Happy Friday! Can you believe it is Thanksgiving next week??? Totally blows my mind. I didn’t even realize that until this past weekend. We were talking about the upcoming things going on and Thanksgiving was one of them and I thought we had more time, but nope!
Which means Zoe’s birthday is also around the corner. I cannot believe she is going to be five. FIVE!!!! Where is the time going???? I am majorly behind on planning her birthday party. Mainly because I wasn’t sure if we were even going to have one? I usually start planning 6 months out or so, at least having a theme locked down and a few decorations purchased. We are like 2 weeks away now and I am just starting the planning process. I am pretty sure it can come together. She wants to have a fairy party. I have so many ideas, I am having a hard time nailing down which ones. Now is crunch time and I just need to make some decisions.
Zoe’s school emailed us a schedule for December because there are a lot of activities going on. She is going to be in a Christmas play! Also, Santa and the Grinch are both supposed to visit them in the same week. I started crying when I saw that, because I know that she is going to be SO EXCITED to see them both. We missed so much last year, that I will be taking none of this for granted and am apparently an emotional mess over it. I will probably cry during her play too because I have turned into such a sap.
Anyways, I am really excited for all of that! Not to mention, Jerry the Elf will be arriving in a little over a week. I have been trying to plan out all of that as well, it is much more manageable when you have a plan!!! We will have a Welcome Breakfast for him the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Zoe has mentioned him several times since last Christmas when he went home to the North Pole. She says she misses him, so I cannot wait to see her face that morning when he returns. He always brings her Christmas jammies and a book that day.

Favorite Purchase: Walmart has been killing it lately. I grabbed this wreath for under $15. It is the same size as many I have seen at Target and other places for $40. Such a steal.

I also love this sweater so much, I ordered it in two colors (black and white). Another great find, under $20! The fit is supposed to be tighter on the arms and loose and flowy in the parts you want to hide. Perfect for holiday meals!
I am not big into wearing pajamas. I prefer under armor shorts or leggings and sweatshirts in the winter. Enter this Santa Baby sweatshirt! How cute?!?! I cant wait to wear this along with Zoe in her Christmas pjs, baking cookies and watching movies.

This snow leopard throw is truly beautiful in person and looks/feels much more expensive than it was. Can you believe it was $15?!?! This would make an amazing gift for someone. It is so soft and comes in a few other prints. It even came on a hanger. I took a few photos of it, but it was dark and raining that day, so it is coming across slightly darker in color than it really is in person.
Favorite Workout: For the month of November, Heather Robinson has been posting a 10 minute workout everyday. These are perfect for someone who is short on time or just starting out and doesn’t want to commit to the 30-60 minutes workouts. These also work great to pair together a few different ones, or do one of these and then go take a walk.
Favorite Funnies:

Linking up for Friday Favorites. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!