Zero and I really need to knock it off. LOL Besides that though, I mostly stick to water, so you know, I’ll take it.


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