Happy Friday! This month is flying right on by. A little coffee chat is in order, no? Want to see how random I can get….here we go! This week Zoe had spring pictures and cap and gown pictures. I can’t believe she is graduating preschool and we will be registering her for kindergarten. I am so not ready for this and in complete denial.
Zoe’s Sandals / Dress is from local children’s boutique
I had an eye doctor appointment last week, and my glasses came in. I ordered a pair of regular ones, but also prescription sunglasses. If you have been on the fence about prescription sunglasses before, just do it! They are seriously life changing!!!!
Other than that, I have just been busy working, chauffeuring Zoe around to school, gymnastics and dance. Trying to find shoes that fit that kids foot. I feel like every time we finally have all the different ones she needs for different outfits/occasions….she will wake up one morning and none of them fit. How does this even happen?? Her foot runs a little wide and I have the hardest time with some shoes. Any mommas out there with the same issue? She still has a toddler wide foot, but is in bigger girl sized shoes now. It makes it difficult. If you have any brand suggestions, let me know!
I had lunch with a friend yesterday, it was so good for my soul. Hopefully we can be back to having lunch regularly. It works out that she works in the city I live in, making it super easy to run out for a little while in the middle of the day. I think we are going to try to go shopping next week for lunch! Making time for girls lunch and dates with your husband are important!
Have you ever heard of color analysis? You consider different things about yourself, like you eyes, skin tone, hair color, etc and find the right color palette that suits your coloring best. I am always fascinated by stuff like this. I truly feel that if you are wearing the right colors that make you happy and feel good on the outside, you feel better and are more confident on the inside too. Anyways, I did a deep dive into all of this a few weeks ago and I really enjoyed a few sources out there that offer free advice. Getting professionally analyzed costs mega bucks I wasn’t willing to throw down. This is as easy as uploading a photo and grabbing swatches from your skin, hair and eyes. Based on this, I am a cool summer.

Let me know if you take the quiz and what palette you are.
I also really liked the spring/summer capsule wardrobe that Erin Busbee put out. Do you look at capsule wardrobes to get inspiration for your own? I actually have a few similar pieces in this collection. I am not the person who could live off a capsule wardrobe, but I like the idea of them. At least having pieces that are effortlessly mix and match.
Favorite Finds: These slides are on my wish list for spring/summer in gold. I have had my eye on them for awhile, and they were actually part of the capsule collection I shared above too.
I have had it on my heart for awhile to sit with God in the mornings. I found this devotional and it has really been speaking to me. Just taking that quiet time in the mornings has been helping to quiet my mind and prepare me for the day.

This neck cream & chest cream has been a win. It is very affordable (under $10) and hasn’t caused my skin to break out, rash or act weird. Neck creams can be very temperamental for whatever reason.

Favorite Recipe: I am once again in a meal planning funk. Why is it so exhausting to come up with breakfast, lunch and dinner for a family for the week, every week??? I start getting stuck in a rut, or nothing sounds good, items being out of stock at the grocery store, the sheer amount we have to spend at the grocery store. It is all too much sometimes, you know? Anyways. I pinned a bunch of new shit in hopes that I will be inspired. This pad thai chicken recipe looks good.
Favorite Workout: Wooooo this leg day I felt for two days after. You know you worked hard when that happens! Admittedly, I haven’t kept up with the 12 weeks, but I have chosen several days from the plan to incorporate into my week. I usually work out Monday-Friday and take Saturday and Sunday to rest.
Favorite Funnies:

Linking up for Friday Favorites!!! It is a rainy one here today, but looks like the weekend will be nice. Hopefully we can get in a playdate tomorrow with friends and find some other fun to get up to. I hope you all have a great weekend!